Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 414 Human version?

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Let’s put things in perspective again... Li looked at Azshara in front of him. At the beginning, Azshara was the queen of the elves. Later, the elves failed in the war with Acnologia. , so they took refuge in Behemoth hoping to get shelter.

But at that time, Behemoth made a very unreasonable request. He wanted these high elves to be transformed into night elves. Although most of the elven leaders at the time disagreed, they still hinted that Azshara agreed. this matter.

Azshara passively agreed to this, and at the same time she became the sinner of the entire tribe.

Although the people in her tribe did not explain it directly, Azshara still felt the contempt of her tribe, so she left alone, waiting for an opportunity to take revenge on Behemoth...

There's just a loophole in this matter... Li shook his head...

"How do you know that agency?" Li said softly. Azshara glanced at Li and couldn't help but smile bitterly, "How do you think I know this place? Behemoth wanted to select the people who were sealed here. At that time, I also entered here. At that time, I was also reminded of several switches that must not be touched. Then after a certain understanding of this place, those selected people will be sealed here, and there will be no The chosen one can leave here with his tribe... It's that simple, but my tribe has abandoned me. I originally brought you in this time with the intention of using this mechanism to kill you, but it didn't. To think that you actually chose the road that sealed away many tribal leaders, but in the end you still ended up here..."

Li nodded his nose gently, "That's right. I am indeed a fake king, so I want to ask you a question this time."

Azshara was stunned for a moment, "But only the king can blow that whistle!"

Li rolled his eyes, "Please, I want to ask you a question now, not for you to ask me! I ask you, do the people in the Behemoth City-State Alliance know that you are sealed here, or in other words, do they know I didn’t know you ran away alone!”

"This...I don't know." Azshara said softly. At this time, the aura emanating from Li's body made her take a few steps back and lean against the wall tightly.

Li nodded, "It doesn't matter anymore. After all, hundreds of years have passed, and those who are alive now may not know your existence. Listen, I won't kill you, but I want you to do me a favor!" "

"Help..." Azshara was completely confused by Li. After all, what she had just killed was a real killer. If Li was not as powerful, he would have died. Now he actually asked him to help. He was not mentally ill. Bar?

"Well, it's to help. I want you to master the disguise of becoming a king." As Li said this, Azshara's eyes widened, "Are you crazy? Do you really want to..."

Azshara then realized that if Li hadn't gone crazy, how could he have pretended to be a king, and was going to save a city-state alliance that didn't even exist yet.

Li touched his nose and said, "This is also the reason why I separated Timaria over there. Although that girl talks harsh words, her heart is still too simple. If she knows about things, sooner or later she will be exposed. , so I’m asking you now, do you want to help me? If you don’t want to help me, the fewer people who know my secret, the better.”

Before Li finished speaking, the sound of footsteps rang out, and the expressions of Li and Azshara changed. It was impossible for Timaria to pass through the fallen mechanism, so who or what could come here That's all it is...

Sure enough, the footsteps became clearer and clearer. Li turned his head and saw that a hand suddenly stretched out from where the sewer manhole cover had been opened. As soon as the hand was stretched out, he first pressed it on the edge of the sewer, and then exerted force, and then A slender body appeared in front of the two people. It was a human being. He twisted his body slightly, as if he was a little uncomfortable.

It was dark here at this time, and Li did not have Timaria's light rod, which meant that Li had eyesight enhanced by the Sharingan, and Azshara, as a night elf, had night eyes, so she could see everything in front of her clearly. The guy who appeared at that moment, although he was in the dark, did not feel any discomfort at all. He gently rolled his eyes, and then looked at Li and Azshara.

There is no doubt that this is a handsome human male. His face is angular and full of European sculptural beauty.

"My cute little snacks, I didn't expect that we would meet again!" At this time, the man showed a smile to Li and Azshara, which looked extremely meaningful, even if Li and Azshara were both idiots. Understand, this guy is the giant snake of Gaia.

Li took a step back. This guy turned out to be more than just those two forms. The goblin was in a completely protective form, and then the giant snake form. What kind of power did the human form in front of him have.

The giant snake of Gaia was standing in front of Li at this time. It seemed that his previous extremely manic mood had disappeared. He was wearing a robe. This robe had a retro style. He was indifferent. He looked at Li as if Li was just an insignificant figure at this time.

"You seem to be in trouble?" The giant snake of Gaia looked past Li and Azshara and looked at the fallen ceiling. To be honest, I don't know how Behemoth built this kind of ceiling. How can you feel safe with such a large piece of heavy metal connected to it?

Li touched his nose. At this time, he was not worried about anything wrong with this guy.

After all, he has a life contract with the other party, and the other party has no way to kill him.

"It's really interesting. A night elf, let me see. You should actually be a high elf, right?" Gaia Serpent looked at Azshara, "Well, high elves are delicious, but now you Now that you've become like this, I don't want to eat you anymore."...

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