Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 247 Interception

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"The Golden Dragon Mercenary Group manages four cities in total. There are about ten thousand mercenaries stationed in Moduna. Of course, this number is not accurate. If there are any tasks nearby, they will be dispatched at any time. , so generally speaking, the permanent personnel are about six to seven thousand, of which there are about three thousand cavalry infantry, three thousand cavalry, three thousand infantry, and one thousand guard troops." David seemed to be shaking his head at this time. Based on his own knowledge, he had something to say in response to Angel's question.

"War cavalry infantry? What is that?" Val interrupted at this time and asked.

"If we talk about this, the cavalry infantry may be the most annoying thing for knights. The cavalry infantry created by the Golden Dragon Mercenary Group are all equipped with full-body heavy armor. These heavy armors are extremely strong and even make it difficult to move. Generally speaking, they are all dressed in ordinary clothes. Now when it comes to the other half of the clothes, everyone will be equipped with a heavy tower shield of about one hundred kilograms. The three thousand infantry here are generally used to assist the three thousand war cavalry. Infantry. During the battle, every three to five dragonlance soldiers carried a heavy war lance... With such a weight and such a weapon, everyone understood that this team actually fought against the cavalry. " David replied with a smile.

Li exhaled slowly. The significance of this Moduna now investing in such a unit is self-evident. You must know that Badria's main military force is all cavalry.

However, Angel asked directly without any worries: "So, it seems that the Principality of Acatria is ready to go to war against the Southern Alliance?"

David smiled and then replied: "It seems that this is not the case. According to my observation, most people in the Principality of Acatria are very peace-loving. Now it seems that the situation in front of us is that of the Southern Alliance The calls for war against the Principality of Acatria are getting louder and louder, so hasn’t the Principality of Acatria strengthened its war preparations? Besides, this is just for defense now."

Yakir frowned and said: "But why do I think the military strength of the Principality of Acatria is stronger than that of the Southern York Alliance? There are so many troops piled up in such a big place! This is no longer a principality. Is it up to par? And in terms of elites, this place is not a bargain at all. I remember that the Southern Alliance seems to have only a few hundred thousand troops in total, and that's even including the light infantry. ." He scratched his head and continued: "When we were in Badria City, why did those nobles seem to say that we, the Southern Alliance, could easily destroy the Principality of Acatria?"

Angel's eyes were a little dim and he sighed slowly: "This started from twenty years ago. At that time, the Grand Duke of the Principality of Acatria thought that his country was internally stable, and at that time his army, that is, Acatria The Black Vortex Regiment of the regular army of the Principality of Catria was already one of the most powerful armies on the entire continent, so they directly led an army of 50,000 to fight against the alliance. However, it was very tragic to meet the Archduke Arubares at that time. Although that time At that time, Grand Duke Arubares was just a small viscount, and the territory he owned was only the size of the current Badria City. However, at that time, Grand Duke Arubares already had his own army. At that time, he traveled around and made quite a few friends. It was at that time that he fought with 10,000 knights waiting for work against the 50,000 black vortex group who dared to come. At that time, he won four battles extremely smoothly. In addition, at that time The Principality of Acatria did not support this kind of aggressive war, so the Principality of Acatria had to withdraw its troops. Later, although the Grand Duke of Acatria was unwilling to do so, he invaded the Southern Treaty Alliance several times, but due to internal reasons, they were all Returned in disastrous defeat.”

Li opened his mouth, "Could it be that if these were placed within the alliance, they would become..."

Angel smiled bitterly, "That's right. When these battle reports were passed back to the dynasty, it directly became that our alliance took the initiative to send troops and beat the Principality of Acatria unable to fight back. After so many years, slowly, the so-called rumors It became the truth. Even people who originally knew the truth gradually believed that the rumor was the truth. My father and the great nobles all thought that the Principality of Acatria could be defeated in one battle. But they No one has thought carefully about why the Grand Duke of Arubares strongly opposed the war with the Principality of Acatria. But now, the Grand Duke of Arubares..."

The convoy moved slowly along like this.

Soon Moduna's side had discovered this huge convoy, and there was a commotion among the soldiers above the city.

Less than a moment later, the city gate of Moduna opened wide, and a small group of knights galloped towards the convoy. Although they were far away, a young knight in the lead started to shout loudly: "Which chamber of commerce's convoy are you from? I am Illidan, captain of the knight squad of the 'Golden Dragon' mercenary regiment! Now we need to inspect the convoy!" "

An old man from the Rhine Chamber of Commerce rushed forward and said loudly: "This is the convoy of the Rhine Chamber of Commerce! We have just returned from the Southern Alliance! How are you, Lord of Stormwind City? On behalf of Elder David, I extend my most sincere blessings to the Lord of Stormwind City. !”

This Illidan looked very handsome, and he was definitely the dream lover of many girls. At this time, he was surprised when he heard the old man say this. When approaching the convoy, he jumped off his horse and said to the old man: "Is this really the convoy of the Rhine Chamber of Commerce? Lord David is here now?"

David rode out directly at this time and said kindly: "Young knight, I am David. The 'Golden Dragon' mercenary group and the Rhine Chamber of Commerce have a friendship that lasts more than a hundred years. Since when did the 'Golden Dragon' mercenary group and the Rhine Chamber of Commerce begin? The dragon mercenaries have already started not to recognize their friends?"

Illidan couldn't help feeling a little ashamed at this time. He didn't dare to look directly at David.

Said slowly, "Lord David, I didn't mean to offend. In fact, I have just joined the 'Golden Dragon' mercenary for less than half a year, and many things are not very clear. Please forgive me for my ignorance."...

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