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That's right, according to what Hinata said, there should be some kind of light source in that cave at this time, right? This is also the characteristic of the white eye, although the white eye can see through most things.

But at the same time, white eyes cannot directly observe it.

At this time, although Hinata could clearly see the details in a cave hidden underground, when a light source appeared in it, Hinata couldn't see the specific things inside. I have to say that this is also a shortcoming of Baiyan.

Li nodded slightly, then let's go down.

Soon, everyone followed Hinata's direction and entered the cave directly. There was nothing strange about the cave, at least if they walked down like this, they just felt that it was a bit too humid inside.

Li gently touched his nose, is it just too wet?

He shook his head lightly. It should be more than that. At this moment, he actually felt a little bit of chakra emitting from the bottom of this cave. There should be something hidden under this cave, right?

Everyone walked directly towards the interior of the cave. After passing through the long corridor, everyone came to a wide place that looked like a hall. They looked around at the surrounding environment. Of course, he looked at the hall at first sight. After all, if someone here wants to sneak attack, it must be directly from above.

As Li raised his head, Shikamaru also looked up, but there was no ambush here at this time. There were many stone thorns growing on the top of this hall. These stone thorns looked very large and sharp, but no matter what It's just an ordinary stone, but in the middle of the hall above, it's a flat place.

There is a large character drawn on that place, Shikamaru frowned, "Hum, in ancient times this means origin, that is to say, is this the starting point?"

At this time, I looked down again. At this time, everyone was standing on the edge of this hall. It was not that they didn't want to go in, but that the entire floor of this hall was covered with water. Yes, there was a pool of water at the bottom of this hall, but This water pool does not look ordinary, it is a green color as a whole, and it emits light.

This is probably the so-called light spring that Hinata said before, right?

Hinata opened her eyes again, but this time, after she glanced down, she immediately shook her head, "No, everything below is distorted, it seems that this place has shielded my eyes. "

"Shield?" Li gently touched his chin, "But since we're all here, can't we just go back?"

Shikamaru also nodded lightly at this time, "If you don't hang up, let's go down."

Xiao Sakura scratched her head, "It will get your clothes wet, I would have brought another set of clothes if I knew it."

Sai gently knelt on the ground and took a handful of water with his hands, "Wait, I don't know what this is, but it doesn't seem to wet my clothes at all."

Afterwards, everyone discussed and jumped into the water one after another. Li was not afraid of anything. After all, even if there were any characters in the water, he was not afraid at all. After diving into the water, Li immediately opened Sharingan. When in the water, others will not notice Li's small movements.

To Li's surprise, although this liquid will distort the white eyes, the image of Sharingan is not so big. In Li's eyes, he directly saw this place less than 20 to 30 meters below. From the exit of the pool, Li directly swam down.

Li took the lead and rushed out of the exit, but to Li's surprise, when he rushed out of the exit, he entered another water area. That's right, he clearly felt the kind of water he came out of. It felt and then felt like I was plunged into another lake.

But this time there is something Rang Li is interested in in this lake. What appeared in Li's eyes at this time were countless balls of light, that's right, they were balls of light. What's interesting about Li Feeling is that the function of these light spheres is nothing but illusion.

That's right, these light spheres here constitute an illusion. Although it is not known what its purpose is, it is definitely not used to welcome guests.

Li looked at one of the balls of light, his face was full of interest. Reasonably, he didn't see the structure of these balls of light at a glance, but if someone really rushed in from the outside, he probably would have seen these balls of light at a glance. , and then even if you stare at it for a few seconds, you will be directly pulled into the illusion.

But Li didn't feel any malice from it.

Why don't you check it out first? A malicious smile emerged from the corner of Li's mouth. He didn't remind the people behind him that there was an illusion trap, but he withdrew his resistance to the illusion and directly entered the environment constructed by these light spheres.

"If tomorrow was the end of the world, who would you want to be with?"

A voice rang directly in Li's mind, this voice was...

Naruto's memory flashed out immediately, this is Iruka's voice, is it, Iruka?

Does this environment seem to make people indulge in their own memories?

Li slightly sighed, thinking it was such an amazing illusion, but he didn't think that it was just that. If this illusion could be more weird, maybe it could still attract Li's attention, but now it seems, hehe.

Li shook his head lightly, as if he didn't care at all.

These were the same, and after a burst of white light that could almost blind him, a classroom appeared in front of him.

The classroom of a very ordinary ninja school, from a glance at this moment, is surrounded by children who are only about seven or eight years old, and in front of the classroom is Iruka who looks quite young.

Li looked at the scene in front of him, couldn't help but smiled, and then blurted out almost subconsciously, "The end of the world won't come." ..

Can't remember the URL, you can search on Baidu: [Wanben God Station]

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