Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 191 Torture

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Before he finished speaking, Li had already said, "You only have one wife at home, so there is no such thing as an old lady, so you don't have to make excuses that your old lady is seriously ill."

When the supervisor heard this, he also opened his mouth, as if he didn't know how to continue. Then he burst into tears and said, "Yes, my wife is seriously ill. I want to go back to see her."

At this time, Li rolled his eyes and seemed to be very dissatisfied with this guy's behavior of directly ignoring his IQ. "I said that I have already investigated the situation in your family. Your name is Jess Somalia. Although the family is relatively poor, it is still You got a wife for no other reason than you are the best friend of the village chief’s only son. And the guy Yakir injured yesterday is the village chief’s son, am I right?”

Hearing what Li said, Jess couldn't help but widen his eyes. In fact, no one knew his last name because he didn't know who his father was, but he still made up one for himself casually when he was asking the population. Last name, but that was what I said casually at the time, and I just wrote my name when registering. So how does the fat man in front of me know this?

Li actually searched for his memory fragments when he caught him. This method will not cause fatal harm to people. It is completely different from the method of stripping out all people's memories. This method This method can only query part of his memory, and it is not certain what can be found, but it can find part of his memory. If these things are said to be true, the other party may really think that Li has mastered everything.

At this time, Angel said strangely, "Oh, our supervisor is so dedicated. He actually got up in the middle of the night to go home to visit relatives. Why don't you just tell us during the day, and we will directly let you go home during the holidays." Well."

Listening to what Angel said, the supervisor became even more frightened. In fact, he was completely unsure of how much these guys had mastered. Naturally, he didn't know how much he should say. If he said too little, these guys would probably They won't let him go, but if he talks too much, he probably won't be able to escape the hands of the Blizzard mercenary group.

While he was in a dilemma, the mercenaries had already begun to play with some fakes. They were torture instruments that made her feel pain all over her body, and a charcoal pot next to her was also lit. He didn't think this was the case. The charcoal basin was used to keep him warm. In fact, he was already sweating a lot...

Yinbel came up and squeezed his arm slowly, and then said softly, "I think there is nothing wrong with his body now and he should be able to survive tonight."

Jace originally saw that Imber was the kindest person among them, and wanted to beg for mercy, but he didn't expect that what this guy said at the end was even more terrifying, and it decided his next treatment...

He leaned back suddenly and yelled, "No, no, no, no, I really told the truth, don't do this to me!! Oh my god, my god, keep those things away." , I don’t want to see it at all!!!”

A kind smile appeared on Yin Beier's face, "Of course we know that what you said is true, and you are also very cooperative with us, so none of us will be lonely tonight, right?"

Of course, Jace knew what Yinbel said about not being lonely. He opened his eyes wide, as if he had seen the most terrifying thing. He wanted to escape from Yinbel's side, but because he was now tied up tightly, he couldn't. Unable to escape, Imber patted his head gently, "Okay, you have to be good. You must scream louder later, otherwise we will fall asleep."

It's just that Jace was completely frightened. When a mercenary walked towards him, the sound coming from his mouth no longer sounded like a human voice, but like the howling sound coming from the mouth of a fat pig waiting to be slaughtered. , at this time, he could no longer care about anything and directly handed over everything he knew. Of course, there was also a relationship between the Blizzard mercenary group and the people in the town.

In a life-and-death situation, Jace felt that his eloquence had never been so good. He vilified all the actions of the Blizzard Mercenary Group in the town, and then told all the people related to the Blizzard Mercenary Group. As for He didn't know the list of people in the Blizzard mercenary group, but he could still tell the faces and names of several people.

After he said all this, he felt a little exhausted. In fact, in the end, he betrayed his town. He didn't want to go back to the town. Even if he went back, he would probably be killed. Unless the methods of these people in front of me are really as good as when they punished me...

Able to uproot the power of the Blizzard Mercenary Group in Qingzhou Town.

A mercenary next to him, who was said to have studied for several years, recorded everything that Jace said verbatim. Then he showed the interrogation record to Jace. At this time, he could no longer care about others and just signed his name on it. After signing, he seemed a little worried, "Sir... adults, you won't... you won't just show it to them and then say nothing to them." Let’s start?”

If this is really the case, then Jace has really become an abandoned son. He looked at the guys in front of him with some horror, while Li smiled slightly, "Since we have compromised, there is no use thinking about those things. , you can rest assured. Not to mention this continent, at least in my territory, I will do it, those who follow me will prosper and those who go against me will perish!"

After Li said something like this, he immediately asked a mercenary to come over. Although the arrangements were made, let everyone rest now and set off to Qingzhou Town immediately in the morning!

I heard Li say that

Jace's eyes couldn't help but reveal a bit of sadness. Isn't it unclear what he is going to do in Qingzhou Town now? But when that time comes, I really have to show my attitude...

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