Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 384: Dead bodies

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Li looked at the Chimera in front of him and sighed slightly, "Suddenly I have a bad feeling... There shouldn't be a few living creatures here, right?"

Listening to what Li said, Timaria was also stunned. He also shuddered when looking at the huge creature in front of him. In fact, such a monster, let alone a group, even if there are only seven or eight, it can sweep away ten thousand people. Is it a big army?

But they were still defeated by the Babylonian troops led by Acunologia, and they even went to another country without any dignity.

In order to keep his tribe alive, he had to seal himself here, not even knowing whether he would wake up again.

And the only huge state machine that can compete with Babylon is now in unprecedented danger. How can two people save that country by relying on themselves and Li?

Timaria glanced at Li and said, "It's not as good as us..."

At this time, Li continued to lead two people towards the inside. At this time, there were still a large number of huge races inside. Most of these races had a body length of nearly fifteen meters. They were very huge. At first glance, they were the largest among all races. The outstanding ones, such as the huge earth dragon, can no longer be seen on the current continent.

What are the earth dragons like now? A body length of four or five meters is already quite impressive.

It seems that these races here are actually very intelligent and have extremely high bloodlines. Otherwise, they would not be treated as alien races by Babylon.

Along the way, after passing more than a dozen huge transparent covers, everyone saw a metal sign embedded on the ground. After Azshara took a look at it, she murmured, "This is... Yalong Race sealed area..."

Li looked back and saw that each of the dozens of creatures in the huge transparent cover was a powerful being that shocked Fengyun. Even the weaker ones had nearly seventeen levels of strength. Among them, the most powerful ones, With at least level 18 strength, it can be said that if you get them, you will have a considerable foothold on this continent.

But now their bodies have lost all the breath of life. They should have died a few years ago. In fact, as long as they have not died, no matter how weak they are, Li will still have a way to save them. But since they have Completely dead, there is no other way.

Li looked forward, and there were still a large number of glass covers in front of him. However, Li took a step forward and was stunned, because the huge creature that appeared in front of Li was definitely not something that would attack Behemoth. The existence of the Si Dynasty asking for help is clearly a dragon, yes, it is definitely a dragon.

Although Li didn't feel the slightest breath of life on its body, Li could still feel the faint dragon power emanating from it. There was no introduction under the glass cover at the beginning.

No, it's not that there is no introduction, but that for some unknown reason, someone has crossed out all the text on those metal plates.

Li looked at the huge dragon in front of him. There was no doubt that it was a giant dragon with wind attributes, and its aura was very pure.

Continuing walking, it was an earth-attributed dragon, and then a fire-attributed dragon. Walking down like this, I couldn't help but feel a chill in my heart. Damn I didn't expect to kick the iron plate this time.

Please, although I don’t know what means the Behemoth dynasty used to capture these dragons and even make them look like this.

But Behemoth definitely has the strength to challenge the entire dragon clan. Otherwise, if so many dragon clan corpses were made like this, the dragon clan wouldn't explode.

Soon, when Li reached the end of the row, he saw a metal sign. Azshara said softly, "Dragon Corpse Collection Area."

Li nodded slightly after hearing this, is it true? This is not just a place to seal insignificant leaders, there are also collections from the Behemoth Dynasty.

These dragons are naturally their most precious collections.

Now I want to think about whether I want to continue on this road. After all, these things that appear now are no longer something that I can handle alone. Even with Timaria, I'm afraid Not enough either.

But now is not the time to just give up. After all, there are so many transparent covers here. Apart from the specimens, there may be a few of the sealed leaders alive.

Li immediately turned around this row, and then looked at the other row. Starting from this row were a large number of humanoid alien races, including dwarves, orcs, winged men and other powerful races. Although these races could not compete with those sub-dragons. , but their strength is quite strong.

But everything made Li very disappointed. At least from this point of view, no one among these ordinary aliens could survive.

After turning the hall in a circle like this, Li also frowned involuntarily. Yes, this is too strange. If this place is really prepared to wait for the new king to save the city-state of Behemoth. As for the ice house, then why is there not a single person who can survive now?

Li frowned and looked around here again, and then he was stunned. It was not that there were no alien leaders alive here, because Li saw a special thing here, and the other transparent covers were all intact. , but Li saw a broken...

That's right, a broken transparent cover

Li looked at the two-meter-high glass cover in front of him and frowned. He looked at the fragments on the ground, picked them up and touched them. The texture was very brittle, and it was definitely not on the same level as other transparent covers, at least. If you want to save these people, you will never use a glass cover of this level. ..

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