Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 166 Return to Nambra

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Li looked at Zeref who was hanging over Nambra with him. His face was full of smiles, but there was no smile on Zeref's face. He looked at Li and wanted to open his mouth first, but he couldn't. It was as if he was restricted by something and couldn't speak at all.

When Li saw this scene, the smile on his face became even thicker. He did not expect that Anxelam would really hand over control of Zeref to him, and Li only told Anxelam about it. Just think about what you want to do in the future...

Control Zeref's plan to unify the Western Continent.

Li glanced at Zeref again, his eyes full of satisfaction. Now that Zeref, a great master, has fallen into his hands, and now there are two continental monarch-level masters, who else in this world can do it? Holding yourself back?

Of course, Anxelam cannot be counted among them, as it is an existence that has reached the level of a saint.

Li looked at Zeref and suddenly said, "Come on, little Zeref, call me master."

Zeref looked at Li Yi and gritted his teeth, but he still squeezed out from between his teeth, "Master."

Li laughed loudly. Zeref never thought that he had been controlled by Anxelam for many years, and now his control fell into Li's hands. Li's strength was indeed powerful. , but it’s just on an equal footing with myself.

Zeref wanted to yell a few times to vent his grievances, but now Li told him not to yell and to be quiet. At this time, Li was holding Imber in one hand and Celia in the other.

At this time, Yinbel fell into a coma, and Celia looked at Li with wide eyes, as if she had never thought that Li had such great ability.

As for Serena, Li sent him to Ishgar to become the leader of the strong men there. When Serena saw that Li was so strong, at least he dared not say anything on the surface, but according to what he said, he once He also did well in Ishgar. At that time, he searched everywhere for the remains of powerful creatures and still killed various high-level creatures, so his reputation was quite good.

After thinking about it for a while, Li felt that his process of ruling this continent was now on the right track. If nothing else, Serena would definitely become the strongest person in Ishgar. There was no doubt about this.

As for Zeref, he will eventually unify the continent, but he will definitely help him.

Of course, in the end, this is actually to get away from yourself.

Li quickly told Zeref about his next plan. Of course, Li had no right to give Zeref any advice. It was all because Li had arranged some work for Zeref. At this time, Zeref suddenly He looked at Li, but Li knew that this guy could only follow his own arrangements.

After completing his own arrangements, he is free to do what he wants, but he must not have the idea of ​​damaging Li, otherwise, Li will know about it immediately.

After sending Zeref away, Li coughed lightly, and the muscles on his whole body twisted for a while. Soon Li turned into Ogast's appearance again. Now Li is not worried about being raped by others. He saw his true face, and his battle with Zeref gave Li a deeper understanding of certain areas.

At least now, people of Bradman's level can't even hope to see their true face.

After Li completely transformed himself into Ogaste, he took Yinbel and Celia to the city of Nambra. Celia insisted on following Li, but at this time she was completely out of touch with her strength. There was no difference in comparison. Li Weiwei felt the magic power in Celia's body, but it was only at level eight.

According to Celia, this is because all the parasites in her body have died, and when they died, they also had a certain impact on her own magic power. Regardless of whether what she said is true or false, she is now away anyway. We can only take this non-threatening little guy with us first.

Of course, there is another thing for Li, which is to go to the Mercenary Association to deal with the task handover issue. After this task, it can be said that no one survived except Li and Yin Beier. It can also be said that Li completed it alone. this task.

When he opened the door of the mercenary association, Li found that there were a lot of people here today. The president of the mercenary branch was counting something behind the front desk. After seeing Li come in, he was stunned for a moment and then turned around. A staff member came over and asked, "Is there something wrong with this person?"

Li glanced at him and said, "We are here to complete the task and complete the handover procedures."

The branch president couldn't help but his eyes lit up when he heard what Li said, and he hurriedly walked out from the backstage. However, the staff member took a look at Li's body and looked at him with disdain. After all, Ogast didn't look like that. Like a master, the tasks that can be completed are naturally not high-level tasks. "Oh? What kind of task is it?"

Li rolled his eyes, "What else could it be? Of course it's an SSS-level mission!"

Hearing what Li said, the staff member couldn't help but be stunned. Just when he was about to say, "I haven't heard of any SSS-level missions!", he was pulled away directly by the branch president. At this time, the branch president looked up and down. After a while, he asked, "Did you really complete that mission?"

Li chuckled, and then put the still unconscious Yin Beier on a chair aside. Li gently wiped the ring in his hand, and then a huge dragon head appeared in the mercenary association.

This faucet is really quite big, and it directly occupies this small space.

Two-thirds of the area of ​​the Soldiers Association, where there were originally a lot of mercenaries, were all squeezed aside.

"That's it. This should be considered evidence of beheading, right?" Li slowly asked. He felt proud when he looked at the huge dragon head in front of him. This was the one he blackmailed from Serena. ..

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