Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 112 Organization

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"White turtledove, count me as the old man and my partner." The old man in armor who spoke first spoke, "A-level mercenary group Silver Hand mercenary group, my name is Uther Lightbringer, call me Old Wu That's enough for Thur, A-level mercenary; my partner is Alsace, son of the head of the Silver Hand, Alsace, A-level mercenary; fifteenth-level Archmage Antonidas, A-level mercenary; And his disciple, the fourteenth-level magician Jaina, and the B-level mercenary."

Hearing that it was the Silver Hand, this small place immediately burst into discussions. In fact, there are not so few A-level mercenaries. In the legendary notes of the Mercenary Association, only One hundred A-level mercenaries, most of the remaining A-level mercenaries are only famous in their own regions.

But that doesn't stop them from being powerful.

The team of the Silver Hand in front of me, regardless of their own strength, the name of the Silver Hand alone can make countless people daunting. As for the four members of this team, there are three A-level mercenaries, and Among them, Alsace was even ranked among the rank A mercenaries.

As for that Uther, although he was not included in the ranking list, those who know the basics know that Uther was an existence that made people turn heads thirty years ago.

Uther looked at the people in front of him, "I know you all think that you have no hope when you see our team appearing on the stage, don't you? Or you think you can grab rewards in front of our team, But what I want to tell you is, don’t underestimate the team this time. In fact, three teams of our mercenary regiment have all been killed, and each team has at least one A-level mercenary. In fact, we The two old guys and these two little guys are here to collect the corpses of their partners. If you want to join our crusade, I will not object at all, but you must be prepared to pay the price Prepare."

"Our blade cavalry will join the ranks this time. It doesn't matter whether it's dangerous or not. It's just for fun. The 27 or 8 brothers here are not afraid that you are all C-level mercenaries."

"Jagged God of War mercenary group!" The warrior leader suddenly shouted, "We are a B-level mercenary group, and several of us here are B-level mercenaries."

"Ha, hello everyone, both of us have actually introduced you just now, G-rank mercenary." Li said slowly.

"It's a dog! Since it's an SSS mission, I don't want people to come in for nothing! Tell you, if you two want to join, I will definitely not accept it!" The warrior leader didn't know what medicine he had taken. Jumped out once!

"Hey, little guy, you haven't been taught enough by the turtledove, do you still want to continue to be beaten?" Uther seemed to look down on this guy, and immediately spoke.

"You..." Li Fan clasped the long ax tightly in his hand.

"I'm not talking about you, you're so fucking annoying!" Inbell suddenly yelled, "You don't need to let go, I'll kill you right away, believe it or not!"

At this moment, Li Fan couldn't bear it any longer, and suddenly grabbed the long ax in his hand and shouted, "Boy, are you looking for death?"

"Looking for death?" Inber took off his coat suddenly, and for some reason, everyone felt a chill in an instant. At this time, Inber's hands were condensed with a lot of frost magic power, but Li was He frowned, because the cold he felt was not due to the magic power emanating from Inber.

"Hey, young man, don't be so angry." The cold man who spoke before suddenly spoke, and everyone immediately focused their attention on him.

Turtledove was also slightly stunned when he saw him, "Andrew, do you also want to take part this time?"

Andrew shook his head lightly, "No, I'm not interested in the things between you, I'm here this time to find Sirius!"

"Sirius?" The white turtledove was also stunned at this time, "Sirius the phantom beast? You mean, Sirius appeared nearby?"

At this moment, the door of the hotel was pushed open again, and a man with blond hair walked in slowly. His face was covered with a few traces of wind and frost, but it could be seen that this man was very attractive. That kind of person, when he saw that the hotel was full of people, he frowned obviously, but he didn't seem to care much, so he picked a table that was already occupied and sat down.

However, before he could sit still, the woman opposite him spoke, "Didn't you see that this table is already occupied?"

In fact, the woman had been sitting there a long time ago, but was ignored by many people, or this woman seemed to have used some kind of magic to keep others from noticing her.

However, a sneer emerged from the corner of Li's mouth, "I didn't expect so many A-level mercenaries to come today."

Hearing what Li said, Inbell shook his hands violently, shaking off all the frosty air in his hands, "Why are these two A-level mercenaries?"

Li nodded lightly, "That's right, that Andrew is an A-level mercenary. Although he is not on the ranking list, he is about the same as the white turtledove. As for the blond man, and the one opposite him doesn't look like much." They are beautiful young women who are less than thirty, and they are all A-level mercenaries."

The blond man at the table heard what Li said, and snorted coldly, "Young man, you have such a sweet mouth. If you fight later, don't get hurt."

Li smiled slightly, but did not speak.

Of course he knew that what he said would be criticized

These people heard, but what Li said was intentionally let these people hear. If he didn't want others to hear what he said, then no one would want to hear it.

The blond man didn't care about Li's words at all. He said to the pretty woman in front of him, "Of course I saw it. Why don't you buy me a drink? Why are we all old acquaintances? Don't you think so?" ?” ..

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