Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 228 Different Dimension

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But there is still one thing to do before now. In order to protect the woman in black before, he placed his spirit in a different dimension to hold the woman in black and serve as the coordinate for her return. This kind of opportunity is really rare.

Li slowly closed his eyes and began to try hard to recall the feeling of spiritual connection with the woman in black before, intending to allow his soul to go to another world. If it were other people, there might be no way, but Li had An inseparable spiritual link is Leila.

The pet that is spiritually connected to oneself is completely a stable and indestructible spatial coordinate.

A stable coordinate of another world is an extremely tempting thing for many mages. After all, if there is no stable coordinate, then after entering the time and space rift, you have no idea where you will end up. In the world, if you enter a relatively low-level plane, it will be okay.

If you enter a higher plane, you can only ask for blessings.

I have seen such records in the ancient books in the Anxelam Temple, a space development with ten eighteenth-level mages as the top combat force and more than one hundred seventeenth-level mages as the backbone. The group, through collective leaps and bounds, enters a world with faith as its core.

In that world, the connection between gods and humans was so great that when faced with various crises, gods would directly convey them to humans in the form of oracles. When the pioneering team arrived, what they faced was It was an army of hundreds of thousands. The crazy aborigines wiped out this extremely powerful pioneer group in just a few hours. Only a few surviving mages escaped.

It was also because of that time that the power of traditional magicians in the Fairy Tail world was greatly weakened. After hearing about this incident, Anxelam rushed directly to that world and started a fight. In the end, the opponent's god directly carried out the attack. After the intervention, the two sides fought a terrifying battle, and Anxelam beat three people to death and dragged their bodies back.

Even now, it is still the top collection in the Anxelam Temple.

If Li now wants to enter other planes with his own strength, he must first obtain a stable coordinate. Because of the tragedy of the previous pioneering group, no one in the entire plane is willing to go again. Unknown planes were explored.

But Li now has an extremely stable plane coordinate. If he doesn't let him take advantage of it now, he himself will not forgive himself. Li began to recall the feeling of crossing space every time before. Although he slowly stretched out his hand, as his hand stretched out, the space fluctuated. Although Li was still standing here, in fact, inside His spirit has entered another world.

When entering the time and space rift, Li Ke is not prepared to enter with his body. After all, no one knows what he will encounter in the time and space rift. If he enters with his spirit, then at least there will be some protection, and Li is under the control of the goblin. There are no stable coordinates in the tail plane, and now I can only hope that my body can pull me to a coordinate here.

Li's spiritual body slowly opened his eyes. What appeared in front of him was black, vast and boundless black. Looking at it at a glance, it seemed as if he could never see the edge. And in such black, There were countless lightning flashes, and looking into the distance, countless various objects were passing by in the darkness.

What exists in this space crack is not only the various planes, but also the things that remain after the destruction of each plane. For example, what appeared in front of Li's eyes at this time was a huge body. In this place, people had no so-called reference points to evaluate other things.

For example, this body was actually very far away at first, but when Li looked over, he thought it was just a humanoid body about the same height as a human being. But when this huge body came closer, Li Cai was shocked to find that, This is actually a huge giant over 100 meters tall.

It's just that this giant's body has been extremely dry, and a large amount of flesh and blood has been lost long ago. In terms of value, he has long been of little value. I am afraid that various people who are exploring in the turbulence of time and space have long since put all the flesh and blood on him. Everything of value has been mined out. Such existence is not uncommon in this turbulence of time and space.

Part of it is that after the destruction of the plane, some extremely powerful beings escaped the catastrophe, but lost the support of the plane and were unable to find a new plane to live in, so they slowly died in the turbulence of space. .

The other part is the kind of guys who want to explore various planes, but their fate is bad and they die directly in the turbulence of space.

Li looked at this guy and couldn't help but sigh slowly, hoping that he would not become like this in the future.

It was at this time that Li suddenly felt a terrifying pressure coming down from his head. He quickly looked up and saw that it was an extremely huge rock. No, even the giant rock could no longer describe this. This is a continent, an extremely huge continent.

But this continent just appeared above his head. This was also the legacy after the plane was destroyed. Li could still vaguely feel that this continent once carried countless lives, but now there is only the breath of death on this continent. .

Li took a deep breath and was about to retreat into his body first, but unexpectedly a suction force came over him. Before Li could react, his spirit was completely locked, and then he moved at a terrifying speed.

Flying towards the distance.

Fortunately, because of this suction, Li's spirit escaped the impact of the terrifying giant continent.

Many planes were also destroyed due to such impacts. ..

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