Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 251: Teasing

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At the end of the day, David made it clear that because the most distinguished guest of the Rhine Chamber of Commerce was insulted, he did not want to enter Moduna anymore, so he could only refuse the kindness of the Lord of Stormwind City.

Then the messenger immediately swore that he would repair Illidan who didn't know etiquette properly when he returned.

Later, Yakir asked Li in confusion: "This old guy usually seems very amiable, why is he so unyielding this time? I see that little knight, his name is Illidan? I feel It’s still pretty good!”

But Yinbel couldn't say anything, so he could only ask David quietly.

David smiled and explained that no one wanted to have such a powerful neighbor sleeping next to him. This golden dragon was already the largest mercenary group, but now it trains mercenaries in the regular knight way. Judging from today's situation, it is definitely a remarkable achievement.

It will definitely become stronger in the future. This Illidan is obviously their role model. This time I insisted on refusing to forgive Illidan, in fact, just to let the golden dragon punish him. And this kind of punishment, although it cannot be said to be a severe punishment, will definitely set an example to the young golden dragon mercenaries, so that they will understand that sticking to the knight's faith will not end well.

In this way, David unknowingly led the young mercenaries of the Golden Dragon Group astray.

Then David sighed, "Of course, this is just my wishful thinking. The real way is to train soldiers who are more powerful than the golden dragon mercenaries!"

Li couldn't help but laugh along with him a few times, but he still had a question in his mind. You know that the Rhine Chamber of Commerce is just a chamber of commerce, so why should it regard the Golden Dragon Mercenary Group as its opponent? Of course, Li Ya knew that he couldn't ask anything, so he didn't ask again.

But on the other side, Li Ke was miserable. Along the way, An Qier used more and more methods to torture Li, not to mention constantly new tricks. This little goblin inexplicably likes to torture Li psychologically. Now he actually starts to ask what kind of relationship Li and Leila have. At the beginning, Li didn't have any countermeasures at all. Later, he could only make it up to Angel. listen.

At this point, Li only regrets that he didn’t seriously read those great educational books back then, and now he is really at a loss for words.

But Arthur's face on the other side was getting more and more ugly, but the others had expressions of indifference, pretending they didn't see anything.

Although these guys don't say anything right now, that doesn't mean they won't say it forever.

The reason why they don't say anything now is because they have all seen it and understand what happened, but it is not certain what they will say in front of others and what will happen after a period of time. You have to know that there is no such thing in this world. The airtight wall, with so many people present now, sooner or later this matter will become known to everyone. You must know that rumors are something that, no matter how innocent you are, will definitely be spread beyond recognition in the end.

What's more, Ogast's reputation has never been very good. Greed for money and lust have become his label.

If this continues, no matter how wise Bradman is, these rumors may not be able to affect him, but it is possible that he will be hacked to death for his own reputation and his life. What's even more worrying is that there is another Dimar. This guy has absolutely no arrogance, and his abilities give Li a huge headache. From now on, as long as An Qier makes an ambiguous expression, Li will have no choice but to be obedient. However, this Angel has not taken any action to the point of death, which makes Li Anxin feel a little more at ease.

As for the other guys in Yakir, they turned a blind eye to Li's situation.

But it's not that these guys have no loyalty and don't want to help Li, it's just that they don't dare to help. Yin Beier wanted to rescue Li Yiyi a few days ago out of loyalty and came up to talk to him. As a result, Angel used magic to lock him into a carriage, and he was not released until three hours later. Yinbel, on the other hand, was dressed in ragged clothes, as if he had been involved in a battle with some ferocious beast.

At that time, Imber was a little confused. When he looked at Angel, his eyes were full of fear. According to him, the carriage was basically a crack in another dimension. After entering, there were countless beasts inside. He just fought to the death. After fighting, he barely managed to ensure that he could come back alive.

Later, Angel directly brought Li into the carriage. Li also wanted to vomit blood and brought Li directly into the carriage. In the eyes of the people outside, it was probably okay, and it seemed that there was something wrong, but Angel seemed to be He didn't care at all. His car didn't look very spacious on the outside, but inside it was the size of a villa. Everything was very complete. It even had a two-story building, including a bathroom.

Li felt it for a while, and found that this place had indeed been cast with a powerful space magic. In fact, these ten carriages did not need to all go together. As long as this carriage moved, it would be fine, because the rooms in this carriage were actually connected. with nine other carriages.

Not to mention other things, these ten carriages are actually a priceless treasure.

Next to Angel's laboratory, the door was always closed. Only once, when she came out of the laboratory, Li only glanced lightly and saw various magical lights shining inside.

Now every time in the dead of night, Angel would directly send someone to bring Li into the carriage, and then subject him to all kinds of mental torture.

I'm already tired of this Angel now

It was incomparable, and all this broke out on this day. This time, Li had no intention of being patient at all, and rushed towards Angel. Angel, on the other hand, had no idea that Li would actually dare to attack her.

Things happened so fast that Angel's magic was not even ready, and Li had already rushed within ten centimeters. ..

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