Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 379 Collection? still……

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The beginning of the story is very simple. After the unprecedentedly powerful Babylon took away most of the human forces, it began to point its finger at other alien races. Most of the alien races had a contemptuous attitude towards human beings. Their talents in magic are incomparable to those of foreign races.

At that time, it was only after the alien races were defeated and even annihilated one by one that these races began to think about whether to unite to fight against Babylon. However, at that time, when I looked around, I could no longer find any so-called allies, so these races only Able to seek asylum.

But to be fair, no one on the entire continent dared to confront Babylon at that time...

But there is one, and that is the Behemoth City-State Alliance in the great desert.

These races entered the desert with great hardships, and countless people died. In the end, Behemoth agreed to their request, but Behemoth also put forward a condition.

That is, every race must dedicate its own king.

In the eyes of those foreign races, this request is quite rude. Why should you dedicate yourself to the king of your own race? At that time, several races refused Behemoth's request and left directly. However, Behemoth did not embarrass them. He just said that as long as any race is willing to dedicate its king, then he can let that race Go to a safe place.

In this case, some people sacrificed their lives, and some tribal leaders were pushed out by their cronies. At that time, the elves did not have a king. At that time, the king of the elves died in the Babylonian offensive. , the entire elven clan relied on the leadership of the Elders Council to reach this point.

In the end, everyone among the elves discussed it and directly made a still young Azshara the new Elf King. However, Behemoth did not say anything and directly sent people to escort these aliens. They took them out of the sea and let them make ships to go to the foreign continent where they are now.

As for the kings left behind by those races...

According to Azshara, those kings were actually left behind by Behemoth as an army.

That's right, the army, the leaders of these foreign races were finally organized into a special army. They were sealed in a place, waiting to wake up.

What Behemoth told them at that time was that the Behemoth City-State Alliance would face a huge disaster that could not be prevented in the future. At that time, the entire dynasty would be caught up in it, so they could only rely on the power of others. Such as these leaders.

Behemoth also agreed at the time, and they would regain their freedom when the crisis was resolved.

However, these leaders could not say anything. After all, they had to bow their heads under the roof of others.

Azshara was also one of them. When Li's whistle blew, Azshara woke up from the seal, but Li was silent after hearing this.

Seal? Is there any seal that can seal away a living thing for hundreds of years? And it can make them immortal?

Li looked at the elf up and down. This elf was indeed stunningly beautiful. It shouldn't be like a bait. After all, it makes sense that the number of elves on this continent is less than the number of countries. One such elf could probably replace a small country. . No one should be willing to throw out such a bait and let themselves step into the trap, right?

However, Li Daopai was still a little worried, "But why are you the only one coming out?"

Azshara shook her head gently, "I don't know this either, because I was sealed in the corridor at that time and was separated from other people. Otherwise, why don't I take you to go and have a look?"

Hearing what Azshara said, Lihetimalia looked at each other, and there was indeed a ghost.

This is obviously a posture that wants to lead Li into the encirclement.

However, at this time, Li had absorbed the Blood Essence Stone in Index's body. Although his strength was not as good as when he was at full strength, at least he couldn't say who he was afraid of now.

Then he nodded to Timaria, "Okay, let's go along."

Azshara's eyes widened at this time, "No need to go, that place is right here."

Hearing what Azshara said, Li was also stunned, "You said it was here, but why did you come from outside."

Azshara lowered her head, "Actually, I can't be counted as the Elf King. After all, my strength is only at that level. So I am not so much one of the army, but more of a leader. I I am not sealed with those tribal kings. I am sealed outside. Following the operation of this magic circle, my seal will be lifted, and then I will come to see you and point out where those people are. These... …Don’t you know?”

Li was stunned for a moment, is that so?

Li shook his head slowly. If he tried to show off at this moment, he might be out of his true form. "I only learned what kind of king I am some time ago..."

Azshara opened her mouth wide, "How could this happen, but there is no other way, let's just wait here for the moonlight to come."

Li was stunned for a moment, "Moonlight?"

"Yes," Azshara pointed to the giant tree and said slowly, "The gate to the sealed land can only be opened at night."

Li nodded gently. Since he had come to this step, it didn't matter if the next thing happened. Soon it was night. As Azshara said, the trajectory of the entire magic circle seemed to be... Some changes have taken place. Li frowned and looked at the giant tree.

, In fact, with the moonlight shining now, the magic circle's originally sufficient magic power is quickly dissipating.

I have never heard of this method. The same magic circle will undergo different degrees of conversion in the moonlight and sunlight branches. What kind of method is this?

As the moon above her head became brighter and brighter, Azshara directly planted a branch on the ground, then glanced at the shadow cast by the branch on the ground, and stood up directly: "Okay, it's time!". .

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