Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 407 Equality

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Li Li shook his head gently. Even though the sword didn't look like much, it had really hurt or even seriously injured the Gaia Serpent. Seeing the Gaia Serpent's body recover quickly, Li Li also felt that Don't be afraid. After all, now that you have a connection with the Gaia Serpent, the Gaia Serpent should obey your orders, right?

However, Li really thought about things too well. The next moment, the non-threatening snake in Li's eyes let out a terrifying roar, and then swept his body in this direction.

Li was also stunned for a moment. You must know that after the so-called contract is generated, both parties cannot harm each other. Could it be that he understood it wrong when the system just explained it to him?

It should be like this. There is no too deep connection between myself and this guy. Just now, I just forcibly absorbed part of this guy's bloodline. There was a ferocious look on Li's face. Just now, he was thinking of taking... Don't take you under my command. Since you are so ignorant, just kill you. In an instant, a strong aura erupted from Li's body again, but in a daze, he suddenly remembered that at this time Timaria With Azshara still behind him, he snorted coldly, reached out and grabbed Azshara and threw her towards the other side.

At this time, Li's strength has returned to its peak period. In addition, he has just absorbed the bloodline of the giant snake of Gaia, so his strength has become a few points stronger. It is not too easy to throw Azshara like this.

And - after Azshara screamed, she felt her whole body floating up, and then her feet hit the ground. At this time, Azshara glanced down with lingering fear, and then I found that I was suddenly thrown to the other side.

As for Timaria, it was too late to throw it away. After all, the body of the Gaia Serpent rolled over all of a sudden. He could only block Timaria behind him in order to forcefully hold the Gaia Serpent back. The attack was just that the giant Gaia snake was so big that it swept over at once. Even according to Li's strength, it was difficult to resist it. He directly swept Clutch Maria down towards the canyon, and Li just came into contact with it. He knew that Gaia's giant snake's body was not good when he was growing up. Even though his physical strength has been completely restored now, he is still at a disadvantage facing Gaia's giant snake's body.

So Li turned over and hugged Timaria and was swept away by the giant snake of Gaia. Timaria was so frightened that she cried. The giant beast that was dying just now actually woke up again at this time. , and Li would hold himself in his arms and commit suicide... Everyone should be afraid of this.

But how could Li be the kind of person who was willing to commit suicide? Although he jumped directly at this moment, he suddenly stretched out his hand and clasped it hard on the cliff wall. Although Li's hands couldn't do it, To the point of tearing apart the giant snake of Gaia, but it is still very simple to grab this cliff.

Just as Di Maria grabbed hold of the cliff with one hand, Li frowned and asked, "System, what's going on? Didn't you say that I have become its dragon knight? ?”

The system said depressedly, "I just said that you became a dragon knight, but I didn't say that it will not fight back against you. Just now you used your weapon to establish a communication bridge with it, but now you have pulled out the sword. Coming out means letting go of the reins!"

Li was stunned for a moment, "You mean, even if I establish a connection with it, it can't be used by me!"

"Of course, you have established a connection with it now. If you are stronger, then it will be your servant. If it is stronger, then you will be its servant. This is such a situation!"

Li took a deep breath and nodded gently. If it was according to the system, Li also understood, "Although the specific situation is still not clear, I will insert this weapon into it now." Is it okay to put it inside the body?”

"Timaria! Catch it yourself! I'll go up and deal with that guy!" Li yelled at this time, and climbed up after two or three times. At this time, Li gently waved the weapon in his hand, At this time, as Li waved, the purple weapon slowly emitted an inexplicable and dazzling light.

"Okay, Orochi, let me see what other methods you have!" Li shouted, and directly led the Gaia snake to stab with a straight blow. Although Li's movement was just a straight thrust, Li continued to The power of implementing one's own thoughts into it is more than a hundred billion times stronger than that of a normal person.

For a moment, Li stabbed directly at the Gaia Serpent like a purple comet.

But this time, Li felt as if he had hit a huge mountain head-on. Instead of hurting the giant snake of Gaia, he flew backwards. Are you kidding? It wasn't like this just now. ah!

Turning away, his face turned pale. He suddenly understood what had just happened. When he was attacking the opponent, he actually stopped at the last moment! That's right, when the power was forced to the last moment, he actually dissipated the power in an instant. What was going on?

"Idiot! Idiot, do you really have no brains? You really don't want to die!" The system yelled, "Didn't I tell you? You two creatures have already formed a contract for the exchange of lives. Yeah, if you attack like this now, you are actually hitting yourself, which is why you suddenly stopped your attack at the last moment." The system yelled.

"This way I have no way to deal with it!" Li said depressedly.

The system sighed, "There is nothing we can do about it. The Gaia Serpent itself is

It is an existence that surpasses most species, and it has extremely strong bonuses on the earth. Even if you have established a contract with it, as long as it is still on the ground, there is basically no way to deal with it... …” ..

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