Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 430: The Use of the Portal

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"Chopping board?" Gurman glanced at it and said without hesitation.

Li shook his head and then asked: "What else do you feel? Don't you think it can become a piece that can protect you from wind and rain..."

"A poncho?" Gurman shook his head quickly and said, "If you say it's a poncho, I feel like I'm not avant-garde enough to be an idiot. I feel like I'm completely unsuitable for this."

Li sighed and said, "I'm talking about the shield!"

"No! I am not a panel or a shield. I am the most precious portal in the world. What you are doing is..." The portal immediately shouted...

"Hmph! Okay, you loser, stop talking!" Li rolled his eyes, "If your model hadn't been so bad, would I have talked to Gurman for so long?"

The teleportation gate shouted, "Actually, I can help you find the old city-state. You must know that the Behemoth Dynasty can be quite rich. If you go there, you will definitely be able to get a lot of good things. "

"What?" Gurman glanced at Li, somewhat asking for Li's opinion. "Boss Li, how trustworthy do you think this guy is?"

Li gently tapped his nose and said, "Who knows, maybe this guy has been fooled in the sand a long time ago. Let's just ignore it."

The portal quickly shouted, "What I said is true! If according to your statement, the Behemoth Dynasty is really destroyed, then I am really the only one in the world who can find the Behemoth Dynasty. existence, don’t give up on me, I can still..."

Both Li and Gurman sneered. In fact, they were not sure what the current situation of the Behemoth Dynasty was. If we look at all the layouts arranged by Behemoth before, this Behemoth Dynasty is very likely to It has not been destroyed yet, or in other words, there should be a few city-states left that are still holding on.

Otherwise, there would be no such thing as revival. But neither of them knows what the situation is now.

However, Li has already agreed to Gurman. His purpose is not to revive the Behemoth Dynasty. He just wants to use the survivors of the Behemoth Dynasty to make them work for him.

Gurman sneered, "Looking at you, you seem to be more anxious to find the Behemoth Dynasty than we are. What is your intention?"

The portal sighed, "I'm actually worried about what happened to my other half. I really want to see if it's still there. Besides, I feel so lonely being sealed here for so long..."

However, Li suddenly shouted, "Zerf, are you so boring?"

The voice from the portal paused, then sighed, "I didn't expect you to discover it."

Li sneered, "I just discovered it. If you hadn't been wordy for so long, I wouldn't have been able to detect the source of your magic..."

"Is that so?" Zeref sighed slightly, "Li, you are really amazing. You were able to kill the heir of Behemoth I trained like that, and you even walked on this road pretending to be someone else. the way."

Li snorted lightly, "After all, you are also a king. If I want to compete with you, I will naturally have to use some tricks."

Zeref was speechless for a while when he heard what Li said, "Okay, now I promise that I will not get involved in this process, so I want you to promise me something."

Li was stunned for a moment, "What do you mean?"

"I want you to promise me that after you control the entire desert, you will start from the north first."

Li frowned slightly when he heard what Zeref said. The north took action. It was those big empires in the north. Did Zeref mean to pacify the south first and then fight with him?

"Who is this person?" Gurman frowned tightly. Even if he couldn't use magic now, he could still feel that the magic power emanating from the metal plate was very powerful, not even under Li, but Li Then he frowned and said, "Okay, then I will promise you."

When Li agreed, the metal plate flickered, "Okay, since you agreed, I'm not afraid of you going back on your word."

Then the magic power on the metal plate began to slowly dissipate, but at this time, a playful expression flashed across Li's face, and he suddenly slapped the metal plate with his palm, "Okay, since you are already here, You have to leave something behind, right?”

Following Li's movement, the magic power on the metal plate suddenly stagnated, as if it was frozen in an instant.

In fact, Li just cut off the connection between the magic on the metal plate and Zeref. At first, Li didn't think that the metal plate claiming to be the portal was the work of Zeref, but During the conversation between them just now, Li deliberately delayed it for a while, and finally Li discovered that the magic power of this metal plate came from the south...

Originally, how could a metal plate have consciousness out of thin air? There is only one explanation, and that is that someone gave it consciousness, and that consciousness came from the south.

There are a few people in the south who have such means, and they can prevent Li Chasuo from finding traces for half a day.

Then there is only Zeref in this world.

From now on, the connection between the metal plate and Zeref has been directly severed. It can be said that Zeref's magic power is left on this metal plate.

, Originally the material of this metal plate was good, but now coupled with this magic power, it is an even better material for refining.

Li glanced at the metal plate, lifted it up suddenly, and then with a shake of his hands, countless cyan flames surged out from his hands, melting the metal plate in a flash.

Gurman looked at Li's actions at this time and asked, "What are you doing?"

"You can't use magic now, so I will naturally build you a set of self-defense tools." ..

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