Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 405 The Savior

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At this time, Timaria thought that Shili had deliberately hidden this weapon before and only used it at the last moment. This is no wonder to her. After all, in Timaria's eyes, there is no so-called weapon in this world. In the plot of fighting to the death, if you can beat it, you can beat it, and if you can't beat it, you can't beat it. There is no such thing as an explosive limit.

How did she know that Li came out of a mountain of corpses? This kind of critical explosion is as common as eating. In this regard, Timaria is stronger than Li and can fight for life and death. Shi is definitely no match for Li.

When Li heard what Di Maria said, his expression also changed slightly. He had never heard of such a thing. Being able to condense his pupil power into an energy weapon was already his limit. No matter how powerful the energy weapon was, just now It should have been shattered by that blow. How could it be maintained until now?

Thinking of this, Li Ye was moved in his heart. If this weapon was condensed by his pupil power, then he could absorb it now to replenish his pupil power.

Li whispered, "Please help me pull it out."

Timaria nodded gently. At this time, the giant snake seemed to have reached its limit. Timaria was not very afraid of it, so she stepped forward and grabbed the purple blade. She pushed outwards with all her strength. As soon as he pulled it out, his expression changed. Logically speaking, Timaria was also a melee type magician, but at this time, there was no way to pull this weapon out of the body of the Gaia Serpent.

Li looked at Timaria's face and asked, "Stuck?"

Timaria nodded gently. At first, she wanted to try hard to pull it out, but when she thought that this situation was not the time for her to show off, she easily gave in and left. He made a sound and stepped forward. He knew that the blow he had just made could be said to have been done with all his strength. According to a magician like Timaria, it was normal for him to be unable to pull it out, but when Li put his hand on it, At this time, his expression also changed, because at this time Li Dong couldn't pull out the purple weapon even if he tried to do it.

You must know that although Li has little strength now, he still has strength that ordinary people can't match when he raises his hands. Thinking that this weapon was formed with his own pupil power, Li took a deep breath and forced it to move. The blood chakra eye reached the limit, and as the big windmill rotated very slowly, Li suddenly let out a cry of pain.

At this time, his eyes actually felt severe pain. Yes, it was severe pain, more painful than changing eyes. Rang Li's face turned pale in an instant. He took a step back, but at this time his hands were not in his hands. He didn't let go of the weapon.

After all, I don't know what happened now, but I believe there must be some mystery in it. If I let go like this, the secret I got will probably be lost.

Li took a deep breath, then a ferocious look appeared on his face, and then he continued to pull it out. A voice suddenly appeared in Li's mind, "Listen...feel...think..."

Along with this sound, a huge crystal seemed to appear in Li's eyes. This crystal was constantly rotating in Li's eyes. It looked irregular. The whole was in the shape of a long shuttle with some metal on it. decoration, but inexplicably, Li felt that this thing was very huge, because at this time, the only thing in Li's eyes was the existence of this crystal.

Except for this crystal, everything else is black.

"Since you can come here, it proves that you have been chosen..."

A voice rang out at this time, and Li opened his mouth, but was unable to make any sound, and the voice didn't sound like it meant to stop, "This is the power I gave you, I hope you can make good use of it..." "

What else did Li want to say, but then everything in front of Li's eyes changed. At this time, he was still standing in that position, holding the weapon in his hand. This purple weapon should be formed by Li's pupil power. Inserted into the body of the giant snake of Gaia, Li took a deep breath. If what he had just seen was not an illusion caused by being too tired...

Haidlin...or he has other names in this world. In short, Li saw the will of this plane.

In ff14, the one who guides the protagonist of the plot, or the player, is Haidlin, the main will of the world. If the huge crystal that Li is facing now and the one in ff14 represent the main will of the world, If the crystals are the same thing, then Li means that he has been chosen by the main will...

Chosen to be the savior.

Li shook his head gently. Anyway, it should be a good thing.

At this time, Li gently pulled the weapon outward again. In an instant, Li's aura increased at an extremely fast speed. Li's eyes widened and he felt that his strength was recovering rapidly. , this recovery speed is so abnormal that Li even feels that it is an illusion.

But he soon discovered that this was true, because Li felt that his eyes were no longer so blurry, his vision was recovering quickly, and his pupil power was also recovering very quickly at this time.

At the same time, the flesh and blood on the giant snake of Gaia further withered, as if half of it had been sucked away by Li. At this time, the body of the giant snake of Gaia began to weaken, while Li's body was recovering quickly, and Li opened his mouth wide. , seemed a little unbelievable at the scene in front of him, the life force of the giant snake of Gaia was gone too fast.

In fact, even though the giant snake of Gaia was seriously injured just now, the flesh and blood on its body is still there.

It has strong activity, but now his body has become dim, and the epidermis is slowly falling off, and some places have even begun to crack rapidly... For a moment, it is like broken glass. Generally, the body is covered with a large number of spider web-like cracks. ..

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