Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 196 Interrogation

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Suddenly the door to the basement was opened from the outside, and Li strode in with a few mercenaries. The moment he saw Li, Malfurion understood that this was not an interrogation room, but an interrogation. room.

Malfurion suddenly felt a little flustered. In fact, he hoped that Li would ask himself some questions as soon as possible, then struggle a bit, and tell him immediately to satisfy him. Otherwise, he was afraid that he would say something that he could not say. .

Li walked around in the interrogation room, and then stared at Malfurion. After a long while, Li slowly said, "You guys, go out." The mercenaries couldn't help but look at each other when they heard what Li said. Then he turned around and walked out, seemingly obeying Li's orders.

Li glanced at Malfurion again. To be honest, for a traditional magician, if he wanted to prevent others from noticing that he was casting spells, all he could do was to use gestures and mental movements to cast spells. But now he His hands are also tied, so the magic he can release is only some small magic.

Of course, the premise is that Malfurion still has some magic power.

Malfurion looked at Li and suddenly sighed, "I didn't expect that I would be tricked by you in the end. You hid it so well. You are a noble child, and you look arrogant... but in fact you are. Such a powerful person, I would like to ask where is my magic power?"

Malfurion felt an incomparable emptiness in his body at this time, as if he had been emptied out. After becoming a magician, the magician's inner body will be filled with magic power. From then on, the magic power is equivalent to that of a magician. The vitality of Malfurion's body was only about 5% of its heyday. As for where the other magic went, it was of course self-evident.

He looked at Li, very surprised that the fat man in front of him actually hid such strong strength. Not to mention other things, when his whole body started to tremble, Malfurion was completely unaware that it was an attack.

"Lord Malfurion, to be honest, your level is quite good. If it weren't for the fact that you have been hiding here for too long, how could I have captured you, a 19th-level great mage? ." Li said softly, with a somewhat sarcastic look on his face.

Hearing what Li said, Malfurion let out a long breath and said, "It seems you already know everything."

Li Li opened his mouth, and then stuck out his tongue. There was a thumb-sized green crystal on the tip of his tongue. Seeing this crystal, Malfurion couldn't help but widen his eyes. Which crystal was he in? He felt extremely powerful magic power, and he knew very well which magic power was his own. The magic power in his whole body was actually forcibly refined into such a crystal by this young man.

Malfurion didn't know what to say. Was it to express fear or what?

There is only one explanation for Li being able to refine all the magic power in his body into such a crystal. Li has very skilled alchemy skills. This kind of alchemy skills cannot be learned in ordinary schools. In addition, Li has defeated Malfurion felt that his heart was very heavy due to the kind of attack he had shown.

"Who is your teacher?" Malfurion said hoarsely. In fact, he could no longer keep himself calm. He just hoped that Li's teacher was not someone who had a grudge against him and was part of his seclusion here. The reason is that I have too many enemies.

Li looked at Malfurion's expression and shook his head gently, "I can't comment on this, but I can tell you that she has nothing to do with you. You may have heard of his name, but he will never know it. A person like you...maybe aware of this, but at best I can just treat you as a passerby."

Listening to Li's words, Malfurion's heart became even heavier. In fact, there are not many people in this world who can casually regard a 19th-level great mage as a passerby, but there are definitely some. , such as Anxeram among the northern Jedi.

A student from Anxelam? Malfurion's heart moved, "You shouldn't disdain to build a small place like this, right? Then why do you still..."

Listening to Malfurion's words, Li nodded slowly, "It is true that I don't like this kind of place at all, but this is just a transit station. From here, the whole world will be changed, and I will also get Something I want.”

"What do you want?" Malfurion frowned at this moment. He really couldn't imagine what could happen in such a small place. Could it be a world war?

"War! Of course it is war!" Li looked at Malfurion with a smile on his face, but that smile made Malfurion feel a little chilled. "It does mean that mastering this place does not mean anything, but this It represents a status, nobility. Real nobility must have fiefs, right? And I need a reason to stand in front of the ruler of the principality, no matter how ridiculous the reason is, and then, I will Will be forced out of here for some reason, I will find a force on the other side of this continent to help him devour most of the powerful enemies on this continent, and his final opponent is here, this principality! I will One party will win, and eventually this continent will be unified!"

Li's words were not very passionate, but rather like telling a story. Although what Li just said was nothing more than a joke in the ears of most people, to Malfurion's ears it was just a joke. It was like a thunderstorm had exploded. If someone else had said this, he might have thought it was just a dream, but when it came from the mouth of a strong man like Li...

That’s terrifying! Very scary!

Malfurion's expression was ugly. He knew very well how strong a person who could easily defeat a 19th-level Great Mage was, and what such a person could do. ..

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