Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 171 Initial formation

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When it comes to manpower, Li Ke has a ready-made mercenary group. Although it is only a B-level mercenary group, there are still people who are willing to squeeze in after a loud roar.

Not to mention other things, when the notice was posted, the food and salary above made these people drool a lot.

Besides, this is still a B-level mercenary group, and it is much better than starting from scratch. Not to mention that it has a lot of convenience in accepting tasks. In normal fights, if you get beaten up, you can still yell. I belong to the B-level mercenary group!

Coupled with the fact that these noble boys tried their best to poach people, a good team was created in no time.

However, even if the team is drawn out, it will not be of much use. What really leaves everyone at a loss now is the intelligence.

There are people fighting everywhere, but the intelligence network that can obtain information cannot be established overnight.

Until now, the specific number of mercenaries occupying that fortress is not clear, let alone the leader of the team, the strength level, and the quality of the mercenary team's equipment.

Even now, the terrain around the fortress is not very clear to everyone.

Of course, it's not their fault. Apart from Li, who among them has really seen the world? These aristocratic children appear to be this and that, but in fact they have just made their debut.

How is it possible to know where to get information?

So these guys sent two teams to investigate the situation. Of course, the result was that there was no news from those two teams. Seeing these guys fidgeting, Li directly spoke. He wanted to lead a group of people. A group of people went over to see directly what kind of abilities the other party had.

It is said that Li brought a group of people there, and of course they were the most elite members of the mercenary group. Now the other nobles and young men could not come up with any ideas, so they could only let Li do what he did. .

On a sunny day, Li set off, followed by more than thirty mercenaries. These thirty mercenaries were all riding horses and walking silently through the forest. Most of them They all wore very fine half-armor, and the weapons in their hands were quite varied. Some held sabers and some held spears. Of course, the most common ones used axes and spears that could cut and stab.

In addition, about half of these guys are carrying longbows. Although these guys are not very good at shooting, there is always a certain deterrent effect when a group of people shoot together, whether they hit the target or not.

This team of mercenaries is the Shadow of Konoha mercenary group.

When he was still a hundred kilometers away from the fortress occupied by thieves, Yakir had already led another team into the forest. After traveling a certain distance, Li also entered the forest on the other side and marched for more than half a day. When noon was almost over, everyone was already less than fifty kilometers away from their destination. Of course, that was enough. Fortunately, they did not encounter any ambush or any monsters. After all, if there were monsters that could pose a threat to dozens of mercenaries on the outskirts of the forest, the area would have been classified as dangerous. District.

The name of the small fortress at the target is Petersburg. Although it looks like a fortress, it is actually a castle. The terrain around Peterburg is basically mountainous. Even the gentler places are still hilly areas no matter how you look at them.

The location here is remote, and in terms of products, it is quite poor. Basically, even if there is an owner here, it is impossible to do anything, which leads to the fact that no one wants to get their hands on such an area. In addition, Bra German's intention was to allow these Blizzard mercenaries to develop here, so Petersburg was occupied by these guys for nearly half a year without anyone taking care of it.

To put it this way, the people in the surrounding areas suffered.

This is the information they collected. Of course, these are outdated information.

Li estimated the position and calculated that it was almost close to the patrol range of the other party's scouts.

He said hello to Angel, and when Angel gave an order, the mercenaries immediately distanced themselves and slowly explored the interior of the forest in a dispersed formation.

As for Li, he was wearing a half-body armor and hiding behind the team. In fact, no one could tell that Li was the commander of the team. How could anyone tell that Li was actually the leader? A magician.

It is a generally recognized fact that metal greatly hinders the concentration of magic power. Even if a magician wearing metal armor stands still and no one interferes with him, the probability of magic failure will reach 30%. «out.

And this 30% chance is a matter of life and death in battle.

However, for some magicians who use magic to summon armor to fight, this statement is not applicable, but there are really very few magicians who change their clothes.

But now, for Li, the so-called issues of armor weight and magic failure rate are not problems at all.

Li's mental power is very powerful. Moreover, although his appearance has changed to Ogast at this time, in fact Li is still using his own body. The weight of the metal armor is ridiculously light for Li. As for Li Regarding the problem of magic release probability, for a strong man like Li, will there still be a problem of failure rate? What's more, when Li is pretending to be Ogast, the magic he releases is all low-level magic.

Suddenly Angel was right

He said hello and said: "Hey, Ogast, we have discovered the whereabouts of the other party's patrol. Do you think we should arrest a few people for questioning, or kill them all?"

Li asked carefully and found out that the place where he found the other party's patrol was only 10 kilometers away from the outer edge of the forest, and that the other party had very clear horse hoof prints. Judging from the number of horse hoof prints, the other party should be a group of seven or eight people. Teams left and right. ..

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