Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter Eight Tasks

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In fact, with Li's attack, nothing happened. In fact, it would be strange if something happened. Li is not Li now, he is just a guy named Naruto.

Movie class? Super shadow level, please, it’s nothing more than floating clouds for Li. If Li is here now, let alone a meteorite, even Muye Village can be easily turned into ruins, but now he Naruto, he immediately realized that what he is using now is not his own body, but at the same time, he has already condensed a super-large spiral pill shuriken in his hand, directly facing the sky that is slowly falling. The meteorite was thrown violently.

After hearing a loud explosion, the meteorite in the sky turned into countless fragments and fell to every corner of Muye Village in an instant. Although this would be a big trouble for other residents of Muye Village, but Li can only do this, after all, if this fortune falls like this, not to mention the people around the water tower, but just Hinata, I am afraid that he will hang here directly.

At the same time, there was a deafening roar from the direction of the screen wall, and then a huge group of light burst out from the sky above the head and in the direction of the screen wall at the same time.

Li looked back at Hinata, at this time Hinata's face was quite tired, it seemed that what happened today really made her very tired, but Li still had one thing to tell her directly.

"Hinata... In fact, there is something I want to tell you. It seems that there is no one in your house..." Li said this, but he also felt a little strange.

Li would not be particularly surprised if there was someone who could kill all the members of the Hyuga Clan in an instant, but your problem now is that there is someone who not only got rid of all the members of the Hyuga Clan, but also ...

Li didn't smell any bloody smell, that is to say, someone took away the members of the Hyuga clan very easily, and none of these people resisted.

Come on, this is a little weird, right? The members of the Hyuga clan are not idiots, so how could they just leave with someone who is hostile to them? Thinking of this, Li looked at the moon again.

Is it a good deed done by the descendants of Hamura?

"Speaking of which, my father did take a lot of people out of the village. He said he was going to perform a mission, so he is not at home these days. As home...wait, you mean, Isn't Hanabi here?" Hinata's eyes widened, and Li's heart sank.

If that's the case, the other party directly throws Hinata away, maybe it really means that Hinata is not a necessity, if what the other party urgently needs is just a blank look, then Hanabi can really replace Hinata.

But looking at the meaning of the other party, Hinata also wants to get the existence of the other party.

Li then sent Hinata back home, but now Hinata is under the protection of the guards...

That's right, Konoha Village now attaches great importance to Hinata. After all, the Hyuga Clan in the entire village is now missing. Hinata can be said to be a member of the Hinata Clan after being drunk. If he disappeared, it would be a heavy blow to the Konoha clan's control over Baiyan, a powerful blood successor boundary. Although there will not be any village-level disasters, it is still quite disturbing.

Li also returned to Naruto's residence. At this time, he can easily recall any memory of Naruto if he wants to call it up. It can be said to be quite convenient...

If it is calculated in this way, no one will realize that Naruto has completely disappeared now...

Although I am a little sorry for this boy who has just fulfilled his dream, but now Li has no choice but to yell at himself too impulsively.

Hey, Li lay on the bed and sighed, but there was nothing he could do. Naruto was too confident. These three years were enough for Naruto to lose all his caution. After all, he was a movie class, but he saved the world A hero of the same level, there is still a nine-tailed existence in his body.

Who else in this world can kill Naruto?

Sasuke who also gained the ability of the Six Paths? You must know that Naruto defeated Sasuke who had almost turned into Ten Tails Jinchuriki at that time. Even if it was a sneak attack, who could kill Naruto easily.

That's right, no one in this world can easily kill you Naruto one by one, even assassination again and again, I'm afraid it's the same as giving away your head, right?

Naruto is like this, he lost his cautiousness, so he didn't rely on his companions, but planned to solve the people in the dark by himself, such Naruto was still the one who believed in his companions at the beginning Naruto?

After looking at the ceiling for a while, there was a knock on the door of his own room.

Li directly got out of bed and opened the door. In fact, Li had already thought that someone would definitely come tonight.

There should be someone who will definitely come. You must know that Li knows the overall organization of Ninja Village very well.

This kind of thing happened today, no matter what Naruto did, he will definitely be questioned to a certain extent, even if he is the one who saved people, grasping information is a very important thing for Ninja Village.

When he opened the door, Li saw a tall and thin man standing outside the door. He was wearing a black ninja uniform with a white mask of a monkey on his face. Anbe? I didn't expect to send Anbu directly. It seems that the other party also attaches great importance to this incident.


It can be said that it is the spy organization in the entire Ninja Village. The so-called spy organization is not the strongest, but it must be the highest quality, because what they will face is not necessarily external enemies, they are more about dealing with internal enemies. question.

From internal rebellion, to killing people, to investigating intelligence...

What they are facing may not only be villagers, but also their friends, comrades-in-arms, and even relatives. ..

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