Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 373 Torture

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Li quickly blocked Timaria who almost fell into a rage. He was also sweating violently at this time. Originally, Li knew that taking Timaria with him would cause big problems in some situations, but he did not expect that this problem would come from this part. , Li was speechless for a while looking at the two guys with dead-looking faces in front of him who were not afraid of boiling water.

Although he didn't know how Leila took away their magic power and what he was going to do with it, what was so troublesome now was that he didn't know what method to use to ask them. The magic power is deep, and Li has countless ways to make them reach the peak of pain without breaking down mentally.

But now that they have lost all their magic power, Qian Li has no idea what to do.

Li touched his chin and looked at the two guys in front of him, then sighed slightly, "Two adults, to be honest, I know that you are not afraid of death at all. It can even be said that death is just life to you. It’s just a part of the world. Let me think about it. Who is your master? It must not be Zeref, right? He is just Zeref, and he is the Zeref who bears the name of the Anxelam Cult. I once I have heard the conversation between him and Ankselam. He did not give the power of faith to Ankselam, but gave it to others or himself. He does not have a godhead, and the power of faith has no influence on him. It’s useless, so there is a very powerful god above you, right?”

Both apostles remained silent.

"Let me think about it, well, during my conversation with Princess Layla, I once heard such a word, the God of Destruction and Chaos, the God of Creation and Order... I think what you believe in is the God of Creation and Order. God, right? You will be re-created in the divine realm of that god after your death, right?"

The two apostles remained silent.

Li Hehe smiled, "Not only will you not suffer the loss of strength when you are re-created, you may become even more powerful, just like some heroic spirits in mythology... How about this, you tell me the secret , I will let you successfully return to the divine realm of the gods you believe in, is this a good deal?" Li said softly, like a snake tempting Eve.

Hearing what Li said, Saga and Mu's expressions changed.

"Okay! Don't waste your breath. If you want to kill us, then do it quickly." Mu said coldly.

"Two Apostles, this... As the saying goes, it's too clear for everyone. Even if I'm just an ordinary person, I do know a little about things between gods. What Zeref is doing now It's very simple. It is to worship other gods in the name of Anxeram. To put it into perspective, it is actually possible. The name of the god can be the name of others, but! The doctrine and the statue of the god must be that of the god who is believed in. In this way Having said that, you two must also abide by the teachings of the Anxelam Cult that I saw, right? I remember that there was such an article in the teachings of the Anxeram Cult, and that was the greatest sin. It is suicide. Those who commit suicide will fall into hell forever and will never be able to reach the divine realm. They will be burned by the devil's fire for the rest of their lives and will never have a chance to escape..."

Before Li finished speaking, the faces of the two apostles became even more embarrassed.

"Okay, okay, of course you two will not commit suicide. After all, you have been tied here for more than a day and you have not tried to escape. Let's think about it from another angle. This topic is... how about How can we let the two souls fall into hell? Let me think about it, five of the seven deadly sins are unforgivable, two sins can be forgiven after countless hardships, and the four unclean sins are One of them can be forgiven, and the other three cannot be forgiven. Oh, by the way, heresy and blasphemy are also absolutely unacceptable. Well, having said that, I need to continue talking. Or should the two adults talk about it themselves? "

"The crimes you mentioned can indeed cause people to fall into hell forever, but none of the crimes you mentioned can be imposed on us! We are indeed extremely cruel to pagans, but that is God's will!" Mu yelled.

"Yes, yes, there is no limit to lewdness, endless killings, and murders all over the house... As long as you are a pagan, there is no sin in religion..." Li stood up slowly and walked to Timaria's side.

"Timaria, okay, I'm going to talk to them about something very secret below. I'm worried that you will feel uncomfortable after reading it. Are you... going out for a transfer?"

Listening to Li's words, Timaria couldn't help but open her eyes wide. She looked very surprised.

"Hey, Li, you don't have that kind of interest in the two of them, do you?" Timaria opened her mouth wide, as if she had seen something terrible.

Li couldn't laugh or cry, thinking that Timaria's imagination was really good.

"Timaria! Where did you think you were going! I just wanted to scare them!"

Timaria nodded slightly, then turned around and left.

Watching Timaria walk away, Li immediately squatted in front of the two apostles. At this time, Li's eyes were very ambiguous, as if he was looking at some toy, which made these two guys very creepy.

Li gently raised a finger, and then a flame began to slowly burn on Li's finger. The flame was so red that it seemed to be alive, jumping and trying to jump out of Li's body. He pointed his fingers at the two apostles in front of him. The two apostles couldn't help but widen their eyes, looking at Li as if they were looking at some monster.

In fact, the two apostles were already sweating like rain at this time.

Look away

Holding the flame on his finger, he said softly, "You probably know what this thing is, right? Infinite karma fire, no matter how much merit you have, no matter how big your background is, no matter what status you have, As long as it is stained with the flame of infinite karma..." ..

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