Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 368 Three Things

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\u0026 # 160; "First thing! You can't tell anyone what happened yesterday."

Li nodded slowly, "Of course there is no problem, what else is there?"

"The second thing is that you have to stand by my family from now on. Although my father is helping the Principality of Arubares now, no one knows what will happen next. What will happen next? , I ask you to help our family!"

"What about this? I can promise you." Li continued to nod.

"The third thing is, if Angel runs into trouble in the future, I want you to help me!" Timaria said word by word.

Li hummed, "These three requests are very simple, but I also have conditions. I guarantee that only the two of us know what happened yesterday. After that, I can also help your father reach the top of the world, but I ask that you can be used The power of the family, and... I want you to marry me!"

Timaria nodded slowly at first, but when she heard the last sentence, she almost jumped up in anger. She stared at Li and took two steps left and right. It seemed that she wanted to chop Li with a knife, but At this moment, Li looked unconcerned, as if he didn't take Timaria into his eyes at all.

"You are wishful thinking!" Timaria almost yelled.

And Li slowly yawned, "It's not me, Miss Timaria, of course we can discuss this matter. But in the end, although you have some strength, you are just a spoiled young lady who likes to run rampant. That's all. You act impulsively and are willful. Although you are a bit handsome, you are too barbaric. In this way, if you cooperate with me but don't listen to me, it will be like bringing a time bomb. If you want to let I agree to your request, but the most basic thing is that you have to listen to me. Don’t worry, I will not use this treaty to take advantage of you, but you have to obey my command on some issues!"

Timaria looked at Li. Her body was shaking a little at this time, but she still seemed to have suppressed her anger. Although what Li said was not polite at all, she understood that what Li said was right.

Timaria took a deep breath, "Okay! I agree to your request!"

Li smiled calmly, "Where do you plan to go now?"

There was confusion in Timaria's eyes, "I don't want to go back to the family now. If I go back like this, I will probably be told by my eldest brother that I have no future, and I can't even take you back."

Li nodded gently, "In this case, I'll leave first. What happens next..."

Timaria immediately shouted, "Stop! Don't think about running away, I want to go with you now! Although you just said you promised me, who knows if you will suddenly regret it!"

Li nodded, "Since you want to follow me, then let's do it. We might as well go and deal with Saga and Mu first. As long as you are here, even if those two idiots can find tricks, they won't be able to escape. As for these treasures, I think you and I don't like them, so just bury them here. As for the materials on Index, these are just the more valuable eyes, and the rest will be thrown here. Bar!"

"Don't worry, as long as I'm here, those two people can't get out of this forest." Timaria said softly.

In the forest, Leila, or rather the system, was traveling quickly, and the bone dragon Mengnan was following her with some difficulty.

"Master Leila! What are we going to do?" Meng Nan asked with mental fluctuations while struggling to follow Leila's footsteps.

Leila's mental fluctuations immediately responded, "Of course, go deal with those two idiot apostles!"

Mengnan asked, "But didn't Li say he wanted to ask the two apostles questions? If you did this, wouldn't he be angry?"

Leila sneered at this time, "Of course I will keep their lives, but I will give their power to me, so that the two groups will not fight directly after meeting. That woman has no idea of ​​the importance." , if he is beaten to death, it will ruin things."

In fact, Li Ye never thought that the two apostles who had fallen into a weak state would actually run so fast. It took them most of the day to catch up, and they could not catch up with them until the evening.

In fact, if Li hadn't counter-tracked the explorer in Saga's hand, the two of them would have really thought that they were chasing in the wrong direction.

At this time, the setting sun dyed the entire mountain forest into a golden color, which looked quite peaceful.

Li wasn't too worried about the two guys being able to escape from the forest, so he directly proposed to camp here and rest. Li then shot two wild animals and lit a fire in the open space. Rabbit. Although this is a rabbit, its body is more than half a meter long, almost the same as a deer. At this time, Li was roasting this rabbit leisurely, but Timaria was not here.

After Timaria stopped at this time, she said she wanted to take a bath, which was why they chose to rest here. There was a stream hundreds of meters away, which could satisfy Timaria's desire to take a bath.

Li Ziran had a way to peek at Timaria taking a bath, but he was not in the mood at this time. Besides, he had just coaxed Timaria into his chariot. If If it is angered, it will really be worth the loss.

Besides, which part of Timaria from top to bottom did he not look at carefully yesterday?

Li shook his head gently at this moment, and then heard the sound coming from far away.

There was a scream of some kind of monster before it died. The two apostles had some brains, and deliberately found a route with many high-level monsters, hoping to use these monsters to delay Li's pursuit, or to make Li retreat in spite of difficulties.

But Li has already made up his mind to kill them. No matter how far they run, they will definitely die!

Although there are many monsters along the way, there is also an advantage, that is, the beasts here are also very big, such as the rabbit that Li is roasting. ..

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