Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 193 Unfair

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This girl has to be said to have some brains. At this time, she did not say that someone was being treated unfairly, but directly said that the entire village was being treated unfairly. Under such circumstances, these villagers naturally I want to stand on the same front as her.

And Li glanced at her with interest, then clapped his hands gently and shouted, "Jace! Come out here!"

Jace, who was supposed to be in the mercenary team, ran directly out from the villagers at this time. He glanced at Li with some fear. Li looked at Jace, and a meaningful smile suddenly appeared on his face. , "Tell me, how much tax do I want them to pay? Yesterday you said you wanted to take leave to go home, how much do I want you to convey in person?"

Jace opened his mouth and finally said, "My lord said that in order to take care of our village, we won't pay taxes this year."

Hearing what Jace said, the villagers immediately became confused. In fact, they didn't believe what Jace said at all, and Li smiled slightly, "Then what did you tell the mayor?"

Jace raised his head and glanced at Malfurion with some fear. Malfurion's face was pale at this time. Even if he was an idiot, he knew that he was being severely plotted. Jace ran back before dawn today. As soon as he came back, he told Malfurion about the situation of Malfurion's son being bullied in Petersburg, and also talked about the tax collection.

But looking at Jace at this time, it was clear that he had colluded with Li in advance.

Jace was cowering at this time, as if he didn't dare to speak. The villagers immediately became angry again. They thought that Jace must have deceived the village chief and actually wanted to charge such a high tax.

Li looked at Jace without saying anything and sighed slightly, "What are you afraid of?"

Jace looked at Li again and understood that since what he had just said, there would be no way out. He yelled, "What I told him was one silver coin per household!"

After he roared like this, his whole body seemed to collapse, and he no longer had any strength left. He glanced at Li and then at Malfurion, understanding that he had embarked on a path that he had no choice.

At this time, he was trembling, and he had changed from a villain who was exposed to the truth to a good guy who was just a little greedy for money, but had the courage to expose the mayor's conspiracy!

Li sighed slightly at this time, "Mayor Malfurion, I know that you really want to drive us out and then regain control of this land with the support of the Blizzard mercenary group, but you can't let the villagers follow. Did you fall into this situation together? If you don’t tell me, you are really unkind. "

Hearing what Li said, the villagers suddenly felt that this nobleman was really not as bad as Malfurion said, and the look he looked at Malfurion became a little contemptuous. Maybe it was really what Li said, This guy used the villagers as a weapon against the nobles!

Malfurion wanted to throw a fireball and kill Jace directly, but with so many people here looking at him, of course he couldn't do that.

He looked at Li, then at Jace, and then said after a long while, "I have never harmed others for personal gain in my life. Even if you slander me like this, I am still innocent!"

Li shook his head slowly, "Really? Who is the person who hooked up with the Blizzard mercenary group?"

Hearing what Li said, Malfurion was also stunned. He said slowly, "Of course I don't know who it is, but if you don't believe my innocence, why not search my house! The villagers are all You know, I never leave the town easily, even if I have any property, I always hide it at home, right?"

Li nodded slowly, "Okay, I'll let you be convinced. Someone will go and search his house."

Several mercenaries immediately came out of the crowd and walked towards the mayor's home. At this time, many villagers also gathered around. They still didn't believe that the mayor would do such a thing, so naturally they wanted to witness it with their own eyes. .

Not only did they want to see if the mayor really hid a large amount of money, but they were also worried that these mercenaries were deliberately framing the mayor, secretly putting property inside, and then slandering Malfurion!

The mayor's house is not that big in the small town, it is just a two-story building. The decoration inside is very simple, even worse than some slightly wealthier villagers.

The two-story building was just a few rooms. A few mercenaries followed the representatives sent from the villagers and searched the small building in almost a quarter of an hour. Of course, they found nothing in it. The only thing of some value was found. It’s just a little bit of food in it, and of course it’s not considered corruption.

Malfurion sneered at this moment, while Jace had a horrified expression on his face, thinking, does this noble really have no backup plan?

Li glanced at Malfurion and said, "Even if there is nothing inside, it doesn't mean that you really haven't harmed the villagers here. You must know that you had a good relationship with the Blizzard Mercenary Group before. Their activities here Where do the funds come from?”

Li's words once again brought Malfurion to the forefront. He looked at Li and wanted to tear him apart. In his eyes, Li was nothing more than a twelfth-level magician, and He is a level fourteen magician. Although he has not reached the level of crushing, he feels that he can win steadily!

Just as Malfurion was gritting his teeth, a villager suddenly pushed the cabinet in Malfurion's home. After a shock, the villager exclaimed, "There is an entrance here! Look, there is an entrance here!"

Malfurion first

He frowned, then sneered again on his face, "That's just my magic laboratory. You know I'm a magician, so it's normal to study magic and other things in normal times, right?"

Li looked at Malfurion and suddenly said, "As far as I know, any magic experiment tools are not particularly cheap, right? At least not something that an honest village chief can afford!"...

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