Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 212 Three Roads

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At this time, although the last sentence of the man was, "Do you think this is good?"

But that face is like if you dare not do this, you will never survive tonight!

When Angel saw his appearance, he looked at each other with Yakir. These two guys were not very kind-hearted, so they immediately jumped out. The two of them started to work together, and immediately put the few who were eating on the table. The big man who laid out the pastries all knocked them to the ground.

As if this was not an exaggeration, they kicked the stomachs of the big men hard. In an instant, these big men all vomited, as if they would not stop until they vomited out their stomachs.

The leader who was so majestic just now also looked dumbfounded at this time, as if he didn't believe that someone would treat him like this. You know, when all the merchants heard the name Wendonghui before, which one? He didn't dare to obey their requests obediently, but at this moment, it seemed that these guys didn't accept this trick at all, and their ruthless attacks were completely beyond his imagination.

His first thought was that these guys knew that he was a member of Wendong Society, so how could they dare to do such a thing?

The second thought was why he was also picked up. When Yakir's slap hit his face, he suddenly realized that these guys didn't take Wen Donghui seriously at all!

When this second thought came up, he received no less than twenty slaps on his face in an instant. Yakir also used a lot of strength at this time. After twenty slaps, the man had no teeth at all. There are only a few left.

Li sighed slightly. This so-called Wendong Society seemed to be another force that wanted to test him.

Sure enough, just after Yakir finished his attack, a cold voice rang out, "What? Are you going to take action after my men made such a small request? Even if they are rude, it's not your turn. Will you teach my subordinates a lesson?"

This person's voice was quite loud, and Li couldn't help but frown. Following this voice, there was an inexplicable wave of magic. A sixteenth-level expert, Li frowned again. Is it really true in this world? Are strong people everywhere?

Level 16 is really not weak to be honest. Being the boss of an underground force, and the boss of an underground force in a principality is already too much.

Li looked at the person who walked in. He was a guy who didn't look very impressive, and he didn't have many muscles on his body, but the magic wave emanating from him was real.

He slowly walked to the center of the hall, not paying attention to the looks of the so-called nobles around him. He said slowly, "I am Wendong, and the people you just beat are my people!"

From what he meant, it seemed as if he wasn't beaten just because his men came to cause trouble.

As he said this, several nobles inexplicably took a step back slowly. In fact, Wen Dong did have an aura on his body, which suppressed these little nobles until they were speechless.

He glanced around, and then a sneer appeared on his face, "My men may not have made it clear just now. I asked them to come this time, but they were actually here for business. It's just that they always like to act like this, which surprised everyone." ”

After Wen Dong said this, the group of nobles couldn't help but start whispering. In fact, Wen Dong was a hard-core person in this royal capital. It was not known what kind of background she had, but no one knew her. Dare to touch him. Now he actually says that he wants to do business. How can others not be surprised?

Yakir said in Li's ear, "This guy is the biggest local snake here. How should we deal with him?"

Li shook his head gently, "It's better not to make it big or not. Let's see what he wants to do first."

When Yin Beier saw that Li was also waiting to see what would happen, he snorted and said, "I don't know what your plans are? I don't know what business you have to discuss with us?"

Wen Dong twisted his wrist and said slowly, "I will give you three ways. The first one is that from now on, all the income in your store will be divided with me. Nine points. I guarantee that you will stay in this city. No one dares to make trouble here."

Yinbel frowned, and several thoughts flashed through his mind. He thought that this guy was a local snake here. If he could really get rid of the intrusion of underground forces, it would be worthwhile. However, he still planned to bargain, "So It sounds interesting, but your 10% profit is a bit high, right?"

Wen Dong's eyes widened when he heard what Yin Beier said, "10%? I said 90%! I'm nine and you're one, are you out of your mind!"

When Yin Beier heard what Wen Dong said, he was stunned for a moment, then a sneer appeared on his face, "Then tell me the other two ways."

Wen Dong sighed slightly, "This road is actually the best to take, but it's a pity... As for the second road, from now on, my brothers will be contracted by you. We Take whatever you need, and the money will be converted into protection fees!"

After saying that, Wen Dong laughed wildly and said, "What do you think?"

"What about the third way?" Li spoke at this moment, looking at Wen Dong with a smile on his face, "What are these three ways?"

Wen Dong glanced sideways at Li, "Didn't my men tell you the third way from the beginning? Of course, no matter which way you choose, the beating my brother just received cannot be in vain. Who did it just now?" I’ll leave an arm for myself, and then let my brother beat him back ten times as it was... and that’s the end of the matter.”

Li sighed

Angry, "It seems you don't know who is behind our scenes..."

Wendong suddenly stamped his foot. In an instant, the whole building felt shaking, and several nobles changed their expressions. They also had some knowledge and understood that in addition to controlling the largest underground force in the royal capital, Wendong also had extremely powerful powers. magic.

"Listen, no matter who of you has a backer, don't even think about opening this store! Otherwise, I will let you have a taste of my power." After saying that, Wen Dong looked at Li with a proud face. ..

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