Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 216 The World

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Well of Magic, Li slowly closed his eyes and felt the huge magical power contained in the huge pool that was originally just a mouthful of his own saliva.

He sighed slightly and began to conduct an all-round scan of the entire spiritual realm. The result of the scan made him let out a long breath. At this time, a huge giant was actually formed in his spiritual realm. world……

The continent of Azeroth was actually completely formed in Li's spiritual world.

Li slowly called up the system, "What on earth is going on?"

"Well, actually these changes have appeared a long time ago." The sound of the system reached Li's ears very quickly, but Li would not thank the system. If he hadn't come to check in person, who knows what the system would have done to him. What kind of tricks are going on in the spiritual world.

Li frowned, "Aren't you going to explain? What happened in this place? Did I just not pay attention to my spiritual world for a while, and an independent world has appeared here? Don't be kidding! This is mine In the spiritual world, if something strange happens inside, if no one blocks it, how come I can't feel it!"

Li's voice suddenly became serious, "System, listen, I know that what you do cannot betray me, but it doesn't mean that I can allow you to do whatever you want without limit."

The system sighed, "If you put it this way, there is no other way. This is called embodiment. It is an experiment I did."

"Experiment?" Li was stunned for a moment, then shouted, "Why are you conducting experiments in my spiritual world!"

"There is no way, because I have been bound to you, there is no way to enter other people's spiritual world." The system seemed to be very reasonable, it said slowly, "Explain it this way, I started from Mafa Leo's spirit analyzed part of the basic principles of a world, well, to be precise, a large part. So I constructed this world in your world."

"Then what?" Li frowned, "What do you want to do next?"

"Why else? Have you forgotten what you promised to Anxelam?" The system's voice seemed to have become a little more humane, "Do you think you can really crack open the Holy Spirit on her with your own strength?" Tattoo? Even if you can crack it, let me tell you! This world is close to the edge of collapse. Originally, the gaze of the Supreme God brought great damage to this plane, and then the holy pattern on Anxeram The curse is constantly absorbing the power of the origin of this plane. Yes, it seems that the origin of this world can still last for decades before it is completely absorbed by Anxelam, but the problem is that when a life When it weakens to a certain level, it will be difficult for it to maintain its existence.”

Li opened his mouth wide, "Are you saying that this world is actually declining?"

"It's not decline but death!" the system shouted. "Even if you can undo the curse on Anxelam, all Anxelam can do is leave this plane, and the fate of this plane itself is to collapse. It is already doomed, but I need this plane, and I need you to completely master this plane, otherwise all the next plans will be ruined!"

"Then why did you say not to rush and let me take my time?"

"Idiot!" The system seemed a little angry, "So what if you can rule this continent now? Even if you become a son of the plane, as long as we can't find a way to save this plane, then sooner or later this plane will be destroyed. To be destroyed! The reason why I am using the plane laws in Malfurion's memory to restructure the plane is this... to find out the real basic rules of the formation of the plane, and then before the plane completely collapses, we Supplementing his rules..."

"It looks so high-end." Li rolled his eyes, "Okay, you don't have to explain it to me in layman's terms. Just tell me how your experiments are going now."

"Well... this world has collapsed seven thousand three hundred and twenty times..." The system's voice contained some hesitation, "It's been relatively smooth."

"Seven thousand times...collapses?"

"That's right, didn't you say that? The laws in Malfurion's mind are only part of the laws of a plane, and they may not all be correct. As a plane, it is definitely more precise than any so-called precision instrument. More, the lack of laws will naturally lead to the collapse of a plane. Of course, if this law is not used, the plane will naturally continue to develop..." The system said slowly, "When the plane collapses, I will Then go to complete it and see if it will collapse again. When the quantity is no longer a problem, then test whether any of the rules are wrong... As of now, this plane is relatively stable."

"What's attacking my spiritual realm?" Li slowly said, with no intention of giving the system room to evade.

"..." The system said after a moment of silence, "It's an attack."

"Attack?" Li was stunned for a moment, "What kind of attack? Could it be that the people in this plane you created in my spiritual world are attacking me?"

"No, I searched in my memory. This Malfurion should be an NPC that exists in the background of a game called World of Warcraft, right?"

Li nodded slowly, "Yes, and he is also a hero who saves the world."

"Everything that happens in this world has actually been doomed a long time ago. Even if you can travel to the past and change something, it was all done when this world was created.

It is destined..." The system paused, "In other words, if the corresponding laws can be found, then in the background of World of Warcraft, the Dark Titan Sargeras who covets the Well of Magic will also be in this spiritual world. Advent. "

Li opened his mouth wide. He wanted to ask the system, "Have you got water in your body?"...

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