Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 214: Pretty good looking

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This Wendong looks young but is so powerful. It seems that it is also because he has practiced this kind of forbidden magic. There are many forbidden magics in this world, such as the Arc of Time, the Arc of Manifestation, and the Dragon Slayer Magic. , God-destroying magic.

Some of them are banned because they involve the realm of gods, and some are because they are too powerful. Killing magic is very simple, because this magic will cause great damage to the cultivator himself.

Li looked at Wen Dong's confident look in front of him, and suddenly opened the protection of his spiritual world, and then countless murderous tentacles rushed in towards Li's spiritual world crazily.

Wen Dong's face showed a hint of joy. He had never thought that Li's heart was so fragile and was completely destroyed by him in an instant. Next, he is fully confident that he will completely destroy this guy's mental space, and then show these guys the price of hindering him.

And just after those killing tentacles poured into Li's spiritual world, Wen Dong's expression suddenly changed, because what he felt in Li's heart was not Li's fear, but blood, endless blood, he He widened his eyes and wanted to withdraw from Li's spiritual world, but he could no longer control his power. He felt that he was being pulled towards Li's spiritual world step by step.

He opened his mouth wide, completely ignoring his image at the moment. He was frantically following Li Zheng in a rally that would determine his life and death. Li was looking at Wendong who was struggling crazily with some boredom. After a while, Li suddenly disappeared. Feeling the murderous attraction towards Wen Dong, Wen Dong suddenly took a few steps back. At this time, his face was pale, and when he looked at Li, he seemed to be looking at a monster, "You... who are you? "

"I wonder if you remember the existence of an old man in the mountains?" Li said with a half-smile, as if what he just said was just a joke.

Wen Dong shook his Adam's apple, while the nobles behind him looked confused. Only a few nobles' expressions changed wildly. In fact, the old man in the mountain was not very famous outside, but only among some small circles. There are rumors only in China.

At this time, Wen Dong looked Li up and down, as if looking at a monster, and suddenly turned around and walked outside. As for his three fighting men, they suddenly broke away from the battle circle and followed Wen Dong. Dong Hou left, and then Wen Dong's voice came over fiercely, "What happened today is my fault, but since you are the descendant of the old man in the mountain, then your master's situation will be left to you to solve!"

Li was stunned for a moment, thinking that although the old man in the mountain had some enemies, was there really someone willing to risk his life to solve this situation? Just as Li thought, old Jack did indeed do a lot of great things back then, but to be honest, even if those people had some great power, they would not dare to talk about revenge against old Jack.

After all, Old Jack is a killer. If you don't get rid of him the first time, then no one will be able to sleep peacefully when faced with an attack by a top killer.

After Wen Dong left, the atmosphere in the hall became lively again. It was not as lifeless as before. It seemed that Wen Dong would come to ruin the place, and it did not happen that Wen Dong would come to ruin the place. They didn't say a word about it.

Suddenly there was another sound of horse hoofbeats, as if a group of people had arrived late, but Li's face didn't look very good. A fifteenth-level Wendong just left, and another sixteenth-level guy came. Slowly closing his eyes, he felt that the magic practiced by the other party was not easy to deal with.

Five carriages stopped directly at the door of the Giant God Weapon Manufacturing Factory, with no intention of getting out of the way, as if the door was sealed.

These five carriages are all of ordinary style, black and simple, as if they are the kind of carriages used by some slightly wealthy families. To be honest, people with such financial resources are not qualified to enter such a place.

It's just that the drivers of the five carriages kept everyone here silent at this time. Those people's eyes were very sharp, like sharp needles. It could be seen at a glance that these guys were not semi-military servants who were adventuring outside all year round. Soldiers are people who come out of the army.

Both of these characters are not easy to mess with.

The driver of the carriage in the middle jumped down from the top very neatly, and then opened the door with great respect. As the door opened, a voice rang, "Not bad, not bad, it seems that things can be done here. "

And among the remaining four carriages, three tall men got out each. These men were quite well-dressed. They were all black leather jackets. Although they looked loose, they were not at all. Affects the convenience of close combat. The man who came down from the carriage in the middle was wearing a large white cloak. He was tall, about 1.9 meters tall, but his handsome face proved that he was not a member of the Gaoshan tribe.

He seemed to be only thirty years old, but Li could already feel about sixteen levels of magic power in his body.

This guy is not easy to mess with. Li pinched his forehead. This guy was wearing a white suit and looked like he had just gone on a date.

His hair color is brown and he looks like a foreigner rather than a local. However, his skin does allow some nobles to find some sense of identity. His skin is white, very white, but not that high. This degree of morbid pallor is also a very popular criterion among the nobility to determine whether they are qualified or not.

This man has an inexplicable look in his eyes

The person's face was swept across, as if a cheetah was scanning its prey. After a while, he slowly said, "Not bad, not bad, the person Bradman picked looks pretty good." .

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