Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 133 Poppy Woman

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Li looked at Hu Ji quietly. He knew that his words must have made the woman in front of him feel turbulent, but he just didn't know whether she understood what he meant or was suppressing her anger.

After a long time, Hu Ji let out a breath.


Hu Ji called softly and Li raised his head.

What comes into view is a smile that blooms passionately like the warmest rose. It is the ultimate beauty that combines the cheerfulness of women outside the Great Wall with the gentleness and tenderness of women in the Central Plains.

Li's eyes darkened, and his mind suddenly lost control under such a smile.

Then there was a deeper shock.

What kind of charm skills did Hu Ji practice? It's surprising that her sincere smile has such a huge increase in power.

Does this count as shooting himself in the foot?

Seeing Li's lost expression, Hu Ji finally smiled with satisfaction.

"Haha, I thought my charm was lost." Hu Ji, who smiled like this, looked unexpectedly cute.

Li smiled helplessly, tapped the tip of Hu Ji's nose, and said in a friendly voice: "I'm just talking nonsense. You are so beautiful, how can you lose your charm?"

"Since it's not that my charm has failed, then it means that you are still in love?" Hu Ji's tone became more relaxed, and the two of them were like old friends they hadn't seen for many years, chatting happily.

"Let me see." Hu Ji glanced at him up and down. "The clothes you are wearing look ordinary, but they are actually finely stitched and very soft. It seems that you are also a successful businessman."

Li Gouchun chuckled and said nothing.

"By the way, how did you get here?" Hu Ji's question seemed very casual. Obviously, she was not testing, but purely out of curiosity.

Facing those pale purple eyes, Li concentrated and calmed down, trying to prevent himself from being affected by the charming aura.

"I was originally planning to come here to meet with resellers from the Central Plains to exchange supplies, but before they arrived, I just wandered around and found the valley here. I accidentally slipped down, but fortunately I had some martial arts skills and landed in the valley. When I went down to the stone platform, I saw a very thick vine, and followed the vine to get here."

The half-truth and half-falseness of what he said, coupled with the calm and composed tone, even Hu Ji didn't notice anything unusual.

"If that's the case, it's our fate to meet today." Hu Ji took a deep breath, raised her head, and looked at the starry night sky with complicated eyes.

Li hesitated for a moment, then said, "What's wrong? Is there something bothering you?"

Hu Ji was stunned for a moment and shook his head.

Li's eyes darkened and he said nothing.

The atmosphere between the two suddenly became quiet, and after a long time, Hu Ji's voice sounded again.

"You're not a talkative person, but you're not like us barbarians."

Li smiled slightly. "My father is from the Central Plains, so I have had more opportunities in the Central Plains since I was a child."

Hu Ji nodded clearly and said with disdain: "The men in the Central Plains are just not as bold and generous as my sons outside the Great Wall."

"Haha——, but men from the Central Plains are attentive, considerate and resourceful that men outside the Great Wall don't have."

Hu Ji was stunned and nodded briefly.

"That's true. Most of our men outside the Great Wall are indeed reckless. However, if they can know how to respect others and understand the wonderful use of their brains, the Central Plains will be the world of our barbarians."

Li Wenyan did not say anything further.

Hu Ji also reacted quickly and stopped continuing the topic.

As the two of them chatted back and forth, the sky turned white.

"I'm leaving." Hu Ji stood up, her beautiful figure clearly visible in the morning light.

Li also stood up. "See you again if we are destined."

Li made a farewell gesture and turned to leave.

"Wait a moment."

Li turned back and looked at her with doubt. Hu Ji smiled seductively and walked towards him charmingly.

"Let's go."

Li raised his eyebrows, not commenting on Hu Ji's behavior of calling him but not saying anything. He nodded towards Hu Ji, then stepped forward and disappeared into the deep bushes.

When the tall and handsome figure disappeared from her sight, the smile on Hu Ji's face gradually faded, and her eyes were full of complexity.

This night can be said to be incredible for her. Since she entered the Black Wolf tribe, she has worked hard for so many years and finally achieved her current status. It is not only her smile and resourcefulness, but also her cold hardness. , a heart that will not be moved by external things.

But last night, facing this man whom she had just met for the first time, she actually revealed her past that she had never told anyone else. This was tantamount to opening a hole in her own defenses.

For her, this was simply impossible. But now, it really happened, and she even had no intention of stopping it.

Even if the young man had a similar past to her, it shouldn't be like this.

After all, she was a powerful figure among the barbarians - in the eyes of Hei Lang, she was an extremely dangerous woman. She really shouldn't have appeared like that last night.

Hu Ji lowered her head, looked at the high-quality black wolf token on her waist, and touched it with her slender white fingers.

Just now, when the young man said goodbye by fate, she actually wanted to give him this Black Wolf Token.

At that moment, she almost forgot that this black wolf

How important the token was to her, she had even forgotten that the power status brought by this black wolf token was the result of all her years of hard work.

The most important thing is, if the leader of the Black Wolf knew that he had given away such an important token to a stranger who only knew his first name and was engaged in reselling business.

Then, even if I could help him fight outside the Great Wall, I'm afraid I wouldn't let him go.

Hu Ji's eyes flashed and she told herself secretly.

Hu Ji, Hu Ji, don’t forget, your goal is to trample under your feet all those who once looked down on you. You can't get upset over a man who doesn't know the details.

Squeezing the Black Wolf Token in her hand, under the morning light, the enchanting and beautiful woman wearing an exotic purple gauze dress looked like an alluring and dangerous poppy flower! ..

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