Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 151: The Eye of Reincarnation

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At this time, Li's eyes were completely dark, and then there were some blood-red things in the darkness. There were more and more blood-red blood threads, and finally they were almost full of Li's eyes, and between Li's eyes The remaining black in the middle is just enough to form three magatama.

The three magatama twisted for a while and turned into a kaleidoscope pattern. Looking at Li's eyes that had changed at this time, Zeref didn't think it was a bluff, but at this time it was obvious that he had recovered and his voice was no longer the same. So hoarse, "It seems that you do have a good trump card, so let me see what your trump card is like!"

Listening to what Zeref said, Li snorted coldly. At this time, there were only a few ways to defeat Zeref that flashed through his mind. If he had to fight, Li was already preparing for the next big one. .

His hands formed seals quickly. This was not a sealing method used to release any magic in this world. This was a ninjutsu.

In the blink of an eye, two bolts of lightning suddenly appeared behind Li. It was naturally impossible for Li to continue using chakra when using ninjutsu. Now Li was using chakra converted from true power, the so-called true power. It is the power in the direction of cultivation condensed through Tai Chi Xuan Qing Dao and Jiuzhuan Xuan Gong. Although this power is converted into chakra, although it consumes a lot, the power of the corresponding ninjutsu is greatly improved.

The two thunder lights formed at this time circled continuously behind Li, and soon turned into two huge wings. The wings formed by these two energy allowed Li to move more flexibly in mid-air. , although there is no actual improvement in combat power, for a master of this level, it can completely determine the outcome.

Seeing Li's actions, Zeref's face was full of doubts. In fact, Zeref had never seen this kind of power before, and he didn't know how to deal with it, even when Li released this magic. , Zeref did not feel the condensation of the thunder crystal spirit.

Just when he was wondering, two huge bulges suddenly appeared on the two wings. These two bulges were not big at first, but in just a few seconds, they had suddenly swollen from his wings. Stretched out from above, they were two giant hands!

"Attack and kill!" Li shouted in his mouth, and his hands suddenly came together. Two huge thunder and lightning hands quickly stretched forward from the thunder wings behind Li's back, and grabbed Zeref crazily. Wolf was also stunned for a moment.

However, this time he did not use any other attack magic to erase Li's attack. Instead, he took a deep breath and began to chant quickly. After the chant was completed, he suddenly inserted a finger and pointed at Sky, "Listen to my orders and protect!"

Following his incantation, eight regularly distributed black dots appeared around him in an instant, and three dark black thin lines stretched out from each black dot, connecting to the adjacent dots. It directly formed a rectangular protective shield that could just protect Zeref.

Zeref stood quietly in the protection of this black cuboid. The six sides of the cuboid that protected him suddenly began to flash a strange general color.

It seems to be warning others not to touch it.

But Li didn't have to worry at all at this time. After all, the two giant hands he formed at this time were all formed with energy. Even if there was any poison on them, it was none of his fault.

At this moment, the pair of hands slowly stretched to the left and right sides of Zeref's body. Then, the flash points on the two hands began to sense each other, and finally connected together, turning into a terrifying current that merged together, but Unexpectedly, the current suddenly disappeared when it came into contact with the black rectangular protective layer around Zeref's body.

However, the current that has not come into contact with the protective layer is still continuously delivering pressure.

Li frowned. These two giant hands moved completely according to Li's thoughts. They slapped Zeref directly. The electric current just didn't work, so I'm afraid this one has no effect. After all, these two hands Even if the giant hand has a shape, it is only made of a large amount of energy.

Sure enough, these two giant hands just approached the protective layer, and all the parts that entered the protective layer disappeared directly. That was not devouring.

Li subconsciously thought that although the part that entered the protective layer completely disappeared, it should at least turn into energy factors, but here he did not feel the part that should turn into energy factors.

Then there is only one explanation. This guy Zeref uses the power of space.

Zeref covered his mouth and laughed, "Have you finally discovered me?"

Li snorted and immediately backed away with his two lightning hands.

On the huge thunder and lightning palms, the electric light was beating continuously. Soon the two hands returned to their original appearance, and two new palms grew.

Li glanced at Zeref, "Actually, you didn't just learn something from Teacher Anxelam, right?"

Hearing what Li said, Zeref laughed wildly, "That's right. In order to get revenge on Anxelam, how could I just learn so little from her? Let me tell you, I have already learned from another supreme god. Surrendered, he promised me that he would destroy Anxelam to avenge me in the future!"

Another supreme god...

Although Li didn't know which supreme god controlled the power of time, he also understood that since Zeref had told him about this, the battle between the two of them would probably be endless.

Zeref seemed to feel Li's determination. At this time, he also began to gather his magic power and prepared to use it.

He started a battle with Li. It wasn't that he couldn't dodge Li's first attack, but he didn't want to dodge, and he also wanted to see how Li wanted to fight him.

Li couldn't help but sneer when he saw Zeref's expression. Too many such enemies died in his hands. Too conceited. Arrogance is the most ruinous trait. ..

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