Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 182 Emotional Release

Li Jingjing looked at Hu Ji's emotional release, feeling extremely complicated in his heart.

Hu Ji's white hands on the ground grabbed the wet grass fiercely due to excitement, and her face looked a little distorted.

"The people his wife's cronies hired were all heinous villains. I smiled at them, hard, but they wouldn't listen to me, and instead got worse. They forced me to jump out of the window and escape, but But my foot was twisted, and after I managed to run a certain distance, I was caught by them."

"At the critical moment, the man closest to me was shot through the heart from behind, and blood sprayed all over my face in an instant."

Hu Ji's tone became more and more trembling, and Li finally couldn't help but take her into his arms, gently comforting the slender body in his arms, with tenderness and distress in his eyes that he didn't even notice.

"The blood was so hot that it spilled all over me. When I reacted, the remaining men had fled and appeared in front of me, like a murderous god, it was the Black Wolf."

Li narrowed his eyes. It turned out that there was such a past between Hei Lang and Hu Ji. No wonder Hu Ji's feelings for him were so complicated.

The life-saving grace of childhood is indeed unforgettable.

But strangely, there was a voice under his heart telling him that the relationship between him and her was actually much more than that.

Fortunately, Hu Ji seemed to want to tell him everything tonight and continued talking.

"Although he saved me, I didn't seem so happy at the time. Maybe it was because I felt that the cruelty at that moment was very much like my father." Hu Ji smiled bitterly. "But when I faced those blood-stained hands that he stretched out toward me, I felt strangely attracted."

A flash of pain flashed through his pale purple eyes, and his thin lips trembled.

"So, when I told you why I chose Black Wolf to be loyal to, it was actually more because he saved me at that time."

It suddenly dawned on me that this was only reasonable. If there is antecedents, there must be consequences. If there is such a fate between them, the subsequent mutual trust will not be so incredible.

"Actually, after Hei Lang rescued me, he once expressed his intention to take care of me. However, at that time, I was discouraged and didn't want to get close to anyone. He had no choice but to take me back to his tribe. Later, I Only then did I find out that he was the leader of the largest tribe outside the Great Wall. He saved me that day, but I just happened to meet him when I was out to relax."

"It's just that everyone said that the leader has always been ruthless. I don't know why he saved me at that time." Hu Ji laughed at herself. "I don't know if my life should have been cut off. In Hei Lang's tribe, I recovered little by little from the shortcomings I suffered when I was a child. Moreover, Hei Lang responded to my requests, which I am very grateful for, so later I found out that he was fighting for a hostile person. When the tribe was troubled, I offered him advice, and it was because of this incident that I discovered that I was extremely passionate about the art of war. Later, he bought me many art of war books from resellers and showed them to me."

Li Mingran, it turns out that the reason why Hu Ji knows so much about the Central Plains is because of this.

According to Hu Ji, she should be grateful to Hei Lang. If she was truly grateful, with Hu Ji's personality, she should refuse his offer without hesitation. Why do you still have the intention to favor him?

I felt vaguely that things were far from being as simple as imagined.

Hu Ji looked at Li's frowning expression and smiled lightly as if she knew what he was thinking: "Later on, I showed more and more talents. Moreover, the Hu people around me seemed to have a good impression of me easily. , regardless of gender. I thought my charm was back. I was really happy at the time. I regarded the people of the Black Wolf tribe as my own tribe, and I regarded the Black Wolf as my most trustworthy brother. But——."

Hu Ji's tone turned cold, Li knew that the turning point was coming.

"However, with the depth of trust, the feeling of betrayal becomes stronger. I accidentally overheard the conversation of Hei Lang's own deputy general. The deputy general said that my origin is unknown, and I am still half of the Central Plains blood. I am afraid that I am a spy. I thought Hei Lang would retort without hesitation, but I heard him say that doubters are most at ease when they are by their side."

The sarcasm on Hu Ji's lips became more and more obvious. "The most peaceful thing? Haha——, what's surprising is that I felt extremely calm at that time, standing there and listening to what they had to say."

"Actually, at that time, Hei Lang's tribe was fighting with another large tribe in our Hu region. It was also from that conversation that I learned that Hei Lang was Chang Shengtian's choice, and his abilities were prepared to be used in this decisive battle. Come out and catch the opponent off guard."

Li suddenly didn't know what to say, and it seemed that any comfort at this moment was empty words.

Fortunately, Hu Ji's heart was very strong, but after a moment, she returned to her expressionless look.

"Because of my trust in Hei Lang, I went directly to him for a frank talk. As a result, he told me that for the benefit of both parties, he would put me under house arrest. But he would ensure my safety because he was afraid that I was really a spy for the enemy. .”

Hu Ji sneered. "At that time, I really wanted to share his worries, so I told him the military strategy I had planned for him. Later, he was placed under house arrest. I don't know if he actually used the method I mentioned. Anyway, that A battle is won.”

"Then, he looked guilty. In order to compensate me, he even attributed all the credit for this battle to me and gave me a unique status. However, distrust is distrust, no matter how much he makes up for it later, it will not be enough. Let my feelings for him go back to the beginning.”

"I thought

Leave, but where can I go if I leave? Moreover, apart from this, Black Wolf is indeed very good to me. However, since that time of confinement, I no longer want to have more contact with others. Unless it is necessary for combat command, I rarely appear in the public eye again. " ..

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