Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 386 Underground World

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At this time, Li frowned and turned around in the circle. There was no way for the magic circle to hide from the eyes of that kind of magic master, not to mention that Li was quite accomplished in this area.

After he pondered for a while, he walked directly to the edge of the circle, reached out and took off the magic crystal on it, and changed its position with the other magic crystals. When he took off the magic crystal, the light in the sky turned out to be... It dimmed, but when Li put the other magic crystals back, the light in the sky returned to its original state.

However, after moving the magic crystal for a while, I could only hear the sound of gears turning.

Timaria also looked nervous at this time, holding the sword in her hand tightly. In fact, she didn't know what to do now. This was the first time for her to encounter this situation. Now we can only go straight away.

Li listened to the clicking sound and immediately understood that the passage was definitely underground. Then he moved the crystals again, and then changed their order again. After trying dozens of different transformations , everyone felt their feet shaking, and then heard a violent clicking sound, and then with this circle as the center, the stone slabs sank downwards piece by piece. As expected, Li stood up, This magic circle is not fixed and integrated.

As long as they are arranged in a special way, the switch on the floor can be triggered. At this time, with the clicking sound, the circle begins to rotate autonomously, and then the magic crystals in the sky dim one by one, and then The changes on the ground became more and more huge, and finally a huge staircase hole appeared in front of the three people.

The hole leading to the underground is nearly twenty meters wide, which seems to be enough for those huge creatures to enter the hall.

Timaria took a deep breath at this time, and then unscrewed a light rod. Although the light in the sky was still there, it was already quite weak. "It seems that this is the transportation port."

Li frowned, "Don't panic, you can see that the entrance of this hole is clearly going all the way down. I originally thought that the entrance would be on the wall... Forget it, it's useless to think about it now, you two One must be careful to know what is going on down there.”

Timaria nodded slightly at this time. She understood that this place was no better than the outside. Even if she encountered something outside and wanted to run away, there was no place to run in this underground space.

This giant step seems to be wide enough. Let alone the three of them pass through here, even if a dragon really climbs through here, there will be no problem.

This time everyone went all the way down and walked a considerable distance. With the feeling of distance, they went at least ten meters deeper into the ground. Finally, the steps reached the end. At this time, the terrain finally became flat again. .

Just when everyone breathed a sigh of relief, there was a sudden kaka sound behind them. However, after the magic circle opened the underground passage, the balance it originally maintained was broken and its magic power was exhausted. , counting now, everyone has once again fallen into a situation with no way out.

Timaria didn't speak at this time, but silently took out another light rod and gave it away. Now there is no light at all. If it is said that before, Timaria only opened one because she thought that there was no light here. If there is no danger, then now is the time when anything can happen.

Although that Azshara looks charming and charming, but after all, who knows who she is, if someone really comes to frame that guy Ogast, I will become a burial object. .

Finally, after walking for nearly an hour, the steps reached the end, and a wide corridor appeared in front of everyone. This was a corridor with a width of ten meters. It really looked like it was used when carrying large items. Walking in the passage, three people gathered together. On both sides of the passage, huge pillars stood tall. Each pillar here was about five meters thick. It was these pillars that supported This is a wide corridor, but although the pillars are thick, at this time, the quality is obviously not good.

When people walk by, as long as they move more vigorously, some debris will fall on these pillars. It seems that not to mention a kick, even a hard stomp on the ground can knock down several pillars.

"Let's go quickly. These pillars here don't look good anymore. If something happens, I'll probably be buried alive. I can't die because I'm afraid of you two..." Li's expression changed when he said this It is also quite bad. Although it is said that you can find other roads through this corridor, it is difficult to say whether you can still get out at the other end of the corridor.

Timaria and Azshara also became nervous, and they all quickened their pace and started walking.

Fortunately, this huge passage is not that long. It is only one thousand meters in total. Soon everyone reached the end, but everyone's expressions changed when they looked at the thing at the end. In fact, A kind of despair welled up in Timaria's heart. ,

Because the thing in front of you is another door, and like the previous one, it is still made of fine gold.

Who knows where that Behemoth got so much fine gold to build the door casually.

Li was also shocked when he saw this door just now, but in an instant, he let out a sigh. Although this thing was indeed made of fine gold, Li saw this door.

It's open.

Yes, Li saw that it was indeed open. No wonder Timaria. After all, human vision is limited, and Li has the Sharingan, so his observation ability is naturally better than Timaria. . ..

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