Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 220 The Abyss of Demonic Way

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Hearing what Michelangelo said, Li was slightly stunned for a moment. He had indeed heard the word about the abyss of the devil in Fairy Tail. It was said by the second generation president of Fairy Tail. One word, for which he transformed into Hades, the president of the dark guild Demonic Heart.

In terms of strength alone, Hades's strength is very strong, at least it should be considered a relatively high rank among the Holy Ten Magisters. Since he will fall for the so-called abyss of magic, then there is something to be said for this. Doorway.

However, there is no record of the so-called abyss of magic in the books in the Anxeram Temple. Is this really just Hades's fantasy? This was what Li was thinking at the time, but now Michelangelo mentioned this word again. Although Li wanted to know, he couldn't just rush up and press him against the wall and force him to question him right now, right?

Li sighed slightly, "So what?"

The smile on Michelangelo's face did not diminish, and he said slowly, "Now that you are approaching the abyss of the devil, even if I am stronger than you, it will be difficult to kill you..."

Michelangelo was talking about killing at this time. Looking at Michelangelo's face, he was like his name, full of European sculpture beauty. Although he looked like a noble, his facial features were It is like carving with a knife and an axe, full of sculpture feeling. It's as if he is not a person, but a sculpture.

"Well, you don't need to take action today..." Michelangelo said with a relaxed look. Apart from the person who started to take action, there were four people standing behind him. It seems that this guy is actually ready. The five who attacked the reputation of the Titan Weapon Manufacturing Factory just used one of them, but now he said that there was no need for his men to take action. Li Ke didn't think that he would really give up so willingly. He probably wanted to use More ruthless tricks were used.

Michelangelo stepped forward and gently picked up the iron sword that had been broken down into metal ingots from Li's hand. Li Ye did not stop him, but just looked at him. Since the other party wanted to destroy the place, then All we can do is try to find ways to deal with them.

Michelangelo took a deep breath and flicked the metal ingot in his hand. When he flicked it, the metal ingot suddenly stretched and turned into a long stick of almost 1.6 meters. Several nobles The boy's face was a little ugly at this time. They all thought that the Michelangelo in front of them was just an eighth-level magician, but now it seems that this guy is not only very strong, but also because he can hold up the magician with one hand. It can be seen from a metal ingot... and it must have a lot of magic skills. You know how much strength it takes to directly deform a metal ingot.

At this time, everyone looked at him, as if they were looking at a monster. Not to mention being able to use inertia to shake a metal ingot out of shape, Michelangelo now directly threw the metal ingot into a metal ingot. The long stick was obviously caused by him suppressing his own power!

Li took a deep breath and began to think about what the other party was planning...

Just now, I was saying that the materials here were cut corners, so now I am definitely not saying that the material was bad because it was dumped like this by me, right? If you must say this, just send it for inspection directly.

With a bit of a smile on his face, Michelangelo suddenly waved the long stick in his hand. It was hard to tell that this guy who looked like a nobleman was also very skilled in his skills. It was obvious when he started swinging It was just a set of fighting techniques with a stick, but after waving it for a while, he held one end and turned it into a set of huge sword techniques that opened and closed.

As it waved, strange phenomena appeared in the entire space. Countless lightning flashed in the hall. Li's face turned pale. He could see that this was caused by Michelangelo's magic, but this It's almost no longer magic, but a martial arts away from what I saw before...

You must know that there is no so-called martial arts in this world!

There was a bit of a smile on Michelangelo's face, and the sword in his hand was swung faster and faster. Finally, he stopped suddenly, followed by a sudden roar. After this roar, Michelangelo Ji Luo said slowly, "I'm really sorry. My men took the decision without authorization and destroyed the things in your store. Now I will return them as they were."

At this time, Michelangelo's hands were raised flatly in front of his chest, and in his hands was holding a giant sword. What was that giant sword if it wasn't the iron-cutting sword?

It's just that originally the Iron Zhan sword only released some very basic light effect magic, but now the Thunder Zhan sword repaired by Michelangelo flashes with lightning, and I don't know how much more dazzling it is than the previous one. Li felt quite profound magic fluctuations on it.

The lightning above is not only for others to see, it probably also has a considerable killing effect.

Michelangelo was not a kind person. He restored this sword not for the so-called compensation for the losses here, but because he was saying, didn't you say that manpower was used? Now that I have done this, the sword has become better, and it only took me such a short time. Is the technical content here so low?

Li looked at Michelangelo's smiling face and wanted to punch him, but he still sighed slightly, "Your Excellency, you really have good magic skills..."

Michelangelo understood that Li was showing weakness, and it would be okay if Li didn't show weakness now. In terms of strength, even ten Michelangelos were no match for Li. But the problem was that Li was a strong man and not a juggler. Michelangelo For those few moves Luo played, Li Ye could only barely deal with them.

Just pay it, or if it doesn't work, just fight with real swords and guns. Li is really not afraid of anyone.

"Hahaha, Mr. Ogast, you are flattered. After all, you haven't revealed your trump card yet!"...

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