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For most skeletons, Li could only give them a common order. For example, when he ambushed Reinhardt last time, Li asked Layla to crouch there and wait for Reinhardt's attack before attacking him. attack.

If they were ordinary skeletons, the only order Li could give them was to ambush.

As for other additional commands, they couldn't understand them at all.

Therefore, the biggest surprise that Layla brought to her was that this guy was smart enough. He was so smart that Li was a little surprised. Not to mention understanding the commands, this guy could even learn other people's martial arts. As long as he watched it once, This guy will slowly learn the opponent's attack method, and then integrate it into his own fighting instinct.

However, Li really knows nothing about undead magic. After summoning Layla now, he can't even communicate well. He can only look at it and then send it back to the summoning space.

When Li had some free time, he began to draw some holy patterns. He did not forget the curse of the holy patterns on Anxelam. Those curses have been constantly sucking the power of this plane. If he really waits, When that curse sucked all the power out of this plane, Li probably had no choice but to run for his life.

Time passed so slowly, and Li watched the strength of those noble boys increase bit by bit.

I was also depressed for a while. The talents of these guys are actually only average. Who knows when they will reach the level of strength in the original work. At least in the original work, the strength of these guys should be at level 17 or 18. Level...

Of course, if these guys have reached the level of 17 or 18, then there is no need to put in any effort now. They can just rush to Petersburg in a swarm and bulldoze it inside.

Of course, these are all unrealistic ideas. The whole world has not yet entered the main story. In other words, anything can happen now. Apart from other things, Li Ke cannot guarantee that this mutated world will really work. can develop according to the original world process.

But these are things that Li should worry about. Others in this world do not think that this world has deviated from its original trajectory.

After everyone's training came to an end, the "Shadow of Konoha" mercenary group began activities again. This time their destination was not Petersburg, but a village near Peterburg. This village was originally It is already an area that has no business, but if these noble boys can really take Petersburg, then this village will be their territory.

This small village is only more than thirty kilometers away from Petersburg. It is called Qingzhou Town. There are only 2,000 people in the town. It is not large in scale, but it is not particularly small either. According to the part they obtained According to intelligence, this town has never paid taxes to the principality since the appearance of the Blizzard Mercenary Group.

And someone once saw scouts from the Blizzard Mercenary Group passing by here, so the character of this town is self-evident.

Collaboration with the enemy and betraying the country...

Of course, it can't be said to be so serious, but the crime can be big or small. Several noble boys have already decided. The size of their crime will be determined by the treatment of them in this town. Of course, it is impossible. There is a situation where the entire village is killed. After all, this is their future territory. If everyone dies, then who will they rule?

This place is not very close to Nambula. Everyone did not get close to it on the first day. They just rested in the forest for one night and arrived at Qingzhou Town early the next morning.

In the early morning, the sun has completely risen. Most people in Qingzhou Town have gotten up early and begun to prepare for not being hungry this winter. The smoke from cooking breakfast has slowly risen. Everything looks very beautiful. of peace and quiet.

In fact, it is very remote, there are no special products, and it is not a necessary route. Even if there are caravans, they only have one or two a year. Therefore, the people here have long been accustomed to a self-sufficient farming life, and even Every year, few people go to the surrounding cities to conduct some basic transactions.

At this time, Li and several other noble boys were riding horses and openly strolling around the village. At this time, Yakir's face was full of sadness. This town was obviously too backward, not to mention other things. , there are only two shops on this broadest street in Qingzhou Town, and it seems that these two shops are only open at certain times, and the signboards are already covered with dust.

The residents here are also wearing tattered clothes, as if they have been wearing this kind of clothes for several years. They also look at these mercenaries very strangely. It is a look that is almost disgusting. These people hate outsiders very much. Or do they hate the people from the principality very much?

At this time, Yakir also began to think casually, "There are only more than 2,000 people in a town, so the maximum number of households is about 300. Looking at how poor they are, they can have forty gold coins in a year. Thank goodness for taxes, damn it! Is this our territory?”

Yinbel glared at him, but he was also a little downcast at this time. In fact, this territory was really not that good.

Angel didn't say a word at this time, but just followed the crowd with sixty mercenaries. As for the other mercenaries, they didn't know where they went. They just walked to the square in the middle of the town, where everyone usually lives. They only gather here if they have something to announce, but today most of the people in the town have already gathered here.

In the center of the square stood an old man in his fifties. Although he seemed to be quite old, his body was still very strong. It seemed that the years had not left many traces on him. Looking at these nobles, he said slowly, "Noble gentlemen, I am the mayor of this place. I wonder why you are here?"...

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