Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 137 Sacrifice

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The so-called crystal spirits are the source of magic. All magic is released by condensing crystal spirits. On the earth far away from life, many people directly write crystal spirits as elves, but that is almost a description that is passed down from rumor to rumor. Of course, Because most people believe in the existence of elves, many planes have been created.

But this is all a story for another day. The so-called crystal spirit is normally invisible to people, but at this time, a crystal spirit that can be embodied appears in this place.

These little things were about the size of a palm. Their upper bodies were human and their lower bodies were made of vaporized gas. This completely matched the description of the crystal spirits that Li saw in the Anxelam Temple.

The crystal spirits in front of me are all light blue to white, which means that these crystal spirits are all wind attribute crystal spirits.

However, this kind of crystal spirit is not the only one beside them at this time. There are also a large number of crystal spirits with other attributes standing next to them.

At this time, except for those wind-type crystal spirits, the other crystal spirits stood still as if they were being controlled. The wind-type crystal spirits in the cave were using their abilities crazily one by one. That's probably why this place has such strong winds.

Hearing Li shouting, Antonio's expression changed drastically. At this time, he came forward and said with a livid face, "Don't mention these crystal spirits, even if there are only twenty wind attribute crystal spirits, in this kind of situation We are definitely no match under the circumstances.”

Originally, White Turtle Dove and Uther were not too worried. After hearing what Antonio said, these two people also became livid. At this time, Uther frowned and said, "Then what should we do now?"

Hearing Uther speak, Li frowned, "Don't speak so loudly, are you crazy!"

Seeing Li talking like this, Uther was also furious, "You kid, don't think that because you are the disciple of that old guy Verita, I will be afraid of you. Let me tell you! I am also your elder after all!"

"Damn it!" Li Ang shouted angrily, but he had no intention of teaching Uther a lesson, because at this time, because of Uther's roar, a crystal spirit had already noticed him, a wind wrapped with lightning. The crystal spirit roared at Uther.

The so-called Crystal Spirits are not so kind. On the contrary, most of the Crystal Spirits are very violent. At least when facing intruders, they are not much kinder than the Dragon Clan. The more important problem is that no matter how scary the Dragon Clan is, they still live alone, and Crystal spirits tend to live in groups.

However, these wind crystal spirits did not pay attention to these mercenaries. After the wind crystal spirit roared, it rushed towards Uther directly, and did not call other crystal spirits to help.

Although the Holy Light Magician trained by Uther also needs to participate in close combat, he may not be able to deal with an enemy as flexible as the Wind Crystal Spirit.

Sure enough, the first time the two of them fought, half of Uther's beard was swept away by the wind crystal spirit. Looking at the scars on his face at this time, everyone knew that if he had been slower to dodge just now, it would have been... What will happen.

The Wind Crystal Spirit obviously had no intention of sparing the guy who dared to shout in the Crystal Spirit's area. He spun around in the air and rushed towards Uther.

Yin Beier snorted coldly, condensed an ice shield in his hand, and knocked the wind crystal spirit away. Li couldn't help but his eyes lit up. Unexpectedly, Yin Beier also hid his strength. He thought Yin Beier was hiding his strength before. He can only use the power of freezing, but now it seems that this guy can also use the power of shaping.

But now even if Uther has saved his life, no one feels at all relaxed. In the current situation, there is no way to retreat. The entrance they just came in has been destroyed.

If we go forward, we will probably die. The crystal spirit in front of us doesn't seem to be able to communicate with these mercenaries at all. Even if we can communicate, will this crystal spirit let everyone pass?

These mercenaries are not that naive.

Everyone's hearts were a little heavy, but Li was still not ready to take action. If he exposed his true identity here, he would have to kill everyone, and he didn't want to do that yet.

And he had long known that he was not the only one who had hidden strength here. It was easy to leave from here. With a body made of Nine Revolutions Xuan Gong, nothing could defeat him.

Sure enough, just when this thought flashed through his heart. The strong wind that was sweeping everything crazily just now suddenly became smaller.

At this moment, Li couldn't help but look at Antonio, the magician who claimed to be level 15, "Do you think it's worth it?"

Seeing Li asking himself this, Antonio was also stunned, "If you don't take action and I don't take action, these people who want to come here will only die, right?"

Li has long seen that Antonio actually hides a lot of strength. Although this guy is a traditional magician, Li can clearly feel that this guy actually has eighteen levels of magic power. The strength is definitely above level 17.

Sure enough, Antonio took the first step to take action at this time. Hearing what Antonio said, Li also smiled slightly, "Then go ahead. If something happens later, I will try my best to help."

Hearing what Li said, a bright light flashed in Antonio's eyes, "Thank you very much."

Antonio actually discovered Li's hidden strength, but he didn't say that he was not Li and didn't have many ways to deal with the crystal spirit. The only way Li could think of was for Antonio to sacrifice all his magic power to let Zhou

If the surrounding magical environment loses balance, then these crystal spirits will lose the basis for survival.

The only thing Li thought of seemed to be the only way Antonio could think of. At this time, Antonio instantly increased his magic power. Although level 16 was like a god to most people here, Antonio didn't just think about it this time. Reveal these. ..

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