Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 24 Super Huge Spiral Pill

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If Spiral Wan is a compressed hurricane, Nagato now feels that he is in the center of the hurricane. This feeling makes his face flash with surprise. What kind of tricks did the opponent use?

Li looked at Nagato who was in the center of the pale blue and sighed slightly. Where is the most destructive place of the spiral pill? Is it appearance? no……

The power of Helix Pill is its core part.

Helix pill and Chidori are two different skills. Compared with Chidori, Chidori is more direct. It has an extremely powerful ship's first effect, even if the opponent has a strong defense, it can penetrate in an instant.

The spiral pill is different. Generally speaking, when the opponent is attacked, he will be unable to make effective actions because of the influx of a large amount of wind chakra, and then the caster will continue to follow up and press the spiral pill on the Above the opponent's body, the core of the spiral pill will touch the opponent's body at this time.

At this time, the opponent will be defeated by the spiral pill.

Of course, this cannot say who is stronger than Chidori or Heliwan. Chidori is a typical quantitative ninjutsu, and its effect is very obvious when dealing with enemies whose defense power has not reached its peak but is very strong.

For example, Gaara’s Sand Dun, but when he faces a boss in the movie version of Snow Country, because the opponent’s armor can effectively defend against Chakra attacks, and its own defense is also very strong, Chidori It cannot cause effective damage.

As for Helix Wan, its weakness is also very obvious, that is, if the opponent makes effective resistance at the moment of being hit, such as dodging back, then the next most important attack on the core will be useless. up.

So Li fully understood that if he used the spiral pill to attack Nagato in front of him, it would not be as easy to deal with as Payne.

This Nagato's melee combat power is estimated to be much stronger than Payne's. Li Ke doesn't think that the opponent will stand there and take a blow from his spiral pill. It is more likely that he will hit the opponent with the spiral pill. Then the opponent directly dodges the follow-up attack, making Li a waste of an attack opportunity.

So Li Cong was designing a game just now. This game uses a large number of spiral pills to form a huge position. The effect of the spiral pill is to produce a qualitative change in the core position of the wind chakra, while a circle around it maintains the qualitative change. Chakra position.

Qualitative changes often come from quantitative changes. A large number of spiral pills are absorbed by Nagato. On the other hand, this actually makes Nagato the core of a spiral pill, and now the shadow clones around are still ready to release The spiral pill is the periphery surrounding the qualitatively changed Chakra core!

Nagato is now at the core of this ultra-large spiral pill, no matter what kind of strength he has...

There is no doubt that he must die.

The corner of Li's mouth also showed a ferocious sneer, Nagato looked around, at this time he was at the core of this super-wide spiral pill, naturally he didn't know what kind of situation he was facing, he wanted to break free, but He found that he couldn't move at all. This kind of immobility didn't mean that his mobility was inconvenient, but that he found that no matter how he moved, there seemed to be a huge force that kept pulling him to stand still.

But at this moment, Li felt that something was wrong with him. In a daze, he felt that everything around him became a little blurred. Is this to escape from the illusion?

In the next instant, when Li directly clenched his hands, the huge chakra stance spun violently. If the huge spiral pill just now was stationary, then the spiral pill started to spin now. Nagato suddenly widened his eyes.

He felt a huge chakra stance forming around him.

Then he immediately turned on the chakra absorption mode, but at this moment, his hand turned into countless particles and disappeared into the air.

"This is..." Nagato's eyes widened as if he couldn't believe the scene in front of him. This was beyond his cognition. He didn't know what kind of technique could produce the effect in front of him.

Ignore the ability of the six realms and directly attack your own body. What kind of method is this?

His doubts were only for a moment, and the next moment most of his body had disappeared into the void. From looking at him like this, the unreality of the world around him became more and more intense.

That's right, this is the precursor to the disintegration of the illusion.

Will the illusion of killing Nagato collapse? Li was a little puzzled, did the other party just use such a method?

Of course, Li didn’t know that Xiao Nan was floating in the air watching all this tens of thousands of meters away, but at this moment her eyes were gray and white, “Oh, it’s interesting that he escaped. Can such a body survive such a difficult time? It seems that this is the person chosen by the system, but the you think such a person can solve our Supreme God? Anyway, things have become more complicated It's interesting."

The moment Nagato's body was completely shattered, Li felt that the surrounding scenery suddenly disappeared from his eyes. When he came back to his senses, he was standing in a room. This was a classroom. It's... Iruka.

He looked around, isn't this the first space he entered into this illusion?

How is this going? Why would I come back here?

"Okay, this is today's topic, everyone wants to be together at the end of the world

Write it down on paper. " said Iruka.

Oh? This is different from before.

In the previous time, just after Iruka finished speaking, a huge stone ball fell down, which should be a product of Naruto's subconscious.

After all, Kakashi had just said about the fall of the moon before, and then Iruka mentioned the fall of the moon in the illusion. ..

Can't remember the URL, you can search on Baidu: [Wanben God Station]

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