Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 160 All that’s left is to move forward

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After Zeref disappeared, Li immediately scanned the surroundings with his eyes. After losing the Mangekyō Sharingan, Li had lost his dynamic vision that was higher than that of ordinary people. To be honest, the dynamic vision ability of the Three Magatama Sharingan was different from that of Li's naked eye. There is no big difference anymore.

And it was at this time that Li suddenly felt a murderous intention coming from behind him. After this murderous intention, Li felt a sharp pain in his lower back. At this time, he didn't care about anything else and just slashed towards his back with a sword, and Following his attack, Zeref stopped attacking.

And the blood seeping out of the corner of Li's mouth at this time didn't seem to be fake. It seemed like an easy blow, but Li was already a little unable to bear it. This was because he had the Mangekyou Sharingan before. So Li is basically aware of the changes in the surrounding environment, but now that he has suddenly turned into a three-magatama Sharingan, it is much more difficult for Li to catch Zeref's movements.

At this time, he stared at Zeref closely, and gently wiped the academic certificate from the corner of his mouth. The three magatama in his eyes slowly rotated, as if he wanted to completely see through the guy in front of him.

Turning around and laughing, he slowly raised the knife in his hand. He was laughing when did he become like this? Can he really only rely on those special abilities to fight against his opponents? It is true that those things are part of his strength, but correspondingly, because of relying on these abilities, he seems to have stopped moving forward.

When Li was in the Hokage, he was almost a cannon fodder. At that time, his heart was filled with unyielding will. Since he was able to defeat those who could only look up to him back then, he will be today because of Would you lose those abilities and still lose to Zeref?

What he could do before, he can also do today. Li took a deep breath, and then exhaled. It was as if an unknown force condensed on his body in an instant. Li, who had fallen into a desperate situation, What exudes from his body is a will to die.

He rushed towards Zeref crazily, the sword in his hand filled with bursts of sword energy.

At this time, Li was no longer seeking to decide the outcome with a single blow. Every time he struck, he struck with several knives, dozens of knives. But when Zeref looked at Li, he just smiled softly, and then kept dodging, as if He could easily get rid of Li just by dodging. Seeing Li's sword strike faster than the previous one, each strike faster than the other, and each strike stronger than the last, he really wanted to laugh.

Li, who can only use this level of dynamic vision now, can't hurt himself at all.

Zeref felt that the outcome was decided. Of course he would not say that the power deprived of his heart would slowly return to his body.

In fact, Zeref is now completely familiar with Li's movements, and it's time for Zeref to counterattack.

A long magic weapon appeared in Zeref's hands. Under his excitement, this magic weapon actually had no edge at all. At this time, Zeref was completely excited by the extremely high dynamic vision. In his mood, he swung the stick towards Li. This time, Li was hit hard by Zeref without even seeing his movements clearly, and he retreated more than ten steps.

However, even if Zeref could hit Li, it would be of no use. Li's body was tempered by the Nine Revolutions Mysterious Technique. Unless Zeref's power could be increased ten times more, he would be able to inflict real damage to Li. Otherwise, it would just be a pain in the ass.

Li was holding his chest at this time, and the heavy feeling coming from his chest made Li feel a little upset. As for the rest, Li didn't believe that Zeref could really kill him, at least he couldn't use this method to kill Li. Fatal injury!

"It really makes me feel that there is some amazing will!" Zeref slowly walked towards Li. At this time, the two of them were still suspended in the sky. In this kind of battle, Li lost his superior dynamic vision, so Correspondingly, the more complex the battle environment is, the more disadvantages Li will suffer. However, Zeref can also use space magic, so Li will still suffer the same disadvantages no matter where he fights with him. "Use the power you have now to follow me." Fighting, I have to say... Well, it's crazy. Most of your strength actually lies in your eyes, right? I will study it carefully after you die, so let me give you a relief now!"

Listening to what Zeref said, Li sneered again and again, and suddenly he rushed towards Zeref again. At this time, Li was even faster and his fighting spirit became more vigorous.

never give up! Never fail! Even if he is at an absolute disadvantage, Li will not really admit defeat, even at the last moment before death, Li will not give up!

"I can definitely win! Zeref! Don't underestimate others!" Li yelled crazily at this time, but in Zeref's heart, this was just Li's last struggle. He didn't think this There is really something in the world that can change the outcome of a battle with will. After all, power is power, and only power is real.

"Bang!" A heartbeat sound sounded in Li's ear. This was the sound of Zeref's heart beating. Li would definitely not hear it wrong. But why did the sound sound again at this time? Li suddenly felt a twitching sensation in his eyes. In severe pain, he suddenly felt as if he could no longer support even the power of the three magatama!

Zeref looked at Li very proudly, as if to say, "You didn't expect that I have such a method, did you?" At this time, he punched Li hard in the face. The strength at one time was beyond Li's imagination. Will Li be knocked away directly? Of course it's impossible!

Li's eyes radiated with bursts of blood, "Zerf, arrogance is the biggest reason.

Sin. "

"So go to hell!" Li kicked his foot hard in the air and actually managed to hold on and retreat! Then as long as you stop retreating, the only thing left is to move forward! ..

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