Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 214: Do it or not?

Although the atmosphere in the big tent was a bit deserted, it was not serious.

Li crossed his legs and said leisurely to Zhong Limei: "Leaving your personal guards alone to guard the valley this time is a neglect of your personal guards. However, you must also pay attention to their emotions. Mo It’s necessary to make them misunderstand.”

Zhong Limei's expression straightened and he said firmly: "Don't worry, young master, you can raise troops for a thousand days and use them for a while. Since they are my soldiers, Zhong Limei will never get emotional because of this kind of thing. Otherwise, I, Zhong Limei, will naturally deal with it with military law." .”

Li waved his hand and raised his eyebrows and said: "Don't be so serious, they have worked hard too, and they will be rewarded when they go back.

Zhong Limei looked happy. After all, he was his own soldier. He said so, but he still believed in them in his heart, so Li's words just hit his heart. He looked at Li with heavy eyes and cupped his fists and said: "Thank you, Mr. Xie. "

Li stood up, helped Zhong Limei up, then glanced between him and Bai Qi, and chuckled.

"Even if it is your personal guard, it makes no sense to just work without giving rewards. How can you maintain your prestige after a long time? This time your personal guard should be considered the first achievement. After returning to Daqin, I will definitely I will report back to my father and praise you. In addition——"

Li's eyes glanced at Bai Qi, who was standing aside.

"Do you want to follow me back to Daqin, or do you want to stay in Hu Di? You have avenged your great revenge. If you want to leave, I won't stop you."

As soon as these words came out, before Bai Qi said anything, Zhong Limei laughed first.

"Sir, you are right. This boy is eager to join the army. Looking at his unyielding look, if he stays in Hudi, he will definitely become a bandit. If he is allowed to leave, with his evil aura, he may not be able to do anything next time. When I saw him, he was fighting with someone. So, except for you, the young master, who can suppress his evil aura!"

Bai Qi was not angry at all when Zhong Limei teased him like this. Instead, he followed his words, looked at Li and said anxiously: "General Zhong said, Young Master, after all this time, you still read my thoughts. Aren't you going to come out? I originally wanted to join the army, but now that I'm following you, young master, I feel like I have a place for myself. Naturally, I don't want to go anywhere."

"Okay!" It was his words that left him waiting for him. He patted Bai Qi's already somewhat strong shoulders, stared at him with his black eyes, and said slowly: "Bai Qi, you have to know that when you return to Daqin After that, there may be many dangers waiting for us. It is a battlefield without smoke, but it is thousands of times more dangerous than a battlefield like this. You don’t have a mind like General Zhong, but you are not stupid either. So, I need you to be absolutely loyal to me. trust, and don’t act on impulse. Can you do it?"

Bai Qi's eyes trembled, then slowly returned to firmness, and then nodded vigorously.

"Don't worry, young master, Bai Qi will trust you wholeheartedly."

Li knew that even though Bai Qi said this, his somewhat reckless temperament could not be changed in a short while, but he was not in a hurry at this moment. Therefore, Li nodded and did not mention this topic.

"Young Master——." Just at this moment, a low male voice came from outside the big tent.

Li and Zhong Limei looked at each other and nodded. Zhong Limei strode to the door, stretched out his head, and then quickly retracted it.

"How about it?"

"Heilang and Muduo have been walking aimlessly in Hudi, and there has been no communication between the two. Young Master, what should we do next? Are you still following?"

That's right, when Hei Lang and Mu Duo left the valley, the look Li gave Zhong Limei told him to send people to follow the two of them. Such a thing as letting the tiger return to the mountain would not really happen to Li.

Li pondered for a moment, crossed his arms over his chest, and tapped one hand on the other arm.

"Follow them, they won't stop communicating all the time."

"But, just keep following? This is not a long-term solution." Zhong Limei thought of Mu Duo's look when he left, and frowned unconsciously.

"And that Mu Duo, a person with that kind of personality, who won't shed tears until he sees the coffin, I'm afraid there will be trouble again."

"You're right." Li raised his eyebrows. "Let them follow for a while. If there are no other abnormalities, kill Mu Duo and let Hei Lang go."

"Let Heilang go?" Zhong Limei stood aside and looked at Li with some disapproval. "Although Black Wolf doesn't have many tricks, he is considered a spiritual leader to those barbarians, and his own strength cannot be underestimated. If -"

Before Zhong Lim could finish his words, Li blocked him directly.

"Don't worry. Black Wolf's veins have been broken, and he no longer has the reward of the Immortal Heaven. With his pride, he will never go back as a leader. Otherwise, he would not be so happy with my words just now. rejected."

When Li said this, Bai Qi suddenly realized that Li was so sure of Hei Lang's answer. Thinking of this, his admiration for Li deepened.

Zhong Limei thought about it carefully and felt that what Li said was indeed reasonable. Moreover, although the black wolf without wind power could not be underestimated in terms of personal combat power, it could not pose much of a threat to the Qin soldiers.

Therefore, he no longer dwelled on this issue, but turned around and walked to the door of the tent again, telling Li's instructions to the soldier who sent the message.

Then when he turned around, there was already a relaxed expression on his face.

"Now, the overall situation has been decided, and the mess has been almost cleared up. I will return to Daqin in two days in triumph, and I, Zhong Limei, can be considered to have some dignity."

Li chuckled. After all, Zhong Limei now does not have the kind of composure that he will have in the future. For him now, this victory is so successful.

Beautiful indeed gave him a very good start in his fighting career.

"However, I know that all this is thanks to the Young Master. If it hadn't been for the Young Master's promotion, I wouldn't have been able to enter the military camp where the Golden Fire Cavalry belongs, let alone achieve such military exploits. From now on, if you need anything, Young Master, just give me your orders. , I, Zhong Limei, will go through fire and water without hesitation!"

Zhong Limei looked at Li, clasped his fists and said firmly. ..

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