Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 132 Take action

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In full view of everyone, they thrust one of their hands into their skulls, then with a sudden lift, pulled all their skulls off, and then used their other hand to very skillfully remove their brains. They dug them all out. After doing this, these skeleton warriors returned to the goblin lich one after another.

As for the mercenaries who were still under control just now, they fell directly to the ground and completely lost their ability to move.

Li frowned. Although he didn't know what this guy wanted the brains of these mercenaries for, but since the other party's goal had been achieved, if he didn't take action, he would probably let him go.

The black flame in Li's hand jumped suddenly, and then with a flick of his finger, a black light shot onto the black flame barrier at a speed that ordinary people could not keep up with. Almost in an instant, the barrier collapsed. Come.

The barrier that formed this black flame was not very powerful. This Goblin Lich really trusted his magic skills too much, so that Li only used a little magic power to break its magic. The Goblin Lich seemed to be stunned. After a moment, a sneer appeared on its face, and then it lightly stepped on the ground, and then a magic circle was formed on the top of the altar.

He no longer paid attention to Li and others. He just waved his hand gently, and he and the three skeleton warriors disappeared directly from the magic circle.

Li let out a hey, but he didn't expect that the other party actually had a back-up plan on the altar. Li asked Uther, "Should we pursue him or not?"

Uther also frowned at this time. Those who died just now can be said to have died in every mercenary group in this team. It is unreasonable not to pursue them now.

Uther nodded slightly, "Chase!"

When the white turtle dove heard what Uther said, he took the lead and walked to the edge of the magic circle. However, as soon as he reached the edge of the magic circle, his face suddenly changed and he flew back faster, "There is an ambush!"

At this time, the white turtle dove turned around on the altar, and the big sword in his hand suddenly made a blocking gesture, and then hundreds of feather arrows were fired out from the magic circle, and then a large number of skeleton soldiers came from Walked out of the magic circle.

Several magicians released the undead dispersal, but the effect was not as good as expected. Li couldn't help but want to sneer. You must know that the undead dispersal can really target the undead that did not have the owner to help themselves, but these skeletons have a ten Summoned by a seventh-level magician.

Li can drive away all these skeletons, but the body Li is using now is Ogast. Once used to dispel the undead, it is estimated that it will immediately become undead control. When the time comes, he will directly take over the control of these skeletons. Not only will the opponent The goblin lich will immediately know that he is a necromancer.

And the people on his side are probably able to understand his identity. Others, mainly Uther, the Holy Light Magician, will fight him desperately.

At this time, the skeleton soldiers immediately sent out a hail of arrows, and five or six people fell immediately. However, at this time, the team led by Riban finally showed some effect. After their roar, their speed immediately increased a lot, Before they could send out a second hail of arrows, these warriors broke into the group of skeleton warriors.

The weapons they used were all suitable for group armies to fight. The opponents were all archers. For them, they felt like a fish in water at this time, causing bones to fly all over the sky.

However, although these skeletons and the zombies encountered before are all undead creatures, the movements of these skeletons are obviously much faster than the zombies, and are even not much different from some elite mercenaries.

Seeing that they had lost their distance advantage, they threw away their bows and arrows, and then drew the long knives from behind and rushed towards the crowd. These guys were obviously once excellent warriors, and the goblin lich also dropped a lot of marks on them. Because of their hard work, they still retain a lot of their martial arts and fighting instincts, which suddenly put Riban and others into a tough fight.

However, the white turtle dove's big sword didn't hesitate at this time and directly knocked away the long knife that was slashing towards him. Then he turned back and inserted the big sword into the skeleton's stride. At this time, he also showed a bit of master's ability. With this technique, he casually shook the giant sword in his hand, and in just an instant, the tall skeleton soldier was shattered into pieces in his hands.

When Li saw the white turtle dove's technique, he just nodded lightly, then picked up a skeleton soldier's long knife from the ground. He also imitated the white turtle dove's appearance, first deflecting the skeleton soldier's attack, and then using his wrist There was a violent shaking, and then the skeleton soldier turned into fragments like bone powder.

However, Li stopped immediately after doing it this time, because the white turtle dove just smashed the skeleton soldier, but he turned the skeleton soldier into bone powder with his own actions. The strength of the two people was clearly judged.

At this time, in the melee, fortunately no one noticed the superiority between himself and the white turtle dove, otherwise something would have happened.

At this time, Imber also showed his strength. The ice-based magic used by this guy was not the modeling magic like Gray's. On the contrary, most of his magic was extremely cooling, instantly crushing the opponent's weak points. Skillful ice attribute magic.

If the disadvantage of Gray's modeling magic is that the effect of ice cannot be applied to people, then Imber's ice attribute magic is aimed at living creatures.

He can freeze all the body fluids in the opponent's body in an instant, and then completely crush the opponent.

Now of course these skeleton soldiers are pretty good

, but they were obviously suppressed and beaten by these mercenaries. After paying several lives, these skeletons were finally strangled.

But there are also some troubles. When the goblin lich left, it was obvious that he not only laid out this layer of ambush, he also laid several magic traps on the altar. The insidiousness of these magic traps was simply terrifying. ..

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