Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 399 Natural Enemies

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Although I and Zeref are now on complete opposites, to be fair, if this guy really comes out, it won't be a continent-level disaster, it will be a plane-level disaster. Got it!

Whoever dares not to take action at that time will just stay at home and wait to die!

This time, someone was chasing after them desperately, so everyone's speed was much happier than before. Soon everyone's eyes lit up, and they crawled back into the cave with the dead soul worm again.

But last time, everyone jumped up from below, but this time they fell from above. Looking at the height of two hundred meters, Timaria's face suddenly turned pale. Li took a deep breath, He forcibly mobilized the magic power again. This time, he felt that all the magic power obtained from Index in his body was used up, but now there was no way to survive.

Then Li released a levitation spell on himself, Timaria and Azshara respectively. Although this magic could not make people fly, it could delay the tendency of falling.

As soon as the three people came down from the hole, they saw a flame suddenly spurting out. The flame was dark red as a whole and extremely powerful. Timaria felt inexplicably trembling in front of this breath. What on earth was this guy? What monster?

Li snorted and directly removed the floating technique on his body. He pulled the two people's bodies and quickly fell downwards. Just when the three of them landed, a huge head appeared from the entrance of the hole. stretched out.

In this space, a huge head suddenly jumped from the height of the ceiling. It was really as scary as it could be.

That is a huge snake head! There is a crown-like thing on the huge head. This guy's snake head alone is almost pure white. I understand that its current power has reached the level of a saint, but it should not have evolved to the limit yet. Degree.

If the entire plane worked together, this guy would definitely die! But the question now is whether I can get him out, or whether I have the ability to escape from its mouth!

If it were Li before, there would definitely be no problem, but now his strength is less than one-third of what he was in his heyday, and he has no way to use magic. He can only use some simple ninjutsu and pupil techniques. Quite sad.

At this time, the guy opened his mouth and laughed wildly, "Hahahaha, little ones, keep running, let me see what kind of abilities you have!"

It almost glanced at Li's figure. It slowly stuck out its tongue, and then suddenly rushed towards Li, but it couldn't move much. Li sneered, "This guy is stuck, the three of us Go separately, and be sure to get out of the way when you see the Dead Soul Insect. Although I don’t know if those guys are useful to me, but they are definitely a sure kill for you! Leave the rest to me, its target is me !”

Timaria's eyes widened, and finally nodded slowly, "You must live, don't forget your promise to help me save Angel."

Li also wanted to smile bitterly at this time. At this time, this guy was still talking about this matter. Li could only agree, and then looked directly at the giant snake that had already struggled out of most of its body!

I don’t know how this snake stayed in that stone room. At this time, it seemed that this giant snake was more than a hundred meters long and thick enough that seven or eight people could not hug it. It had half of its body at this time. Stretching out from the cave, the huge mouth was opened to the limit, as if it was about to swallow Li in one bite at any time.

Li sneered, turned around and ran away. If we don't delay for a while now, it is estimated that if a fight breaks out later, both Timaria and Azshara will suffer!

The giant snake of Gaia roared several times at this time. After struggling for a while, it only heard a crack. It finally got out of the hole, and its huge body crashed to the ground. At this time, it was also a little unsteady. , and then look at the entrance of the hole, which still looks like before. At this time, the diameter alone looks like more than 20 meters. However, this tunnel could not hold the body of the giant snake of Gaia at all, and it was forced to open such a large hole.

Thinking about the way this guy faced a tunnel that was far smaller than himself, and then kept banging his body to finally open up such a wide avenue, Li felt his teeth were a little sore.

This guy landed on the ground, causing such a big vibration that everyone was already standing on the ground. Timaria and Azshara almost sat down on the ground. They all stared at the dusty mist with wide eyes. The place.

Li Ze sneered and looked at the position where the giant Gaia snake fell. With such a large kinetic energy, Li didn't believe that this guy would be fine.

Sure enough, there was no sound for a long time, and Li did not move. At this time, in his perception of Zhihong, this guy had not moved. It slowly coiled up. Sure enough, it was more than a hundred meters away, especially for such a big body. With a considerable load. As the dust mist it caused slowly dispersed, such a huge black figure appeared in Li's sight!

This damn guy, Li cursed in his heart, not only is this guy very powerful, but it also has the ability to change. Looking at it at this time, what kind of snake is this guy?

Originally, it seemed that its thickness had reached a diameter of more than ten meters, but now it has become thicker! But this guy didn't do anything because it just fell, but because it wanted to make its body even bigger! Now its body has become five or six times thicker. At this time it

The huge body was stretched out like this, and Li couldn't even see how long it was.

Li took a deep breath. This guy actually wanted to extinguish his last hope. If Li could only use close physical attacks now, he would really be desperate. ..

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