Naruto Dimensional System

Chapter 275 Strangeness and Betrayal

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In fact, if there are dead bodies in the camp at this time, or if these guys have been turned into balls of flesh by some life-catalyzing magic, then neither Li nor Arthur will be surprised, but at this time these knights They were all fine, standing there as if nothing was wrong, but at this time their eyes were a little dull, as if they were frightened.

Arthur let out a long breath, "I don't know what that was just now, but is everyone okay?"

As he said this, Arthur walked towards the nearest knight, wanting to see his condition, but at this moment Li felt a trace of murderous aura. This murderous aura was emanating from that knight. Li was slightly stunned. Could it be that It's mind control, isn't it? Is it such a large-scale mind control?

The knight suddenly raised the war gun from his hand, and the war gun in his hand was directly pressed against Arthur's throat, "Captain Arthur! How can you not believe in Titans!"

As soon as these words came out, the knights stood up suddenly as if they had been stimulated by something, and raised their weapons high, "Captain Arthur, how can you not believe in Titans!"

Li and Arthur both had their mouths opened at this time, as if they didn't believe what they were seeing.

Arthur didn't believe that his companion would actually raise a weapon towards him, while Li couldn't help but touch his storage space, where lay the Titan Key, which was called the Titan Key. The books contain a large amount of the Titan's power of faith. But at this time, these people were actually shouting Titan. Could it be that Titan had been summoned by someone else?

The knight who attacked Arthur shouted at this time, "That guy Bradman doesn't believe in the Titans and still wants to rule us! It's simply wishful thinking!"

Following his voice, the knights also shouted, "Yes, it's just wishful thinking!"

"And Arthur! You actually join him in not believing in Lord Titan. Now we give you a chance to be loyal to Lord Titan!" The knight yelled, "Then order Bradman to also serve Lord Titan. Be loyal!”

Li watched this scene and slowly exhaled, "Refining!"

He suddenly thought of what was going on, and what was going on with the Titan...

This is ff14! Ff14 is Final Fantasy XIV. It is also a game series that is very popular on the earth. Final Fantasy is actually based on crystal and ether as its core. In Final Fantasy XIV, there is a kind of beast called the Barbarian God. creature.

The Barbarian God has extremely powerful power, but he does not have a body of his own, so his believers need to sacrifice a large number of crystals to shape his body, and then use the powerful power of faith to summon him to this world.

The more believers these barbarian gods have, the stronger their direct strength will be, and they have a unified performance, that is, they can quickly turn people with relatively low strength into their own believers.

The system's voice suddenly rang, "I didn't expect that such a thing would appear in this world!"

Li was stunned for a moment, "System! Is there any way? What to do with these people...!"

At this time, Izaya didn't know what to say. If these guys are refined, they will become complete enemies. Although they still recognize Arthur at this time and can talk to Arthur well, they will refine their savagery. God is the first center, and all beings who violate the will of the barbarian god are their enemies!

Li remembered that in the plot of Final Fantasy XIV, all those who were refined by the Barbarian God would be killed directly by their companions. At this time, Li was already ready to take action.

"You come to refine them!" The system said slowly at this time, which made Li stunned for a moment. Refining them? Is the system kidding itself?

"Please, I don't know how!" Li yelled, but the system slowly said, "Now you have 100,000 points after this period of time."

Li was stunned for a moment. In fact, because he had no communication with the system during this period, he had no contact at all with points redemption. This also resulted in that although he did not work hard to earn points, because he had no consumption channels, I also have over 100,000 points on my body.

The system continued, "Consume one hundred thousand points to redeem the refined method."

Li was stunned for a moment, then a light flashed in his eyes, isn't this a huge profit? Li Ke remembered that as long as those barbarian gods refine people, their strength will increase. Calculating this, if he keeps refining those civilians, then he will continue to become stronger...

Li immediately responded, "Exchange now!"

Following his voice, a voice came into his mind, "Feel, listen, think..."

He opened his eyes suddenly, and then frowned involuntarily. Is it that simple? Li inexplicably felt that he had been tricked by the system again, but when he looked at the knights, he was gearing up again. He immediately radiated the power in his body, and then the huge power directly enveloped these guys. stand up.

Then this voice came from the hearts of these people, "Feel, listen, think."

The confusion in their eyes slowly disappeared, and when they looked at Xiang Li again, their eyes had become fanatical.

The man who originally pointed the gun at Arthur suddenly knelt down towards Li, "My king, I wonder if you have any needs?" Arthur, who originally had a strong opinion of Li, also looked sincere at this time. With a sincere look, "King, the previous

I have offended many times, and please forgive me for what I have done. "

Li opened his mouth and seemed not to believe what he was seeing. Isn't this too useful? Just like that, I gained a group of die-hard fans? But then he wanted to vomit blood... Wait, his strength has not increased!

Li Zheng wanted to tell the system that there was a quality problem with the goods and I wanted a refund.

The system sighed, "Please, think about why you exist."...

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