Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 267 Chase and Trap

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These highlander warriors had to admire these adventurers for being able to escape so quickly in this forest. Just like this, they chased and escaped, covering seven or eight kilometers in the blink of an eye. When they chased them to an open space, they found that the adventurers just now were looking at them with mocking faces.

Then with a shout, the adventurers who had just been ambushing rushed out of the forest. At a glance, there were no less than a hundred people in front of them, and there was even a magician among them! The people in the highlands immediately understood that their current situation was very bad. Everyone knows that the talent of the Highlanders in magic is extremely bad. It is difficult for Highlander wizards to compete with human magicians of the same level. Moreover, most wizards practice auxiliary magic to protect and enhance the combat effectiveness of warriors.

"Aha! Highlanders are Highlanders, with small bodies and small brains! There are more than thirty strong Highlanders. It seems that we have gained a good harvest this time. After catching you, we can close the team, and there is no need to wait for you. In this dying place!" One person said with a wild laugh.

The highlander leader did not issue any threatening words at this time but gave an order, ordering the highlanders to form a circle, with the warriors outside and the long-range attackers in the middle.

He yelled loudly and angrily: "You despicable humans, insidious golden dragon mercenaries! The descendants of the great Hellscream will only die in battle, and no one will be willing to become a slave. Just come and give it a try, I will definitely You'll pay for your stupidity with twice as many corpses!"

"Really? The stubbornness of you Highlanders is inversely proportional to the brains of idiots. Recognizing our identities is your most stupid performance! Although I am reluctant to kill you, after all, every Highlander is equal to a large number of Gold coins! But I don’t mind any small damage to my property. For example, I can roast you and feed you to the monsters.”

"Vote for me!" The leader of the Highlanders suddenly roared.

The human adventurers were startled by the sudden roar. Then light flashed in front of everyone's eyes, and more than a dozen throwing axes flew toward them whistling.

The leading adventurer also showed amazing magic skills at this time. After a few flashes of fire, he knocked several of the flying axes away, but a few of them still hit his body, and it seemed that his injuries were not serious. . Before he could recover, the second wave of axes flew towards him again.

It seemed that the other party's hatred towards him was extremely high.

He was also feeling bitter at this time, thinking that he had finally played the role of a big shot, but he never expected to be treated like this.

At this time, these adventurers also reacted and went directly to surround and kill, and everyone suddenly fell into a melee.

As expected, these highlanders were extremely brave. The warriors on the outer circle showed no sign of retreating at all, while the ax throwers in the inner circle also moved extremely uniformly. Their strength was even stronger after the bloodthirsty spell was applied to their bodies. Almost every time he takes a shot, an adventurer is hit.

The battle couldn't help but become extremely stalemate, and the battle losses reached a level of one to two.

At this time, in a hidden camp in the forest, Caesar, Li, and David were looking attentively at a crystal ball on the ground. The battle scene was clearly reflected in the crystal ball.

"I didn't expect Arthur to be so embarrassed!" Yinbel was somewhat gloating.

Li frowned and said: "These Highlanders are stronger than originally expected! Even one of the knights of the Bradman Knights died in the battle. And based on this calculation, our personnel losses are quite large!"

David said calmly: "It doesn't matter, as long as everything goes according to plan, the losses before us are worth accepting."

The commander on the battlefield, Arthur, finally became cruel and shouted: "Kill them all for me!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the magician had already dropped a fireball in the center of the Highlanders' battle circle. The four or five Highlanders ax throwers howled miserably with their bodies burning, and then slowly fell down.

Not long after, a second large fireball flew over, and then four or five Highlander warriors fell down forever. The rest of the highlanders were affected and were more or less injured. According to reports, the Highlander warrior leader was extremely angry at this time, but he was helpless. After all, he didn't have any long-range means, so he couldn't throw his ax over.

At this time, the originally stalemate battle began to become one-sided because of the magician's advantage.

But suddenly there was a commotion on the outside of the adventurer's circle, and someone began to shout loudly, "Oh no! A large group of Highlanders are coming to kill us!"

Arthur deliberately raised his voice and shouted: "How many people are there over there?"

"At least two hundred people! Boss, let's retreat quickly!"

When Arthur heard this, his expression changed, he made a decisive decision, and shouted: "Now we retreat immediately! Magician, set the wall on fire!"

Although the magician seems to be a professional magician, the magic he practices is pure flame offensive magic, and he seems to have mastered several traditional magics.

Amid the chanting, three walls of fire spread across the forest, finally blocking the pursuit of the Highlanders.

The Highlander Wang Yijiafu was standing in front of the wall of fire and smiled contemptuously. At this time, he was wearing dark golden full-body armor, and streaks of dark red lightning could not help but emerge from the armor. At this time, he was riding a huge lizard with flames all over its body. This lizard was obviously of dragon origin. It was four meters long from head to tail, and its entire body glowed dark purple. It seems to be a top-notch monster.

At this time, the Highlander Wang Yijiafu was holding a simple war hammer with a faint red light on it.

"You still want to play magic in front of me?" Highlander Wang Yijiafu couldn't help but shouted, and then raised the warhammer in his hand, and the wall of fire immediately dimmed, and then quickly extinguished.

"Chase me!" Highlander Wang Yijiafu yelled and led his men in pursuit. ..

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