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Alice! Li's heart was shocked!

The name Alice makes Li feel happy. Who is Alice?

She is a very important figure in Dungeons and Warriors, but I didn't expect that she would have sneaked into such a high position in the Anxelam Cult here.

If you calculate it, in this Anxelam Divine Cult, a red archbishop is definitely inferior to one person and superior to tens of thousands of people.

It seems that the Terran world is really proactive. It is very rare for such infiltration not to turn the world upside down.

Of course, Lanciat didn't notice Li's mood fluctuation at this time. Even if he did, he would at most think that Li was excited by the surprise that he was about to enter the Anxelam Cult.

"But..." Lanciat stopped suddenly. Several guys were well aware of what was said. Angel immediately stepped forward and handed over another bag.

The bag at the beginning only contained 200 extremely pure gold coins. These gold coins were completely different from the gold coins circulating outside. The other gold coins were at most alloys, and the value of these 200 gold coins was estimated to be equivalent to 5,000 ordinary gold coins. Gold coins.

Naturally, Lanciat also knew the goods, and was very satisfied. Now the bag Angel handed over contained not gold coins, but a few pieces of fine gold.

Lanciat held it in his hand and it sank. He gently opened a corner and took a look. He burst into laughter. This fine gold did not mean pure gold.

This fine gold is not condensed with gold, but with mithril. High-purity condensed mithril is then condensed with extremely high-temperature flame magic. Mithril cannot withstand such high temperatures and then vaporizes. , the last bit of golden residue left behind is pure gold.

When this fine gold is added to an ordinary weapon, it can immediately turn the weapon into a magical weapon. Not to mention cross-level combat, there is definitely no problem in cutting iron like mud.

In terms of national policy, this is a strategic level material that must not be released externally, but on the black market, such a few pieces of fine gold can be sold for nearly 70,000 to 80,000 gold coins.

Lanciat glanced at everyone, "You are really willing to put in the effort. Is this really for me?"

Hearing Lansiart say this, Yakir also had a smile on his face, "This is our little contribution to the Great God Anxelam. Although it is not worth mentioning, it is also our sincerity."

Lanciat sighed, and then said, "When you saw my small house, and then saw my housekeeper, did you feel that I was very poor, so poor that even these 70,000 or 80,000 gold coins could be considered a huge sum of money? To what extent?"

The four of them were stunned, and Li sighed slightly. This house was indeed very shabby, but the housekeeper was not a shabby guy. Who would say that a sixteenth-level strongman was a shabby guy? That was really it. My brain is twitching.

But the other three people naturally didn't understand what Lansiatt meant. In their eyes, this house was shabby and the housekeeper was also very wretched. But they couldn't just cater to Lansiatt and say, yes, yes. , you are so poor, this money should be quite a lot, right?

However, Lanciat seemed to be talking to himself, but he didn't say anything more and instead said, "Hey, to be honest, this money is indeed a huge amount of money for me. Not to mention other things, my little house has a lot of money every year. The cost is only seven or eight thousand gold coins. As for my strength? Hey, it's not worth mentioning. I guess any one of you little guys can knock me down. And I have seen it very clearly now. The rest of the world is dominated by young people. I am too lazy to climb up and don’t want to fall down from this position, so I have no ambition and am content. Just take these few pieces of fine gold back."

Hearing what Lanciat said, Yinbel couldn't help but quickly persuaded him. After all, in his eyes, this was probably what Lanciat wanted to shirk. However, Lanciat shook his hand slowly, "Don't worry about it. It's not that I don't want to help you. I'll accept this gold coin and I will definitely help you handle the matter. Just wait for the news."

The four of them looked at each other, but there was no other way. However, Lansiatt slammed the table, which startled everyone. They thought he was going to make an attack, but unexpectedly, Lansiatt said, " Oops, if you didn’t tell me, I would have forgotten that Cardinal Alice recently wanted to order a robe!"

Everyone couldn't help but feel happy when they heard what Lance Yat said. After all, the Giant God Weapon Manufacturing Facility has a pretty good reputation outside of it. At least there are probably not many people in Badria City who don't know about the Giant God Weapon Manufacturing Facility. indivual.

Now that there is such an opportunity, everyone is overjoyed.

Lanciat glanced at everyone, "You must know that I am not the only bishop in this diocese. There are two other bishops under Alice, and the other two bishops are both young. And it’s also very practical. Of course I can’t compare to it, but with you here, I have some confidence. Those two people have already made preparations. As for me, because there has never been a suitable candidate, I have not done this. matter."

After hearing Lansi Yat say this, everyone also expressed that they would definitely do a good job in this matter.

Lanciat knocked on the armrest of the chair and sighed, "But, there is still a problem."

Everyone looked at each other and didn't know what Lanciat's relationship was. Lanciart said softly, "You have to know that Alice, the red archbishop, is very incorruptible, unlike me who is greedy for bribes. Character, Cannon is afraid that the Red Archbishop will give you about 10,000 gold coins at most. Of course, if you like it,

If so, then some may be added, but not much. "

Yinbel quickly expressed his understanding. Lanciat made it so clear that everyone would be really idiots if they didn't know his plan.

At least at this time, in front of Li, problems that could be solved with money were not considered problems. At least it's not a big deal. ..

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