Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 147 Leading by example

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The matter has come to this, Li Zhi knows that no matter how unwilling he is, he can only bite the bullet and go ahead. Fortunately, if what Zhong Limei said is true, then the river area in that valley should not be polluted.

"let's go."

Li Shen lowered his eyes and led everyone towards the valley.

Zhong Limei looked at Li's back with confusion on his face. Moreover, he found that Li seemed to be very familiar with this road. He could accurately find the location of the valley hidden behind the bushes without even looking at the map.

When he came near the hidden vine that could enter the valley, Li deliberately avoided it and walked straight upstream.

"This is it." Zhong Limei looked at the map again and confirmed.

Li closed his eyes, took a deep breath, and then let it out.

"let's start."

In fact, the whole process is very simple. Just throw more than twenty pills into the water. Under the impact of the river water, they will definitely flow into the valley where the barbarians are stationed over there.

Seeing the pills gradually sinking, Li turned around. "Let's go."

When we returned to Stone City, the whole process went incredibly smoothly.

"It's so simple?" A certain deputy general couldn't believe it.

In fact, this is understandable. After all, that river is the only source of water for the barbarians. No matter how you look at it, you shouldn't be so weak on defense.

Even though the place they chose was very far away from where the Hu people were stationed, according to Hu Ji's plan, they should not be so negligent in taking precautions.

When things are abnormal, there must be monsters, so this matter needs special attention.

However, at present, he is unable to say this, and can only write it down silently in his heart.

"Now that this matter has gone smoothly, let's discuss the next plan."

In the big tent, everyone sat down in front of the sand table again and began to discuss.

"Everyone can express their opinions." Li pointed at the sand table.

Zhong Limei first spoke: "Look here, everyone, the entrance to the valley is extremely narrow and can only accommodate two or three people. If you ride on horseback, you can only accommodate one person. So I suggest that you enter the infantry first and the cavalry guard. Just the outside is fine.”

"I agree with this." Bai nodded. "In addition, I suggest that for the sake of safety, we can wait for a while outside. Because they will definitely have someone come out to replace the shift, but if the people in the valley are really drugged, then no one will come out. "

Li nodded, indicating that he agreed. "go on."

"I think that in order to inform the news, we can let the person who enters hold a rope in his hand. If there is any unsafe factor, pull the rope immediately. Otherwise, we have not all fallen into the other party's trap!" Zhong Limei sure enough. He is still a cautious person, even though the drug has been taken successfully, he still came up with such a way out.

Li's eyes lit up, and Zhong Limei's words were considered to be exactly what he wanted.

"General Zhong is right, just do this. Although we have successfully drugged them, I ask everyone to think about it." Li paused deliberately and glanced at each one.

"The other party has that woman in charge, and that woman has never failed. Although we have made a strange move, so far, we have not seen anything special about the other party. If you think that all the achievements of the other party are groundless, then Of course I have nothing to say."

Everyone looked at each other and lowered their heads.

Even the young and energetic Bai Qi's face darkened.

"I think the young master is right. I have studied many battles commanded by that woman before. They are very sophisticated and very defensive. Although our strategy is also very good, there is no guarantee that the other party will not see something. However, not only did they not discover this time, they even remained stationary and their defense was so weak. It is really unbelievable."

Li glanced at Bai Qi admiringly, "Very good, knowing how to advance and retreat is what a general should do."

"That's a good point. In that case, it's up to you, Bai Qi, to lead the cavalry to stay on the perimeter. If you don't wait for the replacements to come out, take action immediately and capture the entire perimeter. Be careful, don't hurt yourself if you can."

"Sir, I want to enter the valley." Bai Qi looked troubled.

"This is a military order." Li's tone deepened, and Bai Qi nodded stiffly.

Li changed his tone and said comfortingly: "I know you want to fight on the battlefield, but if the drug is effective, there will be nothing to do when entering the valley, right? Instead, you should stay on the outside and pay attention to emergencies. Moreover, if If there is any situation inside us, you can always support us, so don’t underestimate this task.”

"Yes!" Bai Qi nodded seriously.

Li then turned to Zhong Limei and said, "You lead a group of infantry and enter the valley first. Just follow the method you just mentioned. The remaining people will stay one mile outside the valley. In this case, you can advance and attack." If you retreat, you can defend.”

Zhong Limei quickly grasped the key point of Li's words.

"Master, what about you?"

"I will go in with you." Li said calmly, but it was as if a single stone stirred up a thousand waves, attracting strong opposition from everyone.

Li Leng snorted and slapped the table.

"What? You don't believe me or our plan? Don't you know what we mean by leading by example? Those soldiers don't know our plan to drug them, so they must be terrified. If I lead by example, it will definitely improve morale greatly. .Which is more important or less important? You don’t understand, right?”

Li's eyes were as bright as lightning, and there was an irrefutable determination in his tone.

But how could Zhong Limei let him do such a dangerous thing just because of Li's words? "Young Master, this is absolutely not allowed. If you take the lead, you will be able to do it. Moreover, Master, you must not leave everyone leaderless just to take the lead!"

Li was silent for a moment. In fact, part of the reason why he persisted was that he always had a feeling in his heart that he had to do this.

This intuition is very mysterious, but it has saved him many times.

As the saying goes, it's better to believe that something is there than to believe that it's not. Li felt that he still had to follow his own ideas.

As for the leaderless group, he snorted coldly. He didn't think a small valley could trap him! ..

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