Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 148: Created Brothers and Sisters

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This guy is hiding in such a place, and he is hiding in a cave that hides his aura. It doesn't look like it was done by a master, so the only explanation is that this guy is hiding from Zeref, the strongest person here. .

After seeing that Serena did not stop her actions, Celia began to say slowly, "Actually, both of us were created by Zeref, and our bodies are unknown. Where is the human body. He said that he originally wanted to create a powerful weapon that could kill him, but he did not expect that the two of us were just broken products."

Li couldn't help but be stunned for a moment when he heard what she said, "Broken goods?"

Celia nodded gently, "Yes, his original expectation was that the two of us could grow without limit by absorbing other living things. For example, I can let many living things parasitize in my body, and There is no need to worry about their backlash, because my talent is natural inspiration. They will never resist my orders. As for my brother’s power, eating, all creatures eaten by him will turn into the power of his body, and they will never Exclusion occurs.”

Li nodded. In fact, Li had already felt these powers in these two guys, but the corresponding two powers actually felt very perfect to Li.

Seeing Li's eyes, Celia probably knew what Li was thinking, "It's not that simple at all, because the strength of the two of us does have very big flaws. You have to understand, even if I can make more people Creatures are parasitic in my body, and I can let them fight for me at the same time, but in the eyes of the strong, what survives in my body is just a bunch of miscellaneous soldiers, such as the one you saw that day. Bradman, who fought against me here..."

Hearing Celia say this, Serena's face instantly turned ugly, "Bradman? You said you fought with him? Oh my god! Is Zeref nearby?"

Li looked at him as if he were an idiot, "Don't you know that the hilltop you occupy is Zeref's territory?"

Serena seemed to be really frightened this time, and almost sat on the ground, but then he burst out laughing, "Do you think I'm really scared? Even if that guy rushed in front of me Come on, I can kill him easily!"

Seeing Serena talking nonsense here, Li just wanted to smile. If his strength was really as great as he boasted, he might not have defeated him so lightly. At least he would have to spend some effort. .

Celia glanced at Li at this time, and then continued, "At that time, I was instantly destroyed by his attack and almost all the parasites were destroyed. I was also severely injured by him. Later, you stepped forward directly and defeated him, right? "

Li nodded gently, "His strength is not that strong, but his attack methods are sharper."

Hearing what Li said, Serena snorted again, but at this time both Celia and Li had ignored this guy. Celia continued, "And my brother's weakness is obvious. First of all, he In human form, he can only activate the power of one of his attributes. In addition, even if he turns into that huge monster form, he has no way to truly integrate these abilities."

Li nodded lightly, yes, Serena is indeed very strong, and this ability is also very strong, but the problem is that he cannot integrate all his attribute powers, otherwise he would probably be at the level of Zeref rival.

And at this time, a calm voice rang out, "Li, it seems that you didn't listen to me. Didn't I already say it? Can I leave this matter to my men to handle?"

The sound came from above the palace.

The voice was someone other than Zeref. Li turned around and looked at him, "I'm just curious."

"Curiosity? Curiosity can easily kill people." Zeref seemed to have just woken up. "In fact, your value is just higher than the level where curiosity can't kill you. You can leave now, I can spare you." Immortal."

As he spoke, he looked at Celia and Serena, "How are you two doing lately?"

Serena's face grew angry at this time, "Zerf!"

Celia took a step back at this time, "Brother, let's run away! With the strength of the two of us, we are no match for him, and now that I have lost the parasite in my body, I don't have much fighting power at all!"

Serena shook his head heavily, "No, I must let him know what blood debt means blood repayment!"

"Blood debt must be paid with blood? Are you talking about the creations of the same period as you? Come on, although you two are defective products, they are still garbage!" Zeref said indifferently.

Li understands that at this time, Zeref is in a state where he is trying to survive. In this state, Zeref can use magic at will, but he will not start to plunder life.

In this state, Zeref is in a state where he is not afraid of himself.

At this time, the skin all over Serena's body suddenly began to burst, revealing the bright red skin under the epidermis. There was a blue film on top of the skin, and a large amount of blue lightning-like current flowed on the blue film. "Really? Those rubbish in your eyes are our relatives!"

At this time, he roared and rushed towards Zeref crazily. Every time he guessed the next step, he suddenly rushed forward for more than ten meters, and the place where Zeref appeared at this time was exactly The location above the entire palace.

It was the top of the palace, and it was pitch black, so the mercenaries couldn't see what was there at all, but they could see clearly that there were countless corpses of powerful creatures hanging there. It seemed that Serena was really It’s because I have prepared a lot of effort to make myself stronger. ..

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