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However, Li quickly denied this point. If there is someone comparable to him in the dimension of Hokage's level, it would be a ghost again. Now it can only be understood that these people have been secretly manipulated by someone, so they all disappeared.

Of course, now is not the time to think about these things, the most urgent thing is to save Hinata.

Thinking of this, Li followed Hinata's breath and started to follow up quickly. After a while, several strange figures appeared in Li's eyes. Hurry up, what makes Li frown even more is that these guys don't have any traces of chakra flowing on their bodies.


Li subconsciously thought about it, and then he took a deep breath. The more than twenty figures in front of him looked like puppets rather than living people. Although their movements were stiff and weird, they didn't feel any jerky. It is a mature puppet prop.

Moreover, these guys are not connected by chakra lines, and they don't know how the other party controls them.

Everyone in puppet art is undoubtedly Sand Village, but the ninjutsu about puppets there is performed using puppet chakra lines, but these puppets do not have chakra lines on their bodies, so it can be denied that the other party is actually a sand ninja The village sent to carry out the sabotage.

If it is not controlled through the Chakra line, there is indeed a person who has this ability from the people I have seen in Hokage, Nagato. Strong mental power and the special use of reincarnation eyes allow him to easily manipulate his six clones, and these six clones can also exert amazing and terrifying power.

Of course, Nagato is dead, and there is probably no one who can achieve this level.

Apart from Nagato, Soli really can't think of anyone else who can accomplish the method in front of him.

However, Dirty Reincarnation can also control dozens of characters at the same time, but relatively such characters have a strong breath of death, which Li can't fail to see.

Then these guys must be the product of being coerced by powerful spiritual power.

Soon, the puppets at the back seemed to have sensed Li, stopped in their tracks one after another, then turned their heads to face Li, and a sneer appeared at the corner of Li's mouth, if it can be solved here, that would be good Well.

When the first puppet turned back, Li frowned, because in an instant, he felt no less than a hundred hostile gazes from around him, and then hundreds of figures appeared on the surrounding roofs. Yes……

Li took a deep breath, did the other party actually create hundreds of puppets in an instant?

It really means some tricks! Li stopped his body and moved his little finger lightly, signaling these guys to go up to their heart's content. Following Li's movements, these puppets rushed up one by one without any hesitation.

At this time, Li also had a formal look at the appearance of these guys. They were wearing heather-gray underwear, with white leggings and armguards tied on their forearms and calves, and their faces were also covered by white cloth products. That said, the position of the exposed eyes did not conceal that they were puppets.

It was a pale color, and it seemed that the creators did not prepare decorations such as eyeballs for them.

Seems like a disposable item?

These puppets charged directly at Li, they seemed to be out of order, but there was a bit of soft fist in their movements, although Li easily dodged their attacks, But with such a number, it is really too difficult to ensure that you will not be hit.

... so what if they just get hit by them? The so-called soft fist is nothing more than blocking the veins of a person's body. Li's energy is extremely strong. The chakra Naruto used at this time is also quite commendable in this world. Chakra untied it as soon as it rushed.

So these guys' attacks were like scratching an itch for Li.

"If it's only to this extent, it's still not over with you!" Li casually smashed the limbs of several puppets, and chased in the direction of Hinata again.

However, those puppets in the back kept chasing after him, which made Li feel a little annoyed.

By the way, use the shadow clone.

This thought flashed in Li's mind, and with this thought, his hands naturally made seals, and in an instant hundreds of shadow avatars formed behind him. They fought together, and Li's body continued to follow the puppet who captured Hinata.

However, the opponent obviously won't let Li follow up like this, and immediately following Li's footsteps, a small number of puppets stop in batches. If those puppets said at the beginning that they wanted Li's life, then the current These puppets just seem to want to delay Li's pace.

Their attacks also changed from trembling close-up to some long-range attacks, all of which were easily dodged by Li.

However, since the opponent has already started long-range attacks similar to energy bombs, it actually means that the opponent does not care about exposing himself to sneak into Konoha.

Is Hinata that important?

Li sneered, his footsteps did not show any tendency to slow down. Although there were a lot of these puppets, the long-range attacks used at this time were quite tricky, but it was still not a problem for Li. The opponent's attacks are all dodged, and it seems that the speed of follow-up does not have any effect.

means to slow down.

After all, the attacks of these guys seem to be very dense, but in Li's eyes there are quite a lot of gaps. Finding the gaps and dodging them calmly is a basic skill for Li.

Soon, I was closest to more than ten positions of the leaders of these puppets.

From the very beginning, these guys began to lead away from the position towards the roof. ..

Can't remember the URL, you can search on Baidu: [Wanben God Station]

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