Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 222: Getting smaller and bigger

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This made Li couldn't help but nod silently. This woman's magic release speed was very fast, and the quality of the magic was very high. However, Li didn't feel the fluctuation when he released the magic. It seemed that this guy was in Aru that day. The source of the fluctuations in the power of time and space emanating from the Palace of the Principality of Barres.

At this time, after the man realized that his attack was not effective, he suddenly swept his leg towards the lower third of the woman in black. The woman in black frowned again and appeared in front of her calf in an instant. The same magic shield. This magic shield looks very simple and similar to the physical defense of ordinary second-level magic, but the effect is indeed very good. At this time, the man made such an attack again, but it was not shaken at all. Can't use this magic shield.

It's just that this person is using wind-type specialization magic, so whether he attacks with his hands or his legs, he will naturally bring a strong wind with him. If this strong wind is used deliberately, it will definitely not be as simple as a cool breeze. It can easily turn into a strong wind capable of killing people!

Although the wind was not able to destroy the magic shield, the air flow suddenly rolled up the clothes of the woman in black. The woman in black was originally wearing a long skirt. After being blown up by such a gust of wind, she fell directly It flew up, revealing his snow-white calves with alluring curves.

I don’t know why everyone’s hearts palpitated when they saw the snow-white calves. As if they saw something fascinating, they all began to stare at the woman in black...

Several nobles couldn't help but swallowed a mouthful of saliva. In fact, they also understood why Bradman had to take this woman in black with him at all times. No one here knew the name of this woman in black, but everyone knew that regardless of Bradman, Wherever Deman goes, he will take this woman with him, as if she is his most precious thing.

If there is such a woman by his side, every nobleman here does not think that he can control himself, and I am afraid that ten years of life will be short.

The woman in black also showed a bit of anger at this time. She gave a light drink, and a jerky magic wave surged in the hall. Then the guy who just showed a bit of pride on his face felt that he It was as if he was being controlled by a big hand. He wanted to struggle but couldn't struggle at all...

Slowly he let out a wail, and then in full view of everyone, he slowly shrank by a circle, and then shrunk by a circle again. In just the blink of an eye, he was a man who was about 1.8 meters tall just now. , actually only one meter tall, the woman in black snorted again...

The man couldn't hold on anymore, and in an instant he turned into a small person only 20 centimeters tall. He looked at the woman in black with a look of horror on her face, and the expressions on the faces of everyone present also changed from fascination to Frightened, as if seeing a monster.

They all stepped back, as if they had seen some monster, and Li raised his eyebrows. He had seen this magic in the Fairy Tail animation, Brandish. Nicknamed Po Guo. Legend has it that there is a powerful magic that can destroy a country in an instant...

Her magic is able to make things smaller or larger at will, resulting in terrifying destructive power, extremely terrifying destructive power...

It's just that obviously this woman in black is not Brandish. Brandish has blond hair that is almost white, and she looks confused. But the woman in black in front of her is obviously like a royal sister.

The woman in front of her, with black clothes and black hair, seemed as cold as an iceberg.

He looked at the guy who had just attacked him, and with a flick of his fingers, he began to grow bigger again. In fact, the woman in black made the man's clothes shrink together with him just now, but now she only Make that person bigger, but the clothes still fit that twenty centimeter figure.

Just in an instant, bursts of tearing sounds became louder. Most of the sounds came from the clothes, and a few sounds came from the person's skin being broken. Of course, this would not lead to death, but it would come with it. The pain was definitely inevitable. With his suppressed wails, he once again became 1.8 meters tall, but there were only a few rags left on his body that could not even cover his shame.

The faces of the people behind Michelangelo showed anger. They didn't want people on the same level as them to be treated so badly. What was the point of them taking action? At this time, they came out one by one. , and rushed directly towards the woman in black.

At this time, Bradman suddenly raised the heavy sword on his back. In an instant, several guys appeared from the crowd, including the guy who had just been severely beaten by the woman in black. They were all inexplicably heavy. A line of blood appeared, and these guys stopped moving at this time. Their faces were very ugly. In fact, they couldn't use even a little bit of magic at this time. When magic flows, it must go through magic. source, but they felt that there was no reaction at all from the magic source.

This also means that they are at least temporarily unable to use magic.

Michelangelo's voice slowly sounded at this time, "Young Master is very majestic. He sealed the magic source of these incompetent men of mine with one move..."

When he spoke like this, most of the people on the field took a breath of cold air. You must know that the men behind him are all at the thirteenth or fourth level. They can defeat four people with one blow without causing any damage to them. What damage only sealed their magic source, so in terms of strength, how strong is Bradman?

Bradman's face showed a bit of disdain

He said, "Michelangelo, your strength was almost the same as mine back then. Why did you end up at this level after not seeing you for two years?"

Michelangelo smiled when he heard Bradman's sarcasm, "Of course I can't compare to you, so carefree..."...

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