Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 409 Retreat

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The Gaia Serpent was a little frightened after being attacked like this several times by Li. Faced with another direct attack from Li, the Gaia Serpent actually dodged. But what the Gaia Serpent didn't know was that this time Li's attack was not directed at it!

Instead, it directly targets the channel where its body is located!

At this time, most of its body was still in the passage, and Li hit the opening of the passage with a fierce punch. The giant snake of Gaia watched as Li's punch floated past its head. It thought Li had missed the mark because of too much force, but when it heard the earth-shattering loud noise, its expression suddenly changed.

If the tunnel it passed through collapses at this time, then it will definitely be stuck here. Of course, according to its strength, it will only take a moment to escape from it, but in this moment it will probably After letting these humans escape, anger emerged on the face of the giant snake of Gaia, "You despicable and shameless guy, you are just as shameless as that bastard Behemoth, I will kill you! I must Kill you!"

Li glanced at it speechlessly, and then shook his head gently, "Well, it seems that you are quite strong, but your brain is only so big. If you had reduced your body earlier, there would be no relationship between us. You don’t have to fight for so long, right?”

Li chuckled, then jumped straight down the canyon and grabbed Timaria. In a few steps, he reached the other side. Looking at the figure of the Gaia Serpent, Li couldn't help but slowly shook his head.

"Let's go," Li said softly, "I thought of a way to get out."

Timaria was stunned for a moment, "How to get out? What is that way? Are there any other entrances and exits where we came in?"

Li nodded slightly, "Do you still remember the rolling stone mechanism we faced before?"

Timaria's eyes widened and she nodded, "Is there something mysterious about that mechanism?"

Li turned back and glanced at the giant snake of Gaia. This guy looked so strong, but in contrast, it could only fight with its body in this place, but could not use magic. Those rolling stones seemed to be used to deal with it, and then Li slowly said, "Those rolling stones must have a storage location. When you fill them, you can't fill them from the bottom up. From this, you can be sure that there must be other ways to fill them." , if there is some kind of mechanism there, just punch through it and you can always get out."

Hearing what Li said, Timaria also felt a little relieved, but looking at Li's expression, Timaria was a little dazed. What are you thinking about, Li? Li sneered and said, "I always feel uneasy when I look at this guy. I'm afraid it won't be trapped for long just by holding it down with these rocks."

As he spoke, Li slowly raised a finger, and in an instant more than twenty seals flashed through Li's hand. This was a one-handed seal, and it was also a technique that many ninjas dreamed of. Along with Li's seal, Dots of cracks were forming on the other side. Along with these cracks, a look of shock and anger flashed in the eyes of the giant snake of Gaia.

This guy no longer wants to trap himself under that pile of rocks. At this time, the position of his body collapsed and pressed him tightly. If the part under him is collapsing, he will definitely fall. Into the lava!

The giant snake of Gaia is not afraid of those high temperatures, but it is inexplicably afraid of the lava below, as if these things... are actually designed for itself!

The cliff under the Gaia Serpent didn't last long under Li's earth escape. Li Ya didn't use any special ninjutsu. He just made the cliff under the Gaia Serpent keep disintegrating. , and as the cliff collapsed, the Gaia Serpent fell into the magma with a bang.

Hearing a hiss, Li saw an extremely terrifying scene. The part of the Gaia Serpent that fell into the magma turned into dense white bones in an instant. Is that so? This lava is actually not ordinary magma, but an absolute trap designed for the Gaia Serpent!

Li took a deep breath. He was inexplicably worried. You must know that he has a life connection with the Gaia Serpent. If the Gaia Serpent suffered irreparable injuries, then he would also be injured. I wanted to give it my life to recover, but now I don't feel any discomfort at all.

Then it proves that even though this guy looks like this because of the magma, he actually still has enough vitality. Li slowly breathed out a breath and directly took Timaria and Azshara with him. Go towards the way they came.

At this time, the three of them strode into the passage. It seemed that the passage was very dilapidated. This was all because Li and others passed by here before and triggered the mechanism. Although they were not affected by that mechanism at that time, It was crushed by huge rocks, but the entire passage was almost completely destroyed. Due to the crushing of the huge rolling stones, most of the ground in the passage was directly crushed, and even most of the walls were cracked.

Li took a deep breath, and then led the two of them to continue walking inside. At this time, at the place where everyone just left, a roar suddenly sounded...

The Gaia Serpent, which had been seriously injured, was no longer afraid of the lava beneath it, and the lava could no longer erode its body as unscrupulously as it did at the beginning.

You must know that at the beginning, most of its flesh and blood was melted away as soon as it fell into the lava, and now the erosion speed of the lava can no longer keep up with its recovery speed!

If others see it, they will be scared to death. At this time, even if the giant snake of Gaia is burned by the lava,

It was scarred, but it didn't seem to have any intention of surrender. There was only anger in its eyes. At this time, it had already made Li the target of death. From the time it was born until now, it has never hated a person so much...

As for Li... At this moment, he was looking at the door in a daze...

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