Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 230 Alchemy

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But Leila obviously didn't let Li see this. She gently rubbed a light ball in her hand. It was more like an unknown crystal than a light ball. This crystal looked turbid. But there was a faint purple light shining in Leila's hand, but this light was very weak, which meant that this was the world of the undead. If it were taken to a normal world, it would definitely be affected by the natural light. The reason is that it is nothing more than a stone.

Leila rubbed the crystal for a while, and countless thin lines surged out of the crystal. These thin lines were aimed at the zombie fragments on the ground. Once each thin line was contaminated with those fragments, The fragments will burn crazily in an instant. In less than a moment, the traces left by the zombie on the ground have been completely wiped out, and the crystal in Leila's hand has become purer, and the light has also disappeared. A little more pure.

Leila opened her mouth and seemed to make a blowing motion towards the crystal. Then the crystal turned into a liquid-like existence. Lila opened her mouth wide when she saw Leila's actions. He kept his mouth shut, and in his eyes Leila was nothing more than a skeleton.

Although compared to skeletons, Layla is a little too smart, but that's just a skeleton.

No matter how strong the skeleton is, can it still reach heaven? But at this time, in Li's eyes, Leila was really going to heaven.

Everything Layla showed could no longer be described as so-called magic. This was alchemy. And according to Li’s knowledge, there are two basic rules of alchemy. One is equivalent exchange, and the other is necessity. Find the answer in the circle.

If Layla used the zombie's body to condense this liquid with extremely high energy purity, then where is the circle? Layla glanced at Li, and slowly swallowed the ball of liquid into her skull. In an instant, Layla's soul fire seemed to be stronger, but then Layla took another ball of the same value. The soul fire separated out. This soul fire was in the liquid state just now. Li frowned, not understanding what Layla meant by her actions at this time.

Leila slowly opened her other hand. What was in her hand was a small red ball. This sphere was made of energy. In Li's eyes, it was an extremely vicious control curse.

Leila clenched her fist fiercely, and she crushed the red energy ball as if it had an entity.

Li could almost imagine the pain that the person who unleashed the curse on this zombie was suffering at this moment.

"Leila, who did you learn alchemy from?" Li looked at Leila as if she couldn't believe that the skeleton in front of her was still her pet. After all, Leila in front of her was actually able to separate the physical form of the curse and use it again. Flesh breaks it into pieces.

This can no longer just be said to be just a skeleton. Could it be that Layla is the reincarnation of a lich?

Leila made a silent gesture, and then gently threw the separated soul light on the ground. She waved it gently with both hands, and almost instantly, an inexplicable wave appeared on the ground. surged up, and then countless broken bones quickly revolved around the light of the soul.

An instant later, a jerky wave was generated, and a tall skeleton stood up on the spot. What surprised Rang Li even more was that the soul wave emitted by this skeleton was exactly the same as that of the zombie before.

Li looked at Leila blankly, wanting to say something, but couldn't.

Could it be that some big lich killed Layla and is now pretending to be Layla to tease me?

Layla glanced at Li, and then a mental wave sounded in Li's spirit, "Want to learn?"

Logically speaking, this mental fluctuation should have no tone. After all, it is just a message. Just chatting with you on QQ, you can only see the words. The most information conveyed by mental fluctuations is to let you know what it means, but Li feels that the voice is that of a girl, and she feels like a soft girl.

Layla is a girl?

But what Leila conveyed surprised Li even more. Leila actually asked Li if he wanted to learn, learn! Of course I want to learn it, but this thing shouldn’t require me to kill myself with a sword, right?

Leila's fluctuations came again, but this time, the mental fluctuations actually made Li feel the scenes. The scenes made Li feel very familiar. This was clearly Angel that day. When they appeared just now.

But when Li was surprised, all Layla conveyed to her at this time were close-ups of Angel. Every movement of Angel made Li feel a little surprised, because every time Angel made a move, she first clasped her hands together. ,

Putting your hands together is what is called making a circle.

This Angel is indeed refining, but what she uses is not some strange magic, but the alchemy that many magicians have begun to abandon. However, it seems that the alchemy she uses is very different from the decent alchemy. .

Alchemy emphasizes equivalent exchange, and there is another point. Alchemy must not be used on the human body.

But every time Angel moved at this time, Li felt a chill. Every time Angel used alchemy, the breath of life in her body would lose one point.

This guy is clearly sacrificing himself!

Li looked at Leila. Comparing Leila now with the beginning, it is true that the light of her soul was a little weaker, but this was only a small amount.

A little bit weak, even to the point where people can't even notice it.

But it's a bit exaggerated to be able to achieve this level by sacrificing one's life, right?

Leila opened her mouth, but she didn't make any sound, but a wave flashed through Li's mind, and Li's eyes suddenly widened, "Isn't it possible?"...

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