Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 202: Cannon Burning (3)

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boom! That was the sound of flames igniting. Tyrande's burned clothes suddenly burst into flames. These clothes suddenly erupted into huge flames that were not suitable for them at all, and directly involved Tyrande completely. In the flames.

Tyrande was already dry and still talking. He could no longer endure such torture. In the flames, his skin and flesh began to peel off layer by layer, like an onion being peeled. It was terrifying and terrifying. bloody.

Li slowly moved his neck. He couldn't help it. He had never seen someone like Malfurion. Did he think he wouldn't treat him like this?

Li waved his hand, and the chains binding Tyrande suddenly broke, and then Tyrande's body that could no longer be said to be humanoid fell downwards. Li didn't even look at it, as if it was a piece of garbage. , until Tyrande completely fell into the endless abyss.

Malfurion raised his head and glanced at Li, "Why, don't you think you can threaten me by torturing him? Why don't you continue? Why don't you continue? This is not in line with your character."

Li looked into Malfurion's eyes and sneered, "What? Do you want to anger me? Then kill you directly?"

Before he finished speaking, something seemed to fall from the sky. Malfurion's eyes widened at this moment. It was his son. Tyrande was still wearing his clothes, clean and clean. Any injuries looked like they had just been burned by a cannon.

Li moved his chin slightly, "Come on, see how much your son's soul has been lost under such torture..."

Hearing what Li said, Malfurion couldn't help but froze for a moment. Although he had lost almost all his magic power, his observation ability had not declined. He looked at Tyrande at this time, and Li shot out a cyan light from his hand. , and then a red light reflected from Tyrande's body.

Malfurion opened his mouth wide, as if he couldn't believe what he was seeing. In fact, the soul light revealed by Tyrande was not much incomplete, and of course it was not perfect, because Tyrande was already alive. More than thirty years have passed, and he is not that kind of gentleman. As his father, he naturally knows that this guy has harmed countless girls in the town.

So his soul was originally defective, and what Tyrande shows now is that only that part of his soul is defective. In other words, what he just did did not cause too much damage to Tyrande. If If Li was willing, he could at least practice torture on Tyrande for decades!

However, Malfurion still closed his mouth tightly, he was still not ready to say anything.

Li was furious and smiled, "Why do you think that reaching this level is not enough for you to give in?"

"Don't you understand that some things can't be given up just by talking about them? Even if you want my life, I will never tell this secret... So don't think of using any method to make me reveal my secret. Things you know..."

Li looked into Malfurion's eyes and suddenly laughed, "You know? I just suddenly made a decision... No matter whether I can know your secret or not, I will make you sink into pain forever..."

Li's voice was firm, so firm that Malfurion suddenly felt a little cold.

"Indeed, there are countless traps set up in your spiritual realm, some of which are very tricky... But don't forget, this is in my spiritual space. I only need to set one law. All mental traps are Invalid..." As soon as Li's voice fell, Malfurion's eyes widened involuntarily, "Then why didn't you do this from the beginning!"

Li shook his head slowly, "A 19th-level subordinate is what everyone wants..."

Li opened his mouth, and the magic crystal condensed with level 19 magic power was still on his tongue, but the next moment he violently bit the magic crystal into pieces, and then just like that Swallowing it, in fact, doing this is like trying to squander the magic crystal. Swallowing the magic crystal like this can only absorb 40% to 50% of the magic power. If you are unlucky, the absorption rate can even reach 30%. Less than.

But Li felt that this was a relief. He had already given Malfurion a chance, and more than once. He knew that Malfurion had actually sealed his strength when fighting him, but it didn't matter, even if he could really use it. With nineteen levels of magic power, that was definitely no match for Li.

His desire to become Li's opponent was too arrogant.

Li gently snapped his fingers, and then the whole space trembled, because they heard their only master's order to change the world...

Malfurion suddenly held his head and howled. In fact, when all the traps in the spiritual realm were destroyed, he would also feel extreme pain, extremely painful.

Li didn't really destroy the chain that blocked his memory, because he couldn't interfere with other people's spiritual fields in his own spiritual realm. He just made Malfurion feel that his chain was torn apart here. This will only happen if you believe. This is the basic law of the spiritual world.

The memory chain of Malfurion's mental body here has been torn apart, so he can only unfold all his memories to Li now, without any room for bargaining.

Maybe before, he could discuss the next treatment with Li, but now Li is not prepared to give him any treatment.

Li sang softly, and Malfurion couldn't help but widen his eyes, "Undead magic... you don't

Just to summon undead creatures, you actually mastered undead magic..."

His voice suddenly stopped, and then he stared at Li with wide eyes, and Li suddenly fell to his knees on the ground. This guy was different from Reinhardt who had searched his memories before.

Reinhardt is just a young man, a very young man. ..

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