Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 189 Particularity

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After Li said this, he let out a long breath. In fact, Li did not think that he was really talented when he achieved this achievement. It was all due to the system. If it weren't for the system, he would He might not have survived more than three or four days in the world of Naruto, but not only did he survive, but he was also living very well. Even now, he has reached such power that he has even begun to come into contact with multiverse-level wars. Already...

After the system listened to what Li said, he remained silent for a long time, and Li did not speak again. It was not until a quarter of an hour later that the system slowly said, "In fact, whether a person can become a strong person is not a matter of his talent. It’s whether he’s lucky.”

Li nodded slowly. No matter how talented a person is, if he is not lucky enough, then he will never become a strong person. Even if you think you can be self-taught without adventure, what if you are killed, or Let’s just talk about what to do if you choke to death while eating.

"The reason why I came to you is because you are unlucky enough." The system did not give Li time to speak, "Because you are unlucky enough to be my host. Besides, if you are not unlucky enough, you will not be able to meet me." There are so many things, so it is useless to be my host. Only when you grow in adversity will you become stronger."

At this point, the system's voice stopped abruptly, and Li let out a sigh of relief. Although I don't know why the system stopped talking, since the system was upgraded, there have been more and more gaps between the two people. .

What Li didn't know at this time was that Weiss and Igunil were standing downstairs in his small building, and the people passing by didn't seem to notice the existence of these two people at all. Of course, if you are willing to look carefully, If you observe carefully, you will find that everyone will subconsciously glance in another direction when passing by them.

It seems that they are existences that should not be seen.

Ignir frowned tightly at this time, "I said, Weiss, is it really necessary for him to do that thing? With his strength, I'm afraid you really have to wait for a long time."

Weiss raised his eyebrows, "Who else do you think I can look for? There are only a few people in this multiverse who can make high-level sacred patterns. Who do you want me to look for?"

"I think Anxelam is good. Why don't you go find her?" Igniel shrugged his shoulders. His huge body seemed to be able to fit Weiss completely inside, but no matter how you looked at him, he seemed to be interested in Weiss. Somewhat fearful.

Weiss raised his eyebrows, "Forget it, I'll tell you before you see the finished product of that holy pattern! This blood killing is indeed an intermediate holy pattern, but its effects can be superimposed. In other words, , when you have to overlap two blood kills in one position, its effect will be relatively improved. The most difficult part of this holy pattern is how to make them overlap without conflict. Making a blood kill It's very simple, but it is quite difficult to achieve superlative blood kills. The difficulty of making it is not as simple as the middle or upper holy pattern. This is the real high-grade holy pattern, so only the highest-grade holy pattern can really be made. Master. Ordinary Holy Pattern Masters need to keep trying, and only succeed once after hundreds of failed productions. Regardless of material issues, the time alone can make the so-called top Saint Pattern Masters in our multiverse kneel to their knees. Got off."

Igunir couldn't help but frowned when he heard this, "But why did you choose him?"

"Him? Potential...Besides, I also got news from Tianwen. He obtained part of the blueprint for Blood Killing. If I give this part to him, in fact, even if he is not allowed to do it, he will not be able to control it himself. , I want to complete it." After Weiss said this, he snorted, "Let's go, let's go to the dimensional battlefield to bully those so-called intruders."

After saying that, the two people took a step at the same time, and then the two people disappeared from the place. When they appeared again, they were already dozens of kilometers away.

On the other side, Li seemed to feel that if he asked the system about it, the system would not say anything more, so he asked, "System, this holy pattern says it is a superimposed holy pattern. What is a superimposed holy pattern?"

"Superimposed holy patterns are holy patterns that can be loaded on the same part of the body. When the holy pattern is carried on a carrier, two calculations need to be made. One is the carrying capacity of the person's holy pattern, and the carrying capacity of the holy pattern. The carrying capacity requirement cannot exceed 80% of the person's own carrying capacity, otherwise it may collapse. Another point is that there are not many places on a person that can be loaded with holy patterns, and this superimposed holy pattern is as long as you The carrying capacity of the holy pattern is enough, you can install as many as you want. Even if it is ten, as long as you are willing, it is no problem! Although the blood kill is only a medium holy pattern, the effect can reach that of a high-grade holy pattern, or even It’s more powerful than the superior holy pattern, right here.”

Li slowly let out a breath. In this way, this blood kill is really a good thing. When his own strength reaches a certain bottleneck, the increase in attack speed will become very terrifying, doubled. The attack speed does not mean doubling the lethality. Often in an explosive move, your attack speed determines everything.

Then Li directly imprinted the two designs of holy patterns in front of him into his mind, and then directly stuffed the two designs into his hands and rubbed them fiercely. After a moment, Li again Opening his hand, what was in his hand was already a ball of paper scraps.

As soon as Li finished these things, there was a knock on the door. The person who came this time was not a big shot like Weiss and Igniel, but a servant of Konoha Shadow. Just soldiers.

After the mercenary came in, he told Li that the aristocratic guys from Petersburg wanted Li to go to Petersburg as soon as possible. ..

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