Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 169 The Power of the Crane Wing Formation

Because, even if Zhong Limei takes advantage of the formation, the pressure that the formation can withstand is limited after all. If he really leads an army of 100,000 to charge, even the Crane Wing Formation will not be able to withstand it.

It can only be said that Li calculated the enemy's psychology too well, and every move of Hei Lang was part of Li's calculations.

Therefore, when the deputy general led an army of 40,000 to prepare to charge and engage in close combat, Zhong Limei deliberately showed weakness. After all the 40,000 troops of the opponent entered his radiation range, he gave the order to start the formation duel of the Crane Wing Formation.

The lieutenants on both wings saw Zhong Limei's gesture. After looking at each other from a distance, they knew that it was their turn to take the field. They all shouted and directed the pikemen and cavalry behind them to close up from both sides. At this time, even the Hu man's lieutenant general It was too late to find that he was surrounded.

"Big leader, what should we do?" The Hu people watching the battle from behind saw that the situation was not good and quickly took a step forward and asked.

Black Wolf's eyes were wide open, but his reason was still there.

"Don't worry, the opponent only has 20,000 troops. We have 40,000. Even if we are surrounded, we still have enough manpower to deal with it." Although Hei Lang said this, his eyes were fixed on the battlefield ahead, lowered. His hands formed into fists and were clenched tightly. Although the person who spoke felt something was wrong, after all, the black wolf had been gaining power for a long time, so he stepped aside without saying anything.

When the 40,000-strong army led by the deputy general encountered such a situation, it was obvious that they were different from the elite soldiers of the Qin Dynasty. There was a slight panic on almost every face. Even the deputy general, with the The wielding of the spear also stopped for a moment.

But in the end, the opponent still relied on their own strength, so there was no other trouble, but they were still in a stalemate. Under such circumstances, the battle became much more intense.

However, due to the lack of coordination in the Hu people's battles, although they had the advantage in numbers, after a long period of fighting, their numbers gradually decreased, and the number of casualties was even significantly higher than that of Da Qin's elite soldiers.

As a result, even Hei Lang was a little helpless.

"Big Chief, we can't go on like this." It was the same person who spoke just now. He looked like he was a person with a higher status among the barbarians.

"The situation is not conducive to us. We must rescue the soldiers who are now in a stalemate." The speaker looked anxious. "Otherwise, the 40,000 of us will be worn out by each other sooner or later."

Zhong Limei narrowed his eyes and looked coldly at the movement on Heilang's side from a distance. Could he finally sit still? Zhong Limei sneered, as the so-called wrong step leads to a wrong step, if the Black Wolf had attacked with all its strength as soon as he came up, he would have been defeated by now.

But now, the pride of being a big leader makes him reluctant to increase his troops. After all, he just told his lieutenant that if he can't win with twice the troops, it will be a heavy blow to morale.

However, if this battle fails, it will be even more serious.

Therefore, after weighing the two aspects, Hei Langzhi Neng appointed his cronies to lead another 10,000 troops to supplement the casualties in the front line, and then break through the Qin army's encirclement.

When Zhongli saw 10,000 infantrymen rushing out from the other side's camp, a smile appeared on his lips as he was determined to win.

Now everything is developing according to the predictions that the young master had told him in advance, and the trace of uncertainty in his heart also disappeared as the battle progressed.

At this moment, his silver armor reflected silver brilliance in the dazzling sunlight. From a distance, he looked like a god of war.

After the opponent's 10,000 infantrymen approached the Crane Wing Formation, the lieutenants on both sides finally moved their fixed lines, pulled the reins of their horses, and led part of their own infantry to fight with the opponent.

Although the Hu people are brave, they are extremely poorly organized, and there are very few generals who can really take advantage of them. Therefore, even if Heilang's cronies lead the army in, the lieutenants on both sides of Da Qin will not be vegetarians.

Although in order to maintain the power of the formation, they cannot gallop on the battlefield, but now according to the pre-plan, they can already move in a small area within the encirclement.

In this case, a long-range versus long-range, melee versus melee combat situation can be formed within the encirclement.

As the general of the main formation, Zhong Limei remained stationary, and his role in overseeing the overall situation still depended on him.

At this moment, the main formation had already pretended to attack, relying on the lieutenants on both wings to break through.

The cavalry archers located further back are showing great power and raining arrows continuously, which is perfect for disturbing the morale of the opponent's troops.

Moreover, due to the attacks of long-range spearmen and the like, the pressure on the smaller number of infantry in close combat is also relieved.

However, as time went by, Zhong Limei understood in his heart that although the situation seemed promising now, the opponent had a large number of people after all, and the 20,000 elite soldiers he had brought with him had also been consumed a lot during this period, and they were all his own relatives. Bing, he felt very sad.

So - Zhong Limei's eyes flashed, and now it was time to make a quick decision.

Giving the lieutenants on both sides a look, the two nodded knowingly, and then shouted loudly. The two heavy swords were wielded with great force. After a few rounds, barbarians were constantly being hit and fell down around them.

Seeing the enemy's deputy general showing off his power, his own morale was suppressed in an instant. Black Wolf couldn't help but glared angrily and shouted: "Hit me hard. If you win, you will all be rewarded! Damn it!"

Seeing that the morale of the barbarian soldiers began to rise due to Hei Lang's words, Zhong Limei knew that it was time for him to take action.

I saw him stretching his right hand behind him, taking out the long bow he had been carrying on his back, and then taking out a gleaming cold iron arrow from the quiver on the side of the horse.

This arrow belongs to the young master

There were only ten of them specially built for him. They were originally intended for future beheading operations, but now it seems that these people are getting an advantage!

Bend your bow and draw an arrow!

The long bow was stretched into the shape of a full moon in the sunlight. The bowstring had been newly made before the expedition. It was also stretched tightly at this moment, and it looked like it contained great lethality.

The long bow is carefully engraved with simple patterns, not fancy but extremely textured. ..

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