Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 221: Plan ahead

In just a few breaths, Li had already dodged left and right and returned to the carriage.

Chu Ruo had already prepared an excuse and half-opened the curtain of the carriage, which was close enough to enter.

After returning to the carriage, he lowered the curtain and everything seemed so seamless.

The three women in the car were startled when they saw the sudden appearance of Li Mo. Even Hu Ji couldn't help but said coquettishly: "You, your kung fu is really surprising, you are so elusive."

Li thought about his plan and didn't pay attention to Hu Ji's joke. Instead, he glanced at the three people and said seriously: "I just got the news that Zhao Gao framed me and united with the Hu tribe to prepare for rebellion."

"What!" The medical book in Duan Murong's hand fell down, and even Shi Lan's tea-making hand paused for a moment.

Li lowered his voice. "However, my father is probably at the stage of doubting me now, not to mention that this battle has been won. If there is not sufficient evidence at this juncture, my father will not attack me."

Li's words did not have a good comforting effect on Shi Lan and Duan Murong. After all, Ying Zheng was famous for being suspicious and cruel.

Hu Ji was obviously more carefree. She softened and said nonchalantly: "As long as your father has some brains, he should understand that this is impossible. Not to mention that you showed no mercy to the Hu people on the battlefield. Just because you brought me back, there is no possibility of collusion with the nonsense."

Hu Ji's words mean that the unintentional listener has a heart.

"Yes!" Li slapped his thigh fiercely.

"What's wrong?" The three women seemed a little surprised by Li Zai's sudden mood swing, and they all looked at him in confusion.

Li touched his chin and smiled very meaningfully.

"No matter what evidence Zhao Gao has, as long as Hu Ji is here, his evidence cannot constitute a threat to me." Li looked at Hu Ji and spoke slowly.

Duan Murong still looked confused, but Shi Lan's eyes lit up as if she had thought of something. Hu Ji obviously figured out the key point immediately after being mentioned by Li.

Mei smiled and said: "If I hadn't known that you only found out about this now, I would have doubted whether your motive for bringing me back to your Great Qin was to ask me to help you out."

"But how do you make your father believe that I am the woman in the legend? Moreover, according to you, your father is so suspicious, there is no guarantee that he will not think that you brought me back because you have already You are colluding with me." Hu Ji stroked her fingers painted with bright red, her eyes slightly cold.

Li Ziran knew that this coldness was not directed at him, but just a subconscious reaction when Hu Ji got serious.

So he curled his lips and smiled lightly without caring.

"I don't need him to believe it completely. It's precisely because of his suspicion that the more flawlessly something is done, the less likely it is for him to truly believe it. For him, he trusts his own judgment and investigation more. As for you As long as he sends someone to Hu Di to ask about my identity, he can deduce whether what I said is true or false."

Li Dingdao.

"As for your second question -, there is no need to worry about this. If I had colluded with you, there would be no need to bring you back. After all, your identity can only be effective in Hu Di. , brought back to Da Qin, he was like a proton."

Hu Ji raised her eyebrows, glanced at Li with narrowed peach blossom eyes, and snorted lowly. "You are cunning."

Duan Murong also understood Li's meaning after going back and forth. She picked up the medical book in her hand again, but when turning the pages, her white fingertips paused slightly, and a faint voice sounded.

"Sir, what if Zhao Gao indeed forged very strong evidence?"

Li shrugged nonchalantly. "As long as Hu Ji helps me prove that the evidence is false, then my father will definitely doubt the evidence. As long as he doubts it, with his shrewdness, he will definitely find clues in this seemingly perfect evidence. Then, At that time, we won’t be the unlucky ones.”

Duan Murong nodded, eyes lowered, completely immersed in the medical book.

Shi Lan glanced at Hu Ji, then turned her eyes to Li.

"Fortunately this time, Zhao Gao's evidence was forged, and he didn't know we had brought Hu Ji back, which caught him off guard."

"That's right." Li nodded, put down the tea cup in his hand, pondered for a moment, and said seriously: "So, we must be more careful in our actions in the future. Zhao Gao's snare organization claims to be pervasive. Although it is somewhat exaggerated, it cannot be underestimated. . This time it is fake. If he gets the real thing next time, we may really be tied up."

Early in the morning of the second day, the repairs were completed, and after gathering together, they marched towards the capital with neat steps. This time they were sure to enter the city in one go.

The soldiers who delivered the order had already arrived at the city gate on horseback. It is estimated that even Ying Zheng knew that he had returned in triumph. According to the usual practice, a powerful minister must be waiting outside the palace gate to greet him.

Because before entering the palace, it was customary to accept the cheers of the people in the city, so Li stepped out of the carriage early, leaving only the three women behind. He then rode on his own white horse, dressed in shining silver. In military uniform, under the sunlight, his originally elegant and handsome face suddenly gained a bit of iron-blooded color.

You can tell at a glance that he has a strong fighting spirit.

This is what Li deliberately showed to everyone.

Although it was said that he was accepting the cheers of the people, how could Li, who was well versed in the ways of the court, really naively think that all the people who came were ordinary people? hidden parties

The powerful people must be wearing commoners at the moment and observing him secretly.

After all, he, who has always been low-key and gentle but occupies the position of the eldest son, has appeared in the public eye in such a high-profile manner for the first time.

Not to mention his greatly improved status in the hearts of the people after the victory of this battle, just because of this military achievement, it suppressed many other princes. Even Hu Hai, who was favored by Ying Zheng, was at this point. He was forced down by him. ..

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