Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 162 Recovery

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Suddenly Zeref seemed to notice something, "Damn it, Anxelam is coming here. It seems I have to give you a break!"

Listening to what Zeref said, a sneer emerged from the corner of Li's mouth. If Anxelam arrived here, it would indeed be the end of Zeref, but the question was, would he be considered a winner? Relying on the power of Anxelam to win, what kind of victory is that?

Li sighed slightly and chose to give up holding on...

At this time, the space around Li suddenly began to twist. Because of the huge pressure in the space, cracks appeared in various places in time, and the cracks spread crazily towards the position where Li was standing. .

With its erratic spread, Li had no way of judging where Zeref would attack from.

At this time, Zeref has disappeared into this space. He is constantly tearing this space from the interlayer of space, using these cracks to control Li's position.

After completely locking Li's position, Zeref will unleash a thunderous strike.

How could Li be so helpless? He roared, and the Mangekyō Sharingan in his eyes suddenly rotated to the extreme. At this time, it seemed as if something suddenly exploded in his eyes, as if With the soul-piercing tearing feeling, Ling Li felt that his eyes were once again shrouded in blood-red.

At the same time, the faint blood-colored mist emerged from Li's body again, and gradually began to dye the surrounding space into blood-red color.

But Li Yan was being sealed, and after being downgraded, he was forcibly sublimated into the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan again at this time.

The red mist and the black cracks blended together almost instantly. As if in an instant, the cracks in the space where the original crazy entanglement spread seemed to be frozen, and in the distance. Less than two inches away from his body, he stopped abruptly.

They gathered here like this, as if they had formed a huge cage in a trance, trapping Li here. They could not break through the red range, and Li could not escape from the black crack. Break free from the prison.

Immediately afterwards, more light red mist emitted from Li's body. The blood-red mist now produced by Li himself was completely inferior to the blood-red sky, because the blood-red sky was directly transformed by the system. Made of eyes.

But now Li's eyes have evolved to this level by themselves, which means that Li's current eyes are not as good as those in the cross state, but this is enough. These blood-red mist can completely swallow the surrounding black cracks, even if it is It was slower, but for Li, it had completely turned the situation around.

Li wanted to tell Zeref, aren't you capable? Then you are using your ability on me once! Li Qing understands that since he can return to this state once again, he can return to it a second time! The sealing ability in Zeref's body is no longer useful to him to a certain extent!

Suddenly, Li felt that he could see his surroundings more clearly. The 360-degree vision around him suddenly returned to Li. It was like a sublimation feeling. Li wanted to laugh wildly, but at this time he He looked at Zeref with a more provocative look!

Under the control of this feeling, Li started to laugh loudly at Zeref, "Did you see it! Ha! Ha! Ha! Did you see it! No matter how powerful you are, Zeref, you are still an absolute hindrance." You can’t follow my path! Your performance time has now passed, and I will get it back from you with interest!"

As Li's condition began to improve, the space cracks that were soaked in the blood-colored mist began to be repaired, and then a road appeared in front of Li, leading to Zeref's road in one jump. road!

After walking out of the prison that Zeref had set for himself, Li looked at Zeref in front of him coldly. At this time, even Zeref's face was full of shock. He seemed to be unable to imagine Li's side. The bloody sky appeared again. It was true that the bloody sky was just a mist, and it could not reach the power shown before. However, this was indeed the bloody sky, the power that could seal space.

Li didn't give Zeref enough time to be surprised. There was no need for extra words at this time. Li suddenly sprinted towards Zeref with all his strength. In just a blink of an eye, Li arrived. In front of Zeref. At this time, Li Ya felt extremely relaxed in terms of mental pressure, and his swordsmanship also improved to the extreme in an instant.

The energy weapon in Li's hand was like a long snake in an instant, dodging the layers of space protection obstacles set by Zeref with great dexterity, and stabbed directly towards Zeref's throat.

Zeref's pupils shrank slightly at this time, and then in an instant he quickly slid in the direction behind him. At this time, his steps stopped moving, but his speed was still very fast, and he was changing. As he slid backwards, he laid down layers of protection in front of himself and Li.

The space protection laid out by Zeref seems to be very simple, but in fact, each space protection is slightly different. When these differences are merged together, they become a very powerful complex. On the surface, these things do not do much. Like this, but as long as they are accidentally touched, the chain reaction they trigger will turn into the most terrifying space trap.

Suddenly, there came from the red mist behind Li

An extremely subtle fluctuation made Li's heart tighten, and he immediately locked the fluctuation completely.

Then a bright light flashed on Li's back, and a column of energy shot out directly from Li's back. The target was of course the abnormal place. ..

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