Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter One Hundred and Twenty

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After another attack, Li stopped abruptly. At this time, Bradman's broadsword followed like a ghost, but this time Li had no intention of flashing back again...

Li's hand that was raised lightly at this time, clenched it tightly, and directly grabbed Bradman's blade. The extreme high temperature on the blade didn't seem to have any effect on Li, and even from the beginning until now, Li had no expression. changed.

Li has already figured out what the opponent's power is. It is a holy pattern, but it is a variant of the holy pattern. What the guy in front of him wrote on the sword is not just a magic circle, but five different kinds of holy patterns. The patterns are not combined, but divided into five layers.

Bradman can activate whichever layer he wants.

When Bradman attacked other people before, he used the water attribute.

When facing yourself, the fire attribute is activated. After finding that the strength of using the fire attribute is not comparable to his own, he will change the attribute to the earth attribute when stepping on the ground. If this is the case, use this The strength increased, and he forcibly pushed himself away.

But of course, Li mistakenly thought that only those with the opponent's strength were pushed away.

Li sneered in his heart at this moment, even if Bradman fully exerted his power, it would not be as powerful as Li at all...

This is absolutely oppressive...

So now, contrary to the normal game, although Bradman is still holding his weapon in both hands, she was the one who chased and hit her just now, but Bradman is panting fiercely, and the whole person has reached the limit of his physical fitness. The limit is reached.

Li really wanted to applaud him. In fact, to a certain extent, Bradman was really strong. At least in this world, there were not many people who could defeat him. Of course, those who can defeat him are all terrifyingly strong, such as Li, such as Jeff, such as Catherine...

Of course, there is a saint-level existence above these people-Anxelam.

"I said, Bradman, don't you need to take a break? Now your heartbeat has reached its limit. To be honest, you want to put all your strength into the few stabs just now, and hit the ground directly My idea is indeed good, but it can only show that I am already scared. You must know that a strong person will measure his attack strength at any time... Even if you want to kill me, you should take a good rest now, right? I Are you right?" Li said very calmly at this time, with a bit of concern involuntarily in his words.

Of course, Li didn't have any kind intentions, such words were obviously showing contempt.

"Ahhhhhh... You bastard, do you think that I won't kill you if you say that?" Bradman pulled the broad knife out of his loosened hand, and Bradman's face was full of endless emotions. Looking at it this way, this guy didn't want to give up the fight at all, Li Weiwei sighed, he didn't understand what gave Bradman such a high fighting spirit.

Of course Li doesn't think that anything can be reversed with fighting spirit...

At least in this battle, the fighting spirit is just something funny.

"I'm not talking about you. In fact, you are likely to reach my level in the future, but if you don't know how to cherish life, no matter how powerful you are..." Li said slowly, but his words were not finished yet. , Bradman, who seemed to be dying, suddenly raised his sword from bottom to top and slashed across the sky, and then a blood red color sprinkled across the sky.

Li was stunned. In fact, Bradman's talent was indeed very high, so high that Li would call him a genius. Li even saw in him the hope of becoming a saint in the future, so He had been provoking Bradman just now, that's right, he was provoking Bradman to do something. Only when Bradman made a serious move would he have a reason to kill him.

I was going to rule this plane in the future, so Li was not at ease with Bradman as a ticking time bomb.

But what Li did not expect was that the Bradman in front of him actually broke through the original bottleneck just now, and now he is one step closer to this level. This progress is too sudden. He didn't react at all, and was directly injured by him.

The smell of blood stimulated the monsters around, and these guys wanted to pounce on Li when they saw Li was injured.

But none of the monsters could move a step forward, because Li at this time had no tendency to fall at all.

In fact, the IQ of these monsters told them that the Li in front of them was not the kind of existence that could be easily solved with a single knife. At least, the terrifying aura emanating from Li now made them dare not take a step forward.

Li gently stroked the wound on his chest, "To be honest, I don't know how long it has been, I have even forgotten what it feels like to bleed."

If there was still a bit of concealed killing intent towards Bradman just now, then now, all that remains to see Bradman is contempt. In fact, if Bradman could use some If he just left his mind, then Li would still think that he could improve in the future, and even threaten himself, but now he is so aggressive... There is no need for this guy to live.

"Really? It seems that this is the first time for a strong man like you to be injured, right? Then let me tell you now, I am the first person who can kill you!" Bradman saw at this time Seeing that Li was injured, hope could not help but ignited in his eyes, and he swung the big knife with blood in his hand violently, stabbing Li's throat frantically.

What Bradman was thinking at this time was that since he left

His physical strength is so high, the attack just now can only hurt the flesh, but there is probably no way to do this kind of stabbing, right?

But unfortunately, Bradman's giant knife stopped at a distance of less than ten centimeters from the exposed throat.

Even if Bradman exhausted all his strength, he couldn't push the huge knife in his hand any distance. ..

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