Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 139 Underground Sun

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Almost during the transmission, everyone felt the terrifying heat.

After the transmission was completed, except for a few people, everyone could only cover their eyes to avoid being blinded by the sudden bright light.

Then after they came back to their senses, they were even more speechless about everything in front of them, because what filled their eyes at this time was actually a sun. Li said that everyone should prepare fire-attribute protective skills. It cannot be said that it was wrong, but The thing in front of me is useless even if I use fire attribute protection skills, right?

In fact, everyone is standing on a suspended platform at this time, and what is in front of them is a huge fiery red sphere. This fiery red sphere is covered with magma. Even if there is land exposed in some places, the land is covered with magma. It also exudes an extremely dazzling golden light.

No matter how you look at it at this time, this sphere is a bit too big. Just looking at it this way, it is conservatively estimated that it has an area of ​​at least hundreds of kilometers. Of course, this does not include the error caused by the distance being too far.

No matter how you look at it, the temperature above cannot be solved by any defensive magic. At this time, the only way to the huge sun was a rope bridge on this platform. Everyone knew that there was no way out after reaching this point. Thinking about going back from the magic circle just now, what would they have to face on that side? It's those terrible crystal spirits.

Now no one dares to face those crystal spirits.

Now the only way for everyone is to walk along this rope bridge to the huge sun to find a way. As for the rest, to be honest, there is nothing else in this place except the platform where everyone is standing and the huge sun. .

Afterwards, everyone stepped on the rope bridge one after another after applying fire defense magic, and slowly walked towards the huge sun.

Sure enough, everyone underestimated the distance of this rope bridge. After preliminary calculation, it took almost half a day of walking before everyone finally reached the underground sun. And many of them are close to collapse. You must know that there is no place for you to rest on the rope bridge, and you have to worry about whether you will fall off at any time.

And after walking above this underground sun, no one can rest safely in such a high temperature.

Everyone chose a relatively large piece of land and cast several ice-attribute magics on it. Finally, everyone was able to rest here for a while.

Looking at the rope bridge again, everyone knew that even if the crystal spirits on the upper level were no longer there, a considerable part of it would never be able to go back.

After all, although they are mercenaries, it does not mean that they are the kind of warriors who can endure hardships. Coming here is already equivalent to the physical limit for some pure magicians.

However, before everyone could rest for long, a roar of wild beasts rang out.

Li frowned, "What is it?"

The white turtle dove resisted the big sword with a trace of hesitation on his face, "No way? Could any wild beast survive in a place like this?"

Before the white turtle dove finished speaking, the ground of the entire land shook, and then the magma around the land began to roll continuously.

Li shouted loudly, "Everyone, be careful." Then several giant strange fish about two meters high and three meters long jumped out of the lava. Before anyone could react, they opened their mouths and opened their mouths. A stream of fire spurted out.

However, at this time, White Turtle Dove showed off the strength of his A-level mercenary. He just jumped up with a sword and enveloped all the strange fish in his sword style. When he landed, those strange fish had already All turned into stones, and the fire currents were all resisted by the earth magic that Li just released.

The white turtle dove glanced at Li and said, "These things are not real creatures."

Li nodded slightly, "That's natural. From my perspective, this is still just a magical space."

Hearing what Li said, White Turtle Dove also showed a pained expression, "Not to mention so many magic spaces, just saying that it can accommodate so many people, I'm afraid the cost is also high."

Li nodded gently, "According to normal human standards, it has indeed reached an unbearable level, but if the other party is really a dragon, it is not impossible according to the dragon's lifespan and nature of making money. ah."

Of course Li wouldn't say that the Dragon Clan was almost extinct more than four hundred years ago, and now the only one still alive is the black dragon Acnologia.

If the ultimate target this time is really Acnologia, Li Ke can't guarantee that anyone except himself will survive...

While he was contemplating how to sell his teammates in the end, a low roar sounded again. This time the target was not rushed out of the water.

Those were several subsaurus tyrannosaurs. These tyrannosaurs looked completely different from those seen on the mainland outside. You must know that ordinary tyrannosaurs are at most A-level monsters, with a body size of three or four meters. Normally no magic is used.

But the current tyrannosaurs are all about six or seven meters tall, with dark red patterns all over their bodies. They open their mouths and spit out a large amount of magma. It seems that these tyrannosaurs have all been transformed by the environment here.

Without Li speaking, the white turtle dove had already yelled, "Everyone, pay attention!"

then white

Ikaruga's five remaining men have already gathered around her. You must know that these tyrannosaurs in front of her are not as easy to deal with as ordinary tyrannosaurs. These guys also put in a lot of effort.

Li Ziran understood that these guys could no longer suffer too much damage, so he directly intervened in the battle between the two sides this time. At this time, he took a deep breath and said, "Bound by the Earth."...

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